You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

649 lines
27 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019 CJVT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
5 years ago
import configparser
import copy
import csv
5 years ago
import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import re
import string
import time
import timeit
from multiprocessing import Pool
import gzip
def save_zipped_pickle(obj, filename, protocol=-1):
with, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol)
def load_zipped_pickle(filename):
with, 'rb') as f:
loaded_object = pickle.load(f)
return loaded_object
5 years ago
import pyconll
from Tree import Tree, create_output_string_form, create_output_string_deprel, create_output_string_lemma, create_output_string_upos, create_output_string_xpos, create_output_string_feats
5 years ago
# for separate searches of feats
# feats_detailed_list = [
# # lexical features
# 'PronType', 'NumType', 'Poss', 'Reflex', 'Foreign', 'Abbr',
# # Inflectional features (nominal)
# 'Gender', 'Animacy', 'NounClass', 'Number', 'Case', 'Definite', 'Degree',
# # Inflectional features (verbal)
# 'VerbForm', 'Mood', 'Tense', 'Aspect', 'Voice', 'Evident', 'Polarity', 'Person', 'Polite', 'Clusivity',
# # Other
# 'Variant', 'Number[psor]', 'Gender[psor]', 'NumForm'
# ]
# feats_detailed_list = []
# feats_detailed_dict = {key: {} for key in feats_detailed_list}
from generic import get_collocabilities
5 years ago
def decode_query(orig_query, dependency_type, feats_detailed_list):
5 years ago
new_query = False
# if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query
if orig_query[0] == '(' and orig_query[-1] == ')':
new_query = True
orig_query = orig_query[1:-1]
# if orig_query is '_' return {}
if dependency_type != '':
decoded_query = {'deprel': dependency_type}
decoded_query = {}
5 years ago
if orig_query == '_':
return decoded_query
5 years ago
# if no spaces in query then this is query node and do this otherwise further split query
elif len(orig_query.split(' ')) == 1:
orig_query_split_parts = orig_query.split(' ')[0].split('&')
for orig_query_split_part in orig_query_split_parts:
orig_query_split = orig_query_split_part.split('=', 1)
if len(orig_query_split) > 1:
if orig_query_split[0] == 'L':
decoded_query['lemma'] = orig_query_split[1]
# return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'upos':
decoded_query['upos'] = orig_query_split[1]
# return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'xpos':
decoded_query['xpos'] = orig_query_split[1]
# return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'form':
decoded_query['form'] = orig_query_split[1]
# return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'feats':
decoded_query['feats'] = orig_query_split[1]
# return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] in feats_detailed_list:
decoded_query['feats_detailed'] = {}
decoded_query['feats_detailed'][orig_query_split[0]] = orig_query_split[1]
return decoded_query
elif not new_query:
raise Exception('Not supported yet!')
5 years ago
elif not new_query:
decoded_query['form'] = orig_query_split_part
# return decoded_query
return decoded_query
5 years ago
# split over spaces if not inside braces
# PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^ ()]|\([^.]*\))+)''')
# all_orders = PATTERN.split(orig_query)
# PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?:[^ ()]|\([^.]*\))+")
# all_orders = re.findall(r"(?:[^ ()]|\([^]*\))+", orig_query)
all_orders = re.split(r"\s+(?=[^()]*(?:\(|$))", orig_query)
5 years ago
# all_orders = orig_query.split()
node_actions = all_orders[::2]
priority_actions = all_orders[1::2]
priority_actions_beginnings = [a[0] for a in priority_actions]
# find root index
root_index = priority_actions_beginnings.index('>')
except ValueError:
root_index = len(priority_actions)
children = []
5 years ago
root = None
for i, node_action in enumerate(node_actions):
if i < root_index:
children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i][1:], feats_detailed_list))
5 years ago
elif i > root_index:
children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i - 1][1:], feats_detailed_list))
5 years ago
root = decode_query(node_action, dependency_type, feats_detailed_list)
if children:
root["children"] = children
5 years ago
return root
def create_trees(config):
internal_saves = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves')
input_path = config.get('settings', 'input')
# internal_saves = filters['internal_saves']
# input_path = filters['input']
5 years ago
hash_object = hashlib.sha1(input_path.encode('utf-8'))
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
trees_read_outputfile = os.path.join(internal_saves, hex_dig)
if not os.path.exists(trees_read_outputfile):
train = pyconll.load_from_file(input_path)
form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, feats_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
5 years ago
all_trees = []
corpus_size = 0
feats_detailed_dict = {}
5 years ago
for sentence in train:
root = None
root_id = None
token_nodes = []
for token in sentence:
# token_feats = ''
# for k, v in token.feats.items():
# token_feats += k + next(iter(v)) + '|'
# token_feats = token_feats[:-1]
if not
# TODO check if 5th place is always there for feats
feats = token._fields[5]
node = Tree(int(, token.form, token.lemma, token.upos, token.xpos, token.deprel, feats, token.feats, form_dict,
lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, feats_dict, feats_detailed_dict, token.head)
5 years ago
if token.deprel == 'root':
root = node
corpus_size += 1
5 years ago
for token_id, token in enumerate(token_nodes):
if int(token.parent) == 0:
5 years ago
parent_id = int(token.parent) - 1
# if token_id < parent_id:
# token_nodes[parent_id].add_l_child(token)
# elif token_id > parent_id:
# token_nodes[parent_id].add_r_child(token)
# else:
# raise Exception('Root element should not be here!')
if token_nodes[parent_id].children_split == -1 and token_id > parent_id:
token_nodes[parent_id].children_split = len(token_nodes[parent_id].children)
5 years ago
for token in token_nodes:
if token.children_split == -1:
token.children_split = len(token.children)
5 years ago
if root == None:
raise Exception('No root element in sentence!')
save_zipped_pickle((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict), trees_read_outputfile, protocol=2)
# with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'wb') as output:
# pickle.dump((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict), output)
5 years ago
print('Reading trees:')
all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict = load_zipped_pickle(trees_read_outputfile)
# with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'rb') as pkl_file:
# (all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict) = pickle.load(pkl_file)
5 years ago
return all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict
5 years ago
# def order_independent_queries(query_tree):
# all_children = query_tree['l_children'] + query_tree['r_children']
# if all_children > 0:
# else:
# return query_tree
# pass
def printable_answers(query):
# all_orders = re.findall(r"(?:[^ ()]|\([^]*\))+", query)
all_orders = re.split(r"\s+(?=[^()]*(?:\(|$))", query)
# all_orders = orig_query.split()
node_actions = all_orders[::2]
# priority_actions = all_orders[1::2]
if len(node_actions) > 1:
res = []
# for node_action in node_actions[:-1]:
# res.extend(printable_answers(node_action[1:-1]))
# res.extend([node_actions[-1]])
for node_action in node_actions:
# if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query
if not node_action:
elif node_action[0] == '(' and node_action[-1] == ')':
return res
return [query]
def tree_calculations(input_data):
tree, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data
4 years ago
_, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct, filters)
return subtrees
def get_unigrams(input_data):
tree, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data
unigrams = tree.get_unigrams(create_output_string_funct, filters)
return unigrams
def tree_calculations_chunks(input_data):
trees, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data
result_dict = {}
for tree in trees:
4 years ago
_, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct, filters)
for query_results in subtrees:
for r in query_results:
if r in result_dict:
result_dict[r] += 1
result_dict[r] = 1
return result_dict
def chunkify(a, n):
k, m = divmod(len(a), n)
return (a[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n))
def add_node(tree):
if 'children' in tree:
tree['children'] = [{}]
# walk over all nodes in tree and add a node to each possible node
def tree_grow(orig_tree):
new_trees = []
new_tree = copy.deepcopy(orig_tree)
if 'children' in orig_tree:
children = []
for child_tree in orig_tree['children']:
for i, child in enumerate(children):
for child_res in child:
new_tree = copy.deepcopy(orig_tree)
new_tree['children'][i] = child_res
return new_trees
def compare_trees(tree1, tree2):
if tree1 == {} and tree2 == {}:
return True
if 'children' not in tree1 or 'children' not in tree2 or len(tree1['children']) != len(tree2['children']):
return False
children2_connections = []
for child1_i, child1 in enumerate(tree1['children']):
child_duplicated = False
for child2_i, child2 in enumerate(tree2['children']):
if child2_i in children2_connections:
if compare_trees(child1, child2):
child_duplicated = True
if not child_duplicated:
return False
return True
def create_ngrams_query_trees(n, trees):
for i in range(n - 1):
new_trees = []
for tree in trees:
# append new_tree only if it is not already inside
for new_tree in tree_grow(tree):
duplicate = False
for confirmed_new_tree in new_trees:
if compare_trees(new_tree, confirmed_new_tree):
duplicate = True
if not duplicate:
trees = new_trees
# delete_duplicates(trees)
# print('here')
# tree_grow(tree)
# tree_grow(tree)
# tree['children'] = [{}]
return trees
def count_trees(cpu_cores, all_trees, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters, unigrams_dict, result_dict):
with Pool(cpu_cores) as p:
# 1.25 s (16 cores)
# chunked_trees = list(chunkify(all_trees, cpu_cores))
# if cpu_cores > 1:
# part_results =,
# [(tree, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters) for tree in chunked_trees])
# for part_result in part_results:
# for r_k, r_v in part_result.items():
# if r_k in result_dict:
# result_dict[r_k] += r_v
# else:
# result_dict[r_k] = r_v
# 1.02 s (16 cores)
if cpu_cores > 1:
# input_data = (tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters)
all_unigrams =, [(tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters) for tree in all_trees])
for unigrams in all_unigrams:
for unigram in unigrams:
if unigram in unigrams_dict:
unigrams_dict[unigram] += 1
unigrams_dict[unigram] = 1
all_subtrees =, [(tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters) for tree in all_trees])
