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Оновлено 1 місяць тому

Scripts for redmine project https://redmine.cjvt.si/projects/xml-schemas and its subprojects.

Оновлено 2 місяці тому

Plugin system for editors in lexonomy

Оновлено 4 місяці тому

Pipeline which combines scripts and resources from other repositories to parse strings and assign them to standard CJVT structures, creating new structures if necessary.

Оновлено 6 місяці тому

Conversions scripts and resources between established formats etc.

Оновлено 6 місяці тому

Оновлено 7 місяці тому

Оновлено 8 місяці тому

Оновлено 1 рік тому

As per redmine#687

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Оновлено 1 рік тому

Contains the tool for viewing valency frames and adding user-defined senses to underlying sentences.

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Make this unified some day, just need some instructions on how that should be done...

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xsl and css for KSSS-2500 meniji on lexonomy.

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Contains the tool for viewing valency frames and adding user-defined senses to underlying sentences.

Оновлено 1 рік тому

Used in cjvt-valency as a submodule. Reads SSJ500k.xml file and Kres F00...xml files. Creates a python generator that outputs sentences as python dictionaries. Also has a method to output the data into .json files.

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