Refactoring representations. Now muuuuch nicer code, not yet working though :)

Added: multiple representations per component id
This commit is contained in:
Ozbolt Menegatti 2019-05-30 11:34:31 +02:00
parent 307007218d
commit bfd4d4a747

View File

@ -126,19 +126,6 @@ class RestrictionType(Enum):
Lexis = 1
MatchAll = 2
class Rendition(Enum):
Lemma = 0
WordForm = 1
Lexis = 2
Unknown = 3
class WordFormSelection(Enum):
All = 0
Msd = 1
Agreement = 2
Any = 3
class Order(Enum):
FromTo = 0
ToFrom = 1
@ -171,14 +158,163 @@ class Order(Enum):
raise NotImplementedError("Should not be here: Order match")
class ComponentRepresentation:
def __init__(self, data, word_renderer): = data
self.word_renderer = word_renderer
self.words = []
self.rendition_text = None
self.agreement = None
def get_agreement(self):
return None
def add_word(self, word):
def render(self):
if self.rendition_text is None:
self.rendition_text = self._render()
def rendition(self):
return "" if self.rendition_text is None else self.rendition_text
def _render(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for class: {}".format(type(self)))
class LemmaCR(ComponentRepresentation):
def _render(self):
return self.words[0].lemma if len(self.words) > 0 else None
class LexisCR(ComponentRepresentation):
def _render(self):
class WordFormAllCR(ComponentRepresentation):
def _render(self):
txt = "/".join(set([w.text for w in set(self.words)])) if len(self.words) > 0 else None
return txt
class WordFormAnyCR(ComponentRepresentation):
def _render(self):
text_forms = {}
msd_lemma_txt_triplets = Counter([(, w.lemma, w.text) for w in self.words])
for (msd, lemma, text), _n in reversed(msd_lemma_txt_triplets.most_common()):
text_forms[(msd, lemma)] = text
words_counter = []
for word in self.words:
words_counter.append((, word.lemma))
sorted_words = sorted(set(words_counter), key=words_counter.count)
for word_msd, word_lemma in sorted_words:
if self.agreement is not None:
if self.agreement.match(word_msd):
if word_lemma is None:
return None
return text_forms[(word_msd, word_lemma)]
class WordFormMsdCR(WordFormAnyCR):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.backup_word = None
def check_msd(self, word):
selectors =
for key, value in selectors.items():
t =[0]
v = TAGSET[t].index(key.lower())
f1 =[v + 1]
f2 = CODES[value]
if '-' not in [f1, f2] and f1 != f2:
return False
return True
def add_word(self, word):
if self.backup_word is None:
msd = self.word_renderer.get_lemma_msd(word.lemma,
WordLemma = namedtuple('WordLemmaOnly', 'msd most_frequent_text lemma text')
self.backup_word = WordLemma(msd=msd, most_frequent_text=lambda *x: None, lemma=None, text=None)
if self.check_msd(word):
def _render(self):
return super()._render()
class WordFormAgreementCR(ComponentRepresentation):
def __init__(self, data, word_renderer):
super().__init__(data, word_renderer)
self.agree_with, =
def get_agreement(self):
return self.agree_with
def match(self, word_msd):
word_category = self.words[0].msd[0]
word_lemma = self.words[0].lemma
agreements =
existing = [(, w.text) for w in self.words]
for candidate_msd, candidate_text in self.word_renderer.available_words(word_lemma, existing):
if word_category != candidate_msd[0]:
if WordFormAgreementCR.check_agreement(word_msd, candidate_msd, agreements):
self.rendition_text = candidate_text
return True
return False
def check_agreement(msd1, msd2, agreements):
for agr_case in agreements:
t1 = msd1[0]
# if not in msd, some strange msd was tries, skipping...
if agr_case not in TAGSET[t1]:
logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd1))
return False
v1 = TAGSET[t1].index(agr_case)
# if none specified: nedolocnik, always agrees
if v1 + 1 >= len(msd1):
# first is uppercase, not in TAGSET
m1 = msd1[v1 + 1]
# REPEAT (not DRY!)
t2 = msd2[0]
if agr_case not in TAGSET[t2]:
logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd2))
return False
v2 = TAGSET[t2].index(agr_case)
if v2 + 1 >= len(msd2):
m2 = msd2[v2 + 1]
# match!
if '-' not in [m1, m2] and m1 != m2:
return False
return True
def render(self):
class ComponentRendition:
def __init__(self):
self.more = None
self.rendition = Rendition.Unknown
def _set_rendition(self, r):
assert(self.rendition is Rendition.Unknown)
self.rendition = r
self.representation_factory = ComponentRepresentation
def _set_more(self, m):
self.more = m
@ -186,190 +322,205 @@ class ComponentRendition:
def add_feature(self, feature):
if 'rendition' in feature:
if feature['rendition'] == "lemma":
self.representation_factory = LemmaCR
elif feature['rendition'] == "word_form":
self._set_more((WordFormSelection.Any, None))
# just by default, changes with selection
self.representation_factory = WordFormAnyCR
elif feature['rendition'] == "lexis":
self.representation_factory = LexisCR
self.mor = feature['string']
raise NotImplementedError("Representation rendition: {}".format(feature))
elif 'selection' in feature:
if feature['selection'] == "msd":
selectors = {k: v for k, v in feature.items() if k != 'selection'}
self._set_more((WordFormSelection.Msd, selectors))
self.representation_factory = WordFormMsdCR
self.more = {k: v for k, v in feature.items() if k != 'selection'}
elif feature['selection'] == "all":
self._set_more((WordFormSelection.All, None))
self.representation_factory = WordFormAllCR
elif feature['selection'] == 'agreement':
assert(feature['head'][:4] == 'cid_')
assert(feature['msd'] is not None)
(feature['head'][4:], feature['msd'].split('+'))))
self.representation_factory = WordFormAgreementCR
self.more = (feature['head'][4:], feature['msd'].split('+'))
raise NotImplementedError("Representation selection: {}".format(feature))
return None
def isit(self, rendition):
return self.rendition is rendition
def cr_instance(self, word_renderer):
return self.representation_factory(self.more, word_renderer)
def set_representations(matches, structure, word_renderer):
representations = {
c.idx: [[], None] if c.representation.isit(Rendition.WordForm) else [True, ""]
for c in structure.components
found_agreements = {}
word_component_id = {}
representations = {}
for c in structure.components:
representations[c.idx] = []
for rep in c.representation:
def render_all(component_id, lst, _bw):
rep = "/".join(set([w.text for w in set(lst)])) if len(lst) > 0 else None
matches.representations[component_id] = rep
def render_form(component_id, lst, backup_word):
if backup_word is not None:
text_forms = {}
msd_lemma_txt_triplets = Counter([(, w.lemma, w.text) for w in lst])
for (msd, lemma, text), _n in reversed(msd_lemma_txt_triplets.most_common()):
text_forms[(msd, lemma)] = text
lst_ctr = []
for word in lst:
lst_ctr.append((, word.lemma))
sorted_lst = sorted(set(lst_ctr), key=lst.count)
for word_msd, word_lemma in sorted_lst:
if component_id in found_agreements:
other_component_id, other_word, agreements, other_texts = found_agreements[component_id]
agr = are_agreements_ok(word_msd, other_word.lemma,, agreements, other_texts)
if agr is None:
matches.representations[other_component_id] = agr
if word_lemma is not None:
matches.representations[component_id] = text_forms[(msd, lemma)] #word_renderer.render(word_lemma, word_msd)
def are_agreements_ok(w1_msd, ow_lemma, ow_msd, agreements, ow_texts):
for w2_msd, w2_txt in word_renderer.available_words(ow_lemma, ow_texts):
if ow_msd[0] != w2_msd[0]:
for cid, reps in representations.items():
for rep in reps:
agr = rep.get_agreement()
if agr is None:
if check_agreement(w1_msd, w2_msd, agreements):
return w2_txt
if len(representations[agr]) != 1:
n = len(representations[agr])
raise NotImplementedError(
"Structure {}: ".format( +
"component {} has agreement".format(cid) +
" with component {}".format(agr) +
", however there are {} (!= 1) representations".format(n) +
" of component {}!".format(agr))
def check_msd(word, selectors):
for key, value in selectors.items():
t =[0]
v = TAGSET[t].index(key.lower())
f1 =[v + 1]
f2 = CODES[value]
representations[agr][0].agreement = rep
if '-' not in [f1, f2] and f1 != f2:
return False
# representations = {
# c.idx: [[], None] if c.representation.isit(Rendition.WordForm) else [True, ""]
# for c in structure.components
# }
# found_agreements = {}
return True
# def render_form(component_id, lst, backup_word):
# if backup_word is not None:
# lst.append(backup_word)
def check_agreement(msd1, msd2, agreements):
for agr_case in agreements:
t1 = msd1[0]
# if not in msd, some strange msd was tries, skipping...
if agr_case not in TAGSET[t1]:
logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd1))
return False
# text_forms = {}
# msd_lemma_txt_triplets = Counter([(, w.lemma, w.text) for w in lst])
# for (msd, lemma, text), _n in reversed(msd_lemma_txt_triplets.most_common()):
# text_forms[(msd, lemma)] = text
v1 = TAGSET[t1].index(agr_case)
# if none specified: nedolocnik, always agrees
if v1 + 1 >= len(msd1):
# first is uppercase, not in TAGSET
m1 = msd1[v1 + 1]
# lst_ctr = []
# for word in lst:
# lst_ctr.append((, word.lemma))
# sorted_lst = sorted(set(lst_ctr), key=lst.count)
# REPEAT (not DRY!)
t2 = msd2[0]
if agr_case not in TAGSET[t2]:
logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd2))
return False
v2 = TAGSET[t2].index(agr_case)
if v2 + 1 >= len(msd2):
m2 = msd2[v2 + 1]
# for word_msd, word_lemma in sorted_lst:
# if component_id in found_agreements:
# other_component_id, other_word, agreements, other_texts = found_agreements[component_id]
# agr = are_agreements_ok(word_msd, other_word.lemma,, agreements, other_texts)
# if agr is None:
# continue
# match!
if '-' not in [m1, m2] and m1 != m2:
return False
# matches.representations[other_component_id] = agr
return True
# if word_lemma is not None:
# matches.representations[component_id] = text_forms[(msd, lemma)] #word_renderer.render(word_lemma, word_msd)
# break
# def are_agreements_ok(w1_msd, ow_lemma, ow_msd, agreements, ow_texts):
# for w2_msd, w2_txt in word_renderer.available_words(ow_lemma, ow_texts):
# if ow_msd[0] != w2_msd[0]:
# continue
# if check_agreement(w1_msd, w2_msd, agreements):
# return w2_txt
# def check_agreement(msd1, msd2, agreements):
# for agr_case in agreements:
# t1 = msd1[0]
# # if not in msd, some strange msd was tries, skipping...
# if agr_case not in TAGSET[t1]:
# logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd1))
# return False
# v1 = TAGSET[t1].index(agr_case)
# # if none specified: nedolocnik, always agrees
# if v1 + 1 >= len(msd1):
# continue
# # first is uppercase, not in TAGSET
# m1 = msd1[v1 + 1]
# # REPEAT (not DRY!)
# t2 = msd2[0]
# if agr_case not in TAGSET[t2]:
# logging.warning("Cannot do agreement: {} for msd {} not found!".format(agr_case, msd2))
# return False
# v2 = TAGSET[t2].index(agr_case)
# if v2 + 1 >= len(msd2):
# continue
# m2 = msd2[v2 + 1]
# # match!
# if '-' not in [m1, m2] and m1 != m2:
# return False
# return True
for words in matches.matches:
# first pass, check everything but agreements
for w_id, w in words.items():
component = structure.get_component(w_id)
rep = component.representation
word_component_id[] = w_id
component_representations = representations[component.idx]
for representation in component_representations:
if rep.isit(Rendition.Lemma):
representations[w_id][0] = False
representations[w_id][1] = w.lemma
elif rep.isit(Rendition.Lexis):
representations[w_id][0] = False
representations[w_id][1] = rep.more
elif rep.isit(Rendition.Unknown):
representations[w_id][0] = False
representations[w_id][1] = ""
# if rep.isit(Rendition.Lemma):
# representations[w_id][0] = False
# representations[w_id][1] = w.lemma
# elif rep.isit(Rendition.Lexis):
# representations[w_id][0] = False
# representations[w_id][1] = rep.more
# elif rep.isit(Rendition.Unknown):
# representations[w_id][0] = False
# representations[w_id][1] = ""
# it HAS to be word_form now
wf_type, more = rep.more
add = True
# # it HAS to be word_form now
# else:
# assert(rep.isit(Rendition.WordForm))
# wf_type, more = rep.more
# add = True
if wf_type is WordFormSelection.Msd:
add = check_msd(w, more)
func = render_form
elif wf_type is WordFormSelection.All:
func = render_all
elif wf_type is WordFormSelection.Any:
func = render_form
assert(wf_type is WordFormSelection.Agreement)
other_w, agreements = more
if other_w not in found_agreements:
found_agreements[other_w] = (w_id, w, agreements, [])
# if wf_type is WordFormSelection.Msd:
# add = check_msd(w, more)
# func = render_form
# elif wf_type is WordFormSelection.All:
# func = render_all
# elif wf_type is WordFormSelection.Any:
# func = render_form
# else:
# assert(wf_type is WordFormSelection.Agreement)
# other_w, agreements = more
# if other_w not in found_agreements:
# found_agreements[other_w] = (w_id, w, agreements, [])
found_agreements[other_w][-1].append((, w.text))
func = lambda *x: None
# found_agreements[other_w][-1].append((, w.text))
# func = lambda *x: None
representations[w_id][1] = func
if add:
# representations[w_id][1] = func
# if add:
# representations[w_id][0].append(w)
# just need to set representation to first group,
# but in correct order, agreements last!
representation_sorted_words = []
for w_id, w in matches.matches[0].items():
rep = component.representation
if rep.isit(Rendition.WordForm) and rep.more[0] is WordFormSelection.Agreement:
representation_sorted_words.append((w_id, w))
representation_sorted_words.insert(0, (w_id, w))
for cid, reps in representations.items():
for rep in reps:
for w_id, w in representation_sorted_words:
data = representations[w_id]
if type(data[1]) is str:
matches.representations[w_id] = None if data[0] else data[1]
backup_msd = word_renderer.get_lemma_msd(w.lemma)
backup_word = lemma_only_word(backup_msd)
data[1](str(w_id), data[0], backup_word)
for cid, reps in representations.items():
rep = " ".join(rep.rendition() for rep in reps)
matches.representations[cid] = rep
# # just need to set representation to first group,
# # but in correct order, agreements last!
# representation_sorted_words = []
# for w_id, w in matches.matches[0].items():
# rep = component.representation
# if rep.isit(Rendition.WordForm) and rep.more[0] is WordFormSelection.Agreement:
# representation_sorted_words.append((w_id, w))
# else:
# representation_sorted_words.insert(0, (w_id, w))
# for w_id, w in representation_sorted_words:
# data = representations[w_id]
# if type(data[1]) is str:
# matches.representations[w_id] = None if data[0] else data[1]
# else:
# backup_msd = word_renderer.get_lemma_msd(w.lemma)
# backup_word = lemma_only_word(backup_msd)
# data[1](str(w_id), data[0], backup_word)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.rendition)
@ -519,7 +670,7 @@ class Component:
self.idx = idx
self.restriction = None
self.next_element = []
self.representation = ComponentRendition()
self.representation = []
self.selection = {}
self.iter_ctr = 0
@ -541,8 +692,11 @@ class Component:
raise RuntimeError("Unreachable")
def set_representation(self, representation):
for feature in representation:
for rep in representation:
crend = ComponentRendition()
for feature in rep:
def find_next(self, deps, comps, restrs, reprs):
to_ret = []
@ -721,21 +875,17 @@ class SyntacticStructure:
return st
def add_representation(self, n, rep_el, forms):
if rep_el.tag == "representation_and":
rep_el = rep_el[0]
logging.warning("Only using first reprentation in representation_and in structure {}".format(
assert(rep_el.tag == "representation")
to_add = []
for el in rep_el:
assert(el.tag == "feature")
if 'rendition' in el.attrib:
elif 'selection' in el.attrib:
if 'rendition' in el.attrib or 'selection' in el.attrib:
logging.warning("Strange representation feature in structure {}. Skipping"
def __str__(self):
comp_str = "\n".join(str(comp) for comp in self.components)
@ -892,16 +1042,17 @@ class Word:
return word_renderer.render(self.lemma,
class WordMsdRenderer:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, lemma_features):
self.all_words = []
self.rendered_words = {}
self.frequent_words = {}
self.lemma_msd = {}
self.lemma_features = lemma_features
def add_words(self, words):
def generate_renders(self, lemma_features):
def generate_renders(self):
data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
for w in self.all_words:
@ -926,11 +1077,12 @@ class WordMsdRenderer:
for (msd, txt), n in sorted(freq_words.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
self.frequent_words[lemma].append((msd, txt, n))
lf = self.lemma_features
for lemma in self.lemma_msd.keys():
cmsd = self.lemma_msd[lemma]
if cmsd[0] in lemma_features:
if cmsd[0] in lf:
self.lemma_msd[lemma] = "".join(
l1 if l1 != "-" else l2 for l1, l2 in zip(lemma_features[cmsd[0]], cmsd)
l1 if l1 != "-" else l2 for l1, l2 in zip(lf[cmsd[0]], cmsd)
@ -952,7 +1104,7 @@ class WordMsdRenderer:
def available_words(self, lemma, existing_texts):
counted_texts = Counter(existing_texts)
for (msd, text), n in counted_texts.most_common():
for (msd, text), _n in counted_texts.most_common():
yield (msd, text)
if lemma in self.frequent_words:
@ -960,11 +1112,17 @@ class WordMsdRenderer:
if (msd, text) not in counted_texts:
yield (msd, text)
def get_lemma_msd(self, lemma):
if lemma in self.lemma_msd and self.lemma_msd[lemma][0] != '-':
return self.lemma_msd[lemma]
def get_lemma_msd(self, lemma, word_msd):
# should be here, since we collect every lemmas
lemma_msd = self.lemma_msd[lemma]
if lemma_msd[0] == '-':
if word_msd[0] in self.lemma_features:
return self.lemma_features[word_msd[0]]
return '-'
return None
return lemma_msd
def is_root_id(id_):
return len(id_.split('.')) == 3
@ -1200,6 +1358,7 @@ class ColocationIds:
idx = 1
for _1, sm in tqdm(
ComponentRendition.set_representations(sm, components_dict[sm.structure_id], word_renderer)
idx += 1
@ -1227,7 +1386,7 @@ def main(input_file, structures_file, args):
colocation_ids = ColocationIds()
word_renderer = WordMsdRenderer()
word_renderer = WordMsdRenderer(lemma_msds)
# if True:
# with open("match_word.p", "rb") as fp:
@ -1279,13 +1438,14 @@ def main(input_file, structures_file, args):
# get word renders for lemma/msd
# figure out representations!
colocation_ids.set_representations(structures, word_renderer)
if args.output:
# figure out representations!
colocation_ids.set_representations(structures, word_renderer)
Writer.make_output_writer(args).write_out(structures, colocation_ids)
if args.all:
Writer.make_all_writer(args).write_out(structures, colocation_ids)
Writer.make_output_writer(args).write_out(structures, colocation_ids)
logging.debug([(k, len(v)) for k, v in matches.items()])
logging.debug(sum(len(v) for _, v in matches.items()))