# for subtrees in all_subtrees:
for tree_i, subtrees in enumerate(all_subtrees):
for query_results in subtrees:
for r in query_results:
# if r.key == '(ne <advmod more >xcomp (se <expl izogniti) >punct .)':
# print('HERE')
# print(tree_i)
if filters['node_order']:
key = r.get_key() + r.order
key = r.get_key()
# if r == '(" < , < je < velik) < tem':
# print(tree_i)
# if r in result_dict:
# result_dict[r] += 1
# else:
# result_dict[r] = 1
if key in result_dict:
result_dict[key]['number'] += 1
result_dict[key] = {'object': r, 'number': 1}
# 3.65 s (1 core)
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[-5:]):
for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees):
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[852:]):
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[1689:]):
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[1:3]):
input_data = (tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters)
if filters['association_measures']:
unigrams = get_unigrams(input_data)
for unigram in unigrams:
if unigram in unigrams_dict:
unigrams_dict[unigram] += 1
unigrams_dict[unigram] = 1
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[1:]):
# text = Če pa ostane odrasel otrok doma, se starši le težko sprijaznijo s tem, da je "velik", otrok pa ima ves čas občutek, da se njegovi starši po nepotrebnem vtikajo v njegovo življenje.
# for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees[5170:]):
# for tree in all_trees:
subtrees = tree_calculations(input_data)
for query_results in subtrees:
for r in query_results:
if filters['node_order']:
key = r.get_key() + r.order
key = r.get_key()
# if r == '(" < , < je < velik) < tem':
# print(tree_i)
if key in result_dict:
result_dict[key]['number'] += 1
result_dict[key] = {'object': r, 'number': 1}
def read_filters(config, feats_detailed_list):
tree_size_range = config.get('settings', 'tree_size', fallback='0').split('-')
tree_size_range = [int(r) for r in tree_size_range]
if tree_size_range[0] > 1:
if len(tree_size_range) == 1:
query_tree = create_ngrams_query_trees(tree_size_range[0], [{}])
elif len(tree_size_range) == 2:
query_tree = []
for i in range(tree_size_range[0], tree_size_range[1] + 1):
query_tree.extend(create_ngrams_query_trees(i, [{}]))
query_tree = [decode_query('(' + config.get('settings', 'query') + ')', '', feats_detailed_list)]
# order_independent_queries(query_tree)
# set filters
node_types = config.get('settings', 'node_type').split('+')
create_output_string_functs = []
for node_type in node_types:
assert node_type in ['deprel', 'lemma', 'upos', 'xpos', 'form', 'feats'], '"node_type" is not set up correctly'
cpu_cores = config.getint('settings', 'cpu_cores')
if node_type == 'deprel':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_deprel
elif node_type == 'lemma':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_lemma
elif node_type == 'upos':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_upos
elif node_type == 'xpos':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_xpos
elif node_type == 'feats':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_feats
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_form
result_dict = {}
unigrams_dict = {}
filters = {}
filters['internal_saves'] = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves')
filters['input'] = config.get('settings', 'input')
filters['node_order'] = config.get('settings', 'node_order') == 'fixed'
# filters['caching'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'caching')
filters['dependency_type'] = config.get('settings', 'dependency_type') == 'labeled'
if config.has_option('settings', 'label_whitelist'):
filters['label_whitelist'] = config.get('settings', 'label_whitelist').split('|')
filters['label_whitelist'] = []
if config.has_option('settings', 'root_whitelist'):
# test
filters['root_whitelist'] = []
for option in config.get('settings', 'root_whitelist').split('|'):
attribute_dict = {}
for attribute in option.split('&'):
value = attribute.split('=')
# assert value[0] in ['deprel', 'lemma', 'upos', 'xpos', 'form',
# 'feats'], '"root_whitelist" is not set up correctly'
attribute_dict[value[0]] = value[1]
# filters['root_whitelist'] = [{'upos': 'NOUN', 'Case': 'Nom'}, {'upos': 'ADJ', 'Degree': 'Sup'}]
filters['root_whitelist'] = []
filters['complete_tree_type'] = config.get('settings', 'tree_type') == 'complete'
filters['association_measures'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'association_measures')
filters['nodes_number'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'nodes_number')
filters['frequency_threshold'] = config.getfloat('settings', 'frequency_threshold', fallback=0)
filters['lines_threshold'] = config.getint('settings', 'lines_threshold', fallback=0)
filters['print_root'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'print_root')
return filters, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, cpu_cores, unigrams_dict, result_dict, tree_size_range, node_types
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
## Required parameters
help="The input config file.")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# a = args.config_file
# create queries
# 261 - 9 grams
# 647 - 10 grams
# 1622 - 11 grams
# 4126 - 12 grams
# 10598 - 13 grams
(all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size,
feats_detailed_list) = create_trees(config)
filters, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, cpu_cores, unigrams_dict, result_dict, tree_size_range, node_types = read_filters(config, feats_detailed_list)
# if config.getint('settings', 'tree_size') == 2:
# tree_size = 2
# query_tree = [{"children": [{}]}]
# elif config.getint('settings', 'tree_size') == 3:
# tree_size = 3
# query_tree = [{"children": [{}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}]}]}]
# elif config.getint('settings', 'tree_size') == 4:
# tree_size = 4
# query_tree = [{"children": [{}, {}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}, {}]}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}]}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{}]}]}]}]
# elif config.getint('settings', 'tree_size') == 5:
# tree_size = 5
# query_tree = [{"children": [{}, {}, {}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}]}, {}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}, {}]}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{}]}, {"children": [{}]}]},
# {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{}]}]}, {}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{}]}, {}]}]}, {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{}, {}]}]}]},
# {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{}]}]}]}]}, {'children': [{'children': [{}, {}, {}]}]}]
# for tree in all_trees[2:]:
# for tree in all_trees[1205:]:
start_exe_time = time.time()
count_trees(cpu_cores, all_trees, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters, unigrams_dict, result_dict)
print("Execution time:")
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_exe_time))
# test 1 layer queries
# # tree.r_children = []
# # tree.children[1].children = []
# # query = [{'children': [{}]}, {'children': [{}]}]
# # query = [{"children": [{}, {}]}, {"children": [{}]}, {"children": [{}, {}, {}]}]
# query = [{"children": [{'form': 'je'}, {}]}, {"children": [{'form': 'je'}]}, {"children": [{'form': 'je'}, {}, {}]}]
# # query = [{'q1':'', "children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}]}, {'q2':'', "children": [{'b1':''}]}, {'q3':'', "children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}]}]
# _, _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query, [], create_output_string_funct)
# # _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{'q1':'', "children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}], "children": []}, {'q2':'', "children": [{'b1':''}], "children": []}, {'q3':'', "children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}], "children": []}], [])
# print('HERE!')
# test 2 layer queries
# tree.r_children = [Tree('je', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None)]
# tree.l_children[1].l_children = []
# new_tree = Tree('bil', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None)
# new_tree.l_children = [tree]
# _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees(
# [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}]}]}], [])
# # _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees(
# # [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}], "r_children": []}], "r_children": []}], [])
sorted_list = sorted(result_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['number'], reverse=True)
with open(config.get('settings', 'output'), "w", newline="") as f:
# header - use every second space as a split
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
if tree_size_range[-1]:
len_words = tree_size_range[-1]
len_words = int(len(config.get('settings', 'query').split(" "))/2 + 1)
header = ["Structure"] + ["Node " + string.ascii_uppercase[i] + "-" + node_type for i in range(len_words) for node_type in node_types] + ['Absolute frequency']
header += ['Relative frequency']
if filters['node_order']:
header += ['Order']
header += ['Free structure']
if filters['nodes_number']:
header += ['Number of nodes']
if filters['print_root']:
header += ['Root node']
if filters['association_measures']:
header += ['MI', 'MI3', 'Dice', 'logDice', 't-score', 'simple-LL']
# header = [" ".join(words[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(words), span)] + ['Absolute frequency']
if filters['lines_threshold']:
sorted_list = sorted_list[:filters['lines_threshold']]
# body
for k, v in sorted_list:
relative_frequency = v['number'] * 1000000.0 / corpus_size
if filters['frequency_threshold'] and filters['frequency_threshold'] > v['number']:
words_only = [word_att for word in v['object'].array for word_att in word] + ['' for i in range((tree_size_range[-1] - len(v['object'].array)) * len(v['object'].array[0]))]
# words_only = printable_answers(k)
row = [v['object'].get_key()[1:-1]] + words_only + [str(v['number'])]
row += ['%.4f' % relative_frequency]
if filters['node_order']:
row += [v['object'].order]
row += [v['object'].get_key_sorted()[1:-1]]
if filters['nodes_number']:
row += ['%d' % len(v['object'].array)]
if filters['print_root']:
row += [v['object']]
if filters['association_measures']:
row += get_collocabilities(v, unigrams_dict, corpus_size)
5 years ago
return "Done"
5 years ago
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_time = time.time()
5 years ago
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))