Initial commit

Luka 5 years ago
commit 1c5481da77

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
import sys
from pyconll.unit import Token
from Value import Value
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, form, lemma, upos, xpos, deprel, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, head):
# form_unicode = str(form).encode("utf-8")
if form not in form_dict:
form_dict[form] = Value(form)
self.form = form_dict[form]
if lemma not in lemma_dict:
lemma_dict[lemma] = Value(lemma)
self.lemma = lemma_dict[lemma]
if upos not in upos_dict:
upos_dict[upos] = Value(upos)
self.upos = upos_dict[upos]
if xpos not in xpos_dict:
xpos_dict[xpos] = Value(xpos)
self.xpos = xpos_dict[xpos]
if deprel not in deprel_dict:
deprel_dict[deprel] = Value(deprel)
self.deprel = deprel_dict[deprel]
# self.position = position
self.parent = head
self.l_children = []
self.r_children = []
def add_l_child(self, child):
def add_r_child(self, child):
def set_parent(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def fits_static_requirements(self, query_tree):
return ('form' not in query_tree or query_tree['form'] == self.form.get_value) and \
('lemma' not in query_tree or query_tree['lemma'] == self.lemma.get_value) and \
('upos' not in query_tree or query_tree['upos'] == self.upos.get_value) and \
('xpos' not in query_tree or query_tree['xpos'] == self.xpos.get_value) and \
('deprel' not in query_tree or query_tree['deprel'] == self.deprel.get_value)
def generate_children_queries(self, l_all_query_indices):
subtree_outcomes = []
# list of pairs (index of query in group, group of query)
queries = []
for child_index, child in enumerate(self.l_children):
new_queries = []
# add continuation queries to children
for (result_part_index, result_index, is_permanent), subtree_outcome in zip(queries, subtree_outcomes):
if subtree_outcome:
if len(l_all_query_indices[result_index][0]) > result_part_index + 1:
new_queries.append((result_part_index + 1, result_index, is_permanent))
# else:
# completed_subtrees.append((child, result_index))
queries = new_queries
# add new queries to children
for result_index, (group, is_permanent) in enumerate(l_all_query_indices):
# check if node has enough children for query to be possible
if len(self.l_children) - len(group) >= child_index:
queries.append((0, result_index, is_permanent))
l_children_query_trees = []
for result_part_index, result_index, _ in queries:
subtree_outcomes = yield child, l_children_query_trees, queries
yield None, None, None
def add_subtrees(self, old_subtree, new_subtree):
def group_results_old(self, subtree_outcomes, queries, l_all_query_indices, completed_subtrees, query_creation_dict, child_index, partial_subtrees):
for outcome, (result_part_index, result_index, is_permanent) in zip(subtree_outcomes, queries):
if outcome:
if result_part_index == len(l_all_query_indices[result_index][0]) - 1:
new_results = self.create_subtrees(query_creation_dict, result_index, result_part_index, child_index, outcome)
if is_permanent:
self.add_subtrees(completed_subtrees, new_results)
self.add_subtrees(partial_subtrees, new_results)
# save results for later usage
if result_index in query_creation_dict:
if result_part_index in query_creation_dict[result_index]:
query_creation_dict[result_index][result_part_index][child_index] = outcome
query_creation_dict[result_index][result_part_index] = {child_index: outcome}
query_creation_dict[result_index] = {result_part_index: {child_index: outcome}}
if not is_permanent:
def add_partial_results(self, partial_results_dict, result_index, result_part_index, child_index, outcome):
# save results for later usage
# if result_index in partial_results_dict:
# if result_part_index in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
# # previous_results, previous_stage = partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index]
# partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index] = self.add_results_part(partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index], outcome)
# else:
# partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index] = outcome
# else:
# partial_results_dict[result_index] = {result_part_index: outcome}
if result_index in partial_results_dict:
if result_part_index in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
# previous_results, previous_stage = partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index]
partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index] = self.add_results_part(partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index], self.create_tuple_from_output(outcome, []))
partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index] = self.create_tuple_from_output(outcome, [])
partial_results_dict[result_index] = {result_part_index: self.create_tuple_from_output(outcome, [])}
# def create_tuple_from_output(self, new_results, combined_results):
# for new_result in new_results:
# combined_results.append((new_result, 0))
# return combined_results
def add_results_part(self, previous_results_part, new_results):
combined_results = self.merge_results(previous_results_part, new_results)
return self.create_tuple_from_output(new_results, combined_results=combined_results)
# for new_result in new_results:
# combined_results.append((new_result, 0))
# return combined_results
def group_results(self, subtree_outcomes, queries, l_all_query_indices, completed_subtrees, partial_results_dict, child_index, partial_subtrees):
for outcome, (result_part_index, result_index, is_permanent) in zip(subtree_outcomes, queries):
if outcome:
if result_part_index == len(l_all_query_indices[result_index][0]) - 1:
# new_results = self.create_subtrees(partial_results_dict, result_index, result_part_index, child_index, outcome)
if result_part_index > 0:
new_results = self.merge_results(partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index - 1],
new_results = outcome
if is_permanent:
self.add_subtrees(completed_subtrees, new_results)
self.add_subtrees(partial_subtrees, new_results)
self.add_partial_results(partial_results_dict, result_index, result_part_index, child_index, outcome)
if not is_permanent:
def get_subtrees(self, permanent_query_trees, temporary_query_trees):
:param permanent_query_trees:
:param temporary_query_trees:
# list of all children queries grouped by parent queries
l_all_query_indices = []
r_all_query_indices = []
active_permanent_querry_trees = []
for permanent_query_tree in permanent_query_trees:
if self.fits_static_requirements(permanent_query_tree):
l_all_query_indices.append((permanent_query_tree['l_children'], True))
r_all_query_indices.append((permanent_query_tree['r_children'], True))
active_temporary_query_tree = []
partial_subtrees = list([None] * len(temporary_query_trees))
for i, temporary_query_tree in enumerate(temporary_query_trees):
if self.fits_static_requirements(temporary_query_tree):
if 'l_children' in temporary_query_tree:
l_all_query_indices.append((temporary_query_tree['l_children'], False))
if 'r_children' in temporary_query_tree:
r_all_query_indices.append((temporary_query_tree['r_children'], False))
if 'l_children' not in temporary_query_tree and 'r_children' not in temporary_query_tree:
partial_subtrees[i] = [[self.create_output_string()]]
elif 'l_children' not in temporary_query_tree and 'r_children' not in temporary_query_tree:
partial_subtrees[i] = None
# if self.fits_static_requirements(temporary_query_tree):
# if temporary_query_tree['l_children'] and self.l_children:
# l_children_permanent_query_trees.append(temporary_query_tree['l_children'])
# if temporary_query_tree['r_children'] and self.r_children:
# r_children_permanent_query_trees.append(temporary_query_tree['r_children'])
# tree_outcomes = []
completed_subtrees = []
# list of pairs (index of query in group, group of query)
queries = []
subtree_outcomes = []
query_creation_dict = {}
children_queries_generator = self.generate_children_queries(l_all_query_indices)
# # children_queries_generator.send([])
# a = next(children_queries_generator)
# a1 = children_queries_generator.send(list([True] * len(a)))
# # b = next(children_queries_generator)
# b1 = children_queries_generator.send(list([True] * len(a1)))
# # c = next(children_queries_generator)
# c1 = children_queries_generator.send(list([True] * len(b1)))
# # d = next(children_queries_generator)
# d1 = children_queries_generator.send(list([True] * len(c1)))
child_index = 0
child, child_query, child_group_mapper = next(children_queries_generator)
while child:
subtree_outcomes, completed_subtrees = child.get_subtrees(permanent_query_trees, child_query)
self.group_results(subtree_outcomes, child_group_mapper, l_all_query_indices, completed_subtrees, query_creation_dict, child_index, partial_subtrees)
child, child_query, child_group_mapper = children_queries_generator.send(subtree_outcomes)
child_index += 1
# for child_index, child in enumerate(self.l_children):
# # add continuation queries to children
# for (result_part_index, query_indices_index, is_permanent), subtree_outcome in zip(queries, subtree_outcomes):
# if subtree_outcome:
# if len(l_all_query_indices[query_indices_index]) > result_part_index + 1:
# queries.append((result_part_index + 1, query_indices_index, is_permanent))
# # else:
# # completed_subtrees.append((child, query_indices_index))
# # add new queries to children
# for query_indices_index, (query_indices, is_permanent) in enumerate(l_all_query_indices):
# # check if node has enough children for query to be possible
# if len(self.l_children) - len(query_indices) >= child_index:
# queries.append((0, query_indices_index, is_permanent))
# l_children_query_trees = []
# for result_part_index, query_indices_index, _ in queries:
# l_children_query_trees.append(l_all_query_indices[query_indices_index][0][result_part_index])
# subtree_outcomes, completed_subtrees = child.get_subtrees(permanent_query_trees, l_children_query_trees)
# # TODO: Right children functionality
# for outcome, (result_part_index, query_indices_index, is_permanent) in zip(subtree_outcomes, queries):
# if outcome:
# if result_part_index == len(l_all_query_indices[query_indices_index]) - 1:
# if is_permanent:
# completed_subtrees.extend(self.create_output(temp_results, query_indices_index, result_part_index, child_index))
# else:
# partial_subtrees.append(self.create_output(temp_results, query_indices_index, result_part_index, child_index))
# else:
# # save results for later usage
# if child_index in temp_results:
# if query_indices_index in temp_results[child_index]:
# temp_results[child_index][query_indices_index][result_part_index] = outcome
# else:
# temp_results[child_index][query_indices_index] = {result_part_index: outcome}
# else:
# temp_results[child_index] = {query_indices_index: {result_part_index: outcome}}
# else:
# if not is_permanent:
# partial_subtrees.append(None)
return partial_subtrees, completed_subtrees
def merge_results(old_results, new_results):
# previous_results, previous_stage = partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part_index]
merged_results = []
# old_results, old_stage = old_results_tuple
for old_result, old_stage in old_results:
for new_result in new_results:
merged_results.append((old_result + new_result, old_stage + 1))
# if not old_results:
# return new_results
return merged_results
def create_subtrees(self, query_creation_dict, result_index, result_part_index, child_index, outcome):
new_valid_subtrees = []
# stores all result_parts that have specific child_index together
result_connections = {}
for i in range(result_part_index):
for j in range(child_index):
# if child indices exist in result_index and result_part_index plus index of part is higher or equal to index of child (otherwise it is not in query_creation_dict
if result_index in query_creation_dict and i in query_creation_dict[result_index] and j in query_creation_dict[result_index][i]:
# if result_index in query_creation_dict and i in query_creation_dict[result_index] and j in query_creation_dict[result_index][i] and i >= j:
if i in result_connections:
result_connections[i] = [j]
# positioned_candidates[j] = (query_creation_dict[i][result_index][j])
# result = []
return self.create_subtrees_from_result_connections(0, 0, result_part_index, query_creation_dict, result_connections, result_index, [], outcome)
# new_valid_subtrees.extend(outcome[])
# outcome.append(self.create_output_string())
def create_subtrees_from_result_connections(self, child_index_i, result_part_index_i, result_part_index_final, query_creation_dict, result_connections,
result_index, res_array, outcome):
if result_part_index_i == result_part_index_final:
# self.merge_results(res_array, outcome)
return self.merge_results(res_array, outcome)
# res_array.append(query_creation_dict[result_index][result_part_index_i][child_index_i])
results = []
for child_index in result_connections[result_part_index_i]:
if not (result_index in query_creation_dict and result_part_index_i in query_creation_dict[
result_index] and child_index_i in query_creation_dict[result_index][result_part_index_i]):
return []
pass_array = self.merge_results(res_array,
# if child_index >= result_part_index_i:
results.extend(self.create_subtrees_from_result_connections(child_index, result_part_index_i + 1, result_part_index_final, query_creation_dict,
result_connections, result_index, res_array, outcome))
# print('aaa')
return results
def create_output_string(self):
return self.form.get_value()

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Value(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def get_value(self):
return self.value

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
input = /media/luka/Portable Disk/Datasets/dependency_treeparse/ssj500k.conllu/sl_ssj-ud_v2.4.conllu
internal_saves = ./internal_saves
output = ./association_rules.tsv
; analyze_type options: 'lemma', 'word'
; query = _ > _
query = _ < (_ > _) < _ > _

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
import configparser
import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import re
import pyconll
from Tree import Tree
def decode_query(orig_query):
new_query = False
# if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query
if orig_query[0] == '(' and orig_query[-1] == ')':
new_query = True
orig_query = orig_query[1:-1]
# if orig_query is '_' return {}
if orig_query == '_':
return {}
elif not new_query:
raise Exception('Not supported yet!')
# split over spaces if not inside braces
PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^ ()]|\([^(]*\))+)''')
all_orders = PATTERN.split(orig_query)[1::2]
# all_orders = orig_query.split()
node_actions = all_orders[::2]
priority_actions = all_orders[1::2]
priority_actions_beginnings = [a[0] for a in priority_actions]
# find root index
root_index = priority_actions_beginnings.index('>')
except ValueError:
root_index = len(priority_actions)
l_children = []
r_children = []
root = None
for i, node_action in enumerate(node_actions):
if i < root_index:
elif i > root_index:
root = decode_query(node_action)
root["l_children"] = l_children
root["r_children"] = r_children
return root
def create_trees(config):
internal_saves = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves')
input_path = config.get('settings', 'input')
hash_object = hashlib.sha1(input_path.encode('utf-8'))
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
trees_read_outputfile = os.path.join(internal_saves, hex_dig)
if not os.path.exists(trees_read_outputfile):
train = pyconll.load_from_file(input_path)
form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
all_trees = []
for sentence in train:
root = None
root_id = None
token_nodes = []
for token in sentence:
node = Tree(token.form, token.lemma, token.upos, token.xpos, token.deprel, form_dict,
lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, token.head)
if token.deprel == 'root':
root = node
root_id = int(
for token_id, token in enumerate(token_nodes):
if token.parent == 0:
parent_id = int(token.parent) - 1
if token_id < parent_id:
elif token_id > parent_id:
raise Exception('Root element should not be here!')
if root == None:
raise Exception('No root element in sentence!')
with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'wb') as output:
pickle.dump((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict), output)
print('Reading trees:')
with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'rb') as pkl_file:
(all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = pickle.load(pkl_file)
return all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict
def main():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
(all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = create_trees(config)
query_tree = decode_query('(' + config.get('settings', 'query') + ')')
for tree in all_trees:
# _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([query_tree], [])
tree.r_children = []
tree.l_children[1].l_children = []
_, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{"l_children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}], "r_children": []}, {"l_children": [{'b1':''}], "r_children": []}, {"l_children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}], "r_children": []}], [])
# {"form": "", "lemma": "", "upos": "", "xpos": "", "l_children": [{}, {}], "r_children": [{}, {}]}
# {"form": "", "lemma": "", "upos": "", "xpos": "", "l_children": [{}, {}], "r_children": [{}, {}]}
if __name__ == "__main__":