Adapted to new TEI version + Some other fixes

This commit is contained in:
Luka 2022-04-22 09:32:06 +02:00
parent 8489bf8264
commit 2e36fd0eaa
4 changed files with 307 additions and 246 deletions

View File

@ -134,23 +134,36 @@ def add_errors(i, error, source, target, edges):
for p_el_l5 in el_l5:
if p_el_l5.tag.startswith('w') or p_el_l5.tag.startswith('pc'):
word_combination_L5 += p_el_l5.text + " "
for p_el in el:
if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(i)
target_id = "t" + ind
target.append({"id": target_id, "text": p_el.text + " "})
i += 1
# TODO NOT SURE IF THIS SHOULD BE COMMENTED! IF IT IS NOT THERE ARE ERRORS ON 2ND lvl of errors, where some words are duplicated
# for p_el in el:
# if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
# ind = str(i)
# target_id = "t" + ind
# target.append({"id": target_id, "text": p_el.text + " "})
# target_edge_ids.append(target_id)
# i += 1
if word_combination_L1 == word_combination_L2 and word_combination_L2 is not None:
if label_L2 not in labels:
print(f"REPEATING LABEL - {label_L2} in {error.attrib['{}id']} - ID {i}")
if word_combination_L1 == word_combination_L3 and word_combination_L3 is not None:
if label_L3 not in labels:
print(f"REPEATING LABEL - {label_L3} in {error.attrib['{}id']} - ID {i}")
if word_combination_L1 == word_combination_L4 and word_combination_L4 is not None:
if label_L4 not in labels:
print(f"REPEATING LABEL - {label_L4} in {error.attrib['{}id']} - ID {i}")
if word_combination_L1 == word_combination_L5 and word_combination_L5 is not None:
if label_L5 not in labels:
print(f"REPEATING LABEL - {label_L5} in {error.attrib['{}id']} - ID {i}")
elif word_combination_L5 is not None:
has_error = True
elif word_combination_L4 is not None:
@ -166,6 +179,29 @@ def add_errors(i, error, source, target, edges):
return i, has_error
def save_file(paragraph_error, output_folder_loc, error_folder_loc, paragraph, dictionary, essay_problematic, dictionary_i):
if not paragraph_error:
if not os.path.exists(output_folder_loc):
if not os.path.exists(error_folder_loc):
file_name = paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '.json' if dictionary_i == 1 else paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '_P' + str(dictionary_i) + '.json'
with open(os.path.join(output_folder_loc, file_name), 'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
with open(os.path.join(error_folder_loc, file_name), 'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
essay_problematic = True
if not os.path.exists(error_folder_loc):
file_name = paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '_problem.json' if dictionary_i == 1 else paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '_P' + str(dictionary_i) + '_problem.json'
with open(os.path.join(error_folder_loc, file_name),
'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
return essay_problematic
def process_file(et, args):
if os.path.exists(args.output_folder):
@ -186,6 +222,9 @@ def process_file(et, args):
for paragraph in paragraphs:
sentences = paragraph.findall('s')
i = 1
dictionary_i = 1
dictionary = []
source = []
target = []
edges = {}
@ -203,23 +242,19 @@ def process_file(et, args):
if has_error:
paragraph_error = True
dictionary = {"source": source, "target": target, "edges": edges}
# add part of dictionary
if i > dictionary_i * 10000000000000:
essay_problematic = save_file(paragraph_error, output_folder_loc, error_folder_loc, paragraph, {"source": source, "target": target, "edges": edges}, essay_problematic, dictionary_i)
# dictionary.append({"source": source, "target": target, "edges": edges})
dictionary_i += 1
source = []
target = []
edges = {}
paragraph_error = False
if not paragraph_error:
if not os.path.exists(output_folder_loc):
if not os.path.exists(error_folder_loc):
with open(os.path.join(output_folder_loc, paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '.json'), 'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
with open(os.path.join(error_folder_loc, paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '.json'), 'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
essay_problematic = True
if not os.path.exists(error_folder_loc):
with open(os.path.join(error_folder_loc, paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + '_problem.json'), 'w') as wf:
json.dump(dictionary, wf, ensure_ascii=False, indent="")
# dictionary.append({"source": source, "target": target, "edges": edges})
essay_problematic = save_file(paragraph_error, output_folder_loc, error_folder_loc, paragraph, {"source": source, "target": target, "edges": edges}, essay_problematic, dictionary_i)
if not essay_problematic:

View File

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
import argparse
import re
import sys
from conversion_utils.jos_msds_and_properties import Converter, Msd
from conversion_utils.translate_conllu_jos import get_syn_map
from lxml import etree
class Sentence:
def __init__(self, _id, no_ud=False):
def __init__(self, _id, no_ud=False, is_source=None):
self._id = _id
self.items = []
self.links = []
self.no_ud = no_ud
self.is_source = is_source
def add_item(self, word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, misc):
self.items.append([word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, "SpaceAfter=No" in misc.split('|')])
# JOS-SYN translations from English to Slovene
self.syn_map = get_syn_map()
def add_item(self, word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, head, deprel, no_space_after, ner):
self.items.append([word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, head, deprel, no_space_after, ner])
def add_link(self, link_ref, link_type):
self.links.append([link_ref, link_type])
@ -26,36 +32,75 @@ class Sentence:
base = etree.Element('s')
set_xml_attr(base, 'id', xml_id)
linkGrp = etree.Element(f'linkGrp')
linkGrp.attrib[f'corresp'] = f'#{xml_id}'
linkGrp.attrib[f'targFunc'] = 'head argument'
linkGrp.attrib[f'type'] = 'JOS-SYN'
ner_seg = None
for item in self.items:
word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, no_space_after = item
word_id, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, head, deprel, no_space_after, ner = item
if xpos in {'U', 'Z'}: # hmm, safe only as long as U is unused in English tagset and Z in Slovenian one
to_add = etree.Element('pc')
to_add = etree.Element('w')
to_add.set('lemma', lemma)
to_add.set('ana', 'mte:' + xpos)
if not self.no_ud:
if upos_other != '_':
to_add.set('msd', f'UposTag={upos}|{upos_other}')
to_add.set('msd', f'UPosTag={upos}|{upos_other}')
to_add.set('msd', f'UposTag={upos}')
to_add.set('msd', f'UPosTag={upos}')
set_xml_attr(to_add, 'id', word_id)
if xpos not in {'U', 'Z'}:
to_add.set('lemma', lemma)
set_xml_attr(to_add, 'id', "{}.{}".format(xml_id, word_id))
to_add.text = token
if no_space_after:
to_add.set('join', 'right')
# handle ner subclass
if ner[0] == 'B':
if ner_seg is not None:
del ner_seg
ner_seg = etree.Element('seg')
ner_seg.set('type', f'name')
ner_seg.set('subtype', f'{ner.split("-")[-1].lower()}')
elif ner[0] == 'O':
if ner_seg is not None:
del ner_seg
ner_seg = None
if ner_seg is None:
# handle links
link = etree.Element(f'link')
link.attrib['ana'] = f'jos-syn:{self.syn_map[deprel]}'
link.attrib['target'] = f'#{xml_id}.{head} #{xml_id}.{word_id}' if head != 0 else f'#{xml_id} #{xml_id}.{word_id}'
if ner_seg is not None:
return base
class Paragraph:
def __init__(self, _id, _doc_id):
def __init__(self, _id, _doc_id, is_source):
self._id = _id if _id is not None else 'no-id'
_doc_id += 's' if is_source else 't'
self._doc_id = _doc_id if _doc_id is not None else ''
self.sentences = []
@ -80,9 +125,9 @@ class Paragraph:
class TeiDocument:
def __init__(self, _id, paragraphs=list()):
def __init__(self, _id, divs=list()):
self._id = _id
self.paragraphs = paragraphs
self.divs = divs
def as_xml(self):
root = etree.Element('TEI')
@ -97,8 +142,13 @@ class TeiDocument:
text = etree.SubElement(root, 'text')
body = etree.SubElement(text, 'body')
for para in self.paragraphs:
for paras, bibl in self.divs:
div = etree.Element('div')
set_xml_attr(div, 'id', xml_id)
for para in paras:
encoding_desc = etree.SubElement(tei_header, 'encodingDesc')
tags_decl = etree.SubElement(encoding_desc, 'tagsDecl')
@ -115,56 +165,90 @@ class TeiDocument:
def convert_bibl(bibl):
etree_bibl = etree.Element('bibl')
etree_bibl.set('corresp', bibl.get('corresp'))
etree_bibl.set('n', bibl.get('n'))
for bibl_el in bibl:
etree_bibl_el = etree.Element(bibl_el.tag)
etree_bibl_el.text = bibl_el.text
for att, val in bibl_el.attrib.items():
if '{}' in att:
set_xml_attr(etree_bibl_el, att.split('{}')[-1], val)
etree_bibl_el.set(att, val)
return etree_bibl
def build_tei_etrees(documents):
elements = []
for document in documents:
# b = elements[-1]
# a = list(b)
# c = list(b)[0]
# d = list(b)[1]
# for e in d:
# for f in e:
# for g in f:
# print(g)
# d = list(b)[1]
return elements
def build_complete_tei(etree_source, etree_target, etree_links):
root = etree.Element('text')
root = etree.Element('TEI')
root.set('xmlns', '')
tei_header = etree.Element('teiHeader')
text = etree.Element('text')
group = etree.Element('group')
# link_text = etree.Element('text')
# link_body = etree.Element('body')
# link_body.append(etree_links)
# link_text.append(link_body)
# standoff = etree.Element('standOff')
# standoff.append(etree_links)
# root.append(standoff)
return root
def build_links(all_edges):
root = etree.Element('text')
body = etree.Element('body')
# root = etree.Element('text')
# body = etree.Element('body')
body = etree.Element('standOff')
# root.set('xmlns', '')
# set_xml_attr(root, 'lang', 'sl')
# elements = []
for document_edges in all_edges:
d = etree.Element('linkGrp')
# d = etree.Element('linkGrp')
for paragraph_edges in document_edges:
p = etree.Element('linkGrp')
# p = etree.Element('linkGrp')
for sentence_edges in paragraph_edges:
s = etree.Element('linkGrp')
random_id = ''
for token_edges in sentence_edges:
link = etree.Element('link')
link.set('labels', ' '.join(token_edges['labels']))
link.set('sources', ' '.join(['#' + source for source in token_edges['source_ids']]))
link.set('targets', ' '.join(['#' + source for source in token_edges['target_ids']]))
if not random_id:
random_id = token_edges['source_ids'][0] if len(token_edges['source_ids']) > 0 else token_edges['target_ids'][0]
sentence_id = '.'.join(random_id.split('.')[:3])
link = etree.Element('link')
labels = '|'.join(token_edges['labels']) if len(token_edges['labels']) > 0 else 'ID'
link.set('type', labels)
link.set('target', ' '.join(['#' + source for source in token_edges['source_ids']] + ['#' + source for source in token_edges['target_ids']]))
# link.set('target', ' '.join(['#' + source for source in token_edges['target_ids']]))
set_xml_attr(s, 'sentence_id', '.'.join(random_id.split('.')[:3]))
set_xml_attr(p, 'paragraph_id', '.'.join(random_id.split('.')[:2]))
set_xml_attr(d, 'document_id', random_id.split('.')[0])
return root
s.set('type', 'CORR')
s.set('targFunc', 'orig reg')
s.set('corresp', f'#{sentence_id}')
# body.append(s)
# root.append(body)
return body
def set_xml_attr(node, attribute, value):
@ -187,90 +271,8 @@ def is_metaline(line):
return False
def construct_tei_documents_from_list(object_list):
documents = []
doc_id = None
document_paragraphs = []
para_id = None
# para_buffer = []
# for line in object_list:
# if is_metaline(line):
# key, val = parse_metaline(line)
# if key == 'newdoc id':
# if len(para_buffer) > 0:
# document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(para_id, para_buffer))
# if len(document_paragraphs) > 0:
# documents.append(
# TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs))
# document_paragraphs = []
# doc_id = val
# elif key == 'newpar id':
# if len(para_buffer) > 0:
# document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(para_id, para_buffer))
# para_buffer = []
# para_id = val
# elif key == 'sent_id':
# para_buffer.append(line)
# else:
# if not line.isspace():
# para_buffer.append(line)
if len(object_list) > 0:
document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, object_list))
if len(document_paragraphs) > 0:
TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs))
return documents
def construct_tei_documents(conllu_lines):
documents = []
doc_id = None
document_paragraphs = []
para_id = None
para_buffer = []
for line in conllu_lines:
if is_metaline(line):
key, val = parse_metaline(line)
if key == 'newdoc id':
if len(para_buffer) > 0:
document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, para_buffer))
if len(document_paragraphs) > 0:
TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs))
document_paragraphs = []
doc_id = val
elif key == 'newpar id':
if len(para_buffer) > 0:
document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, para_buffer))
para_buffer = []
para_id = val
elif key == 'sent_id':
if not line.isspace():
if len(para_buffer) > 0:
document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, para_buffer))
if len(document_paragraphs) > 0:
TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs))
return documents
def construct_paragraph_from_list(doc_id, para_id, etree_source_sentences):
para = Paragraph(para_id, doc_id)
def construct_paragraph_from_list(doc_id, para_id, etree_source_sentences, source_id):
para = Paragraph(para_id, doc_id, source_id)
for sentence in etree_source_sentences:
@ -278,8 +280,8 @@ def construct_paragraph_from_list(doc_id, para_id, etree_source_sentences):
return para
def construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, conllu_lines):
para = Paragraph(para_id, doc_id)
def construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, conllu_lines, is_source):
para = Paragraph(para_id, doc_id, is_source)
sent_id = None
sent_buffer = []
@ -301,16 +303,20 @@ def construct_paragraph(doc_id, para_id, conllu_lines):
return para
def construct_sentence_from_list(sent_id, object_list):
sentence = Sentence(sent_id, no_ud=True)
def construct_sentence_from_list(sent_id, object_list, is_source):
sentence = Sentence(sent_id)
converter = Converter()
for tokens in object_list:
word_id = tokens['id']
token = tokens['token']
word_id = f"{tokens['id']}" if is_source else f"{tokens['id']}"
token = tokens['form']
lemma = tokens['lemma']
upos = '_'
xpos = tokens['ana'][4:]
upos_other = '_'
misc = '_' if tokens['space_after'] else 'SpaceAfter=No'
upos = tokens['upos']
xpos = converter.properties_to_msd(converter.msd_to_properties(Msd(tokens['xpos'], 'en'), 'sl', lemma), 'sl').code
upos_other = '|'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in tokens['feats'].items()]) if tokens['feats'] else '_'
head = tokens['head']
deprel = tokens['deprel']
no_space_after = 'SpaceAfter' in tokens['misc'] and tokens['misc']["SpaceAfter"] == "No"
ner = tokens['misc']['NER']
@ -319,7 +325,11 @@ def construct_sentence_from_list(sent_id, object_list):
return sentence
@ -354,49 +364,3 @@ def construct_sentence(sent_id, lines):
return sentence
def construct_tei_etrees(conllu_lines):
documents = construct_tei_documents(conllu_lines)
return build_tei_etrees(documents)
def convert_file(input_file_name, output_file_name):
input_file = open(input_file_name, 'r')
root = construct_tei_etrees(input_file)[0]
tree = etree.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(output_file_name, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True)
tree = etree.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(output_file_name, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')
system = 'jos' # default (TