Fork 0
Used in cjvt-valency as a submodule. Reads SSJ500k.xml file and Kres F00...xml files. Creates a python generator that outputs sentences as python dictionaries. Also has a method to output the data into .json files.
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A tool for parsing ssj500k and Kres into a unified .json format.


Run make. You will get a container with python3 and this package installed.



To parse ssj500k, point to the monolythic ssj500k-sl.body.xml file (tested on ssj500k 2.1).


To parse Kres, point to folders:

  • Kres folder, containig several (around 20K) .xml files (F00XXXXX.xml.parsed.xml).
  • Kres SRL folder, containing SRL links for the corresponding F00...xml files (F00XXXXX.srl.json).

Internal data format

This is the internal python dict data format. It can be stored to file as .json or stored into a database for application usage.

	'sid': 'F0034713.5.0',
	'text': 'Mednarodni denarni sklad je odobril 30 milijard evrov vredno posojilo Grčiji. ',
	'tokens': [
		{'text': 'Mednarodni', 'lemma': 'mednaroden', 'msd': 'Ppnmeid', 'word': True, 'tid': 1},
		{'text': 'denarni', 'lemma': 'denaren', 'msd': 'Ppnmeid', 'word': True, 'tid': 2},
		{'text': 'sklad', 'lemma': 'sklad', 'msd': 'Somei', 'word': True, 'tid': 3},
		{'text': 'je', 'lemma': 'biti', 'msd': 'Gp-ste-n', 'word': True, 'tid': 4},
		{'text': 'odobril', 'lemma': 'odobriti', 'msd': 'Ggdd-em', 'word': True, 'tid': 5},
		{'text': '30', 'lemma': '30', 'msd': 'Kag', 'word': True, 'tid': 6},
		{'text': 'milijard', 'lemma': 'milijarda', 'msd': 'Sozmr', 'word': True, 'tid': 7}, # ... 
	'jos_links': [
		{'to': 1, 'from': 3, 'afun': 'dol'},
		{'to': 2, 'from': 3, 'afun': 'dol'},
		{'to': 3, 'from': 5, 'afun': 'ena'}, # ...
	'srl_links': [
		{'to': 3, 'from': 5, 'afun': 'ACT'},
		{'to': 7, 'from': 5, 'afun': 'PAT'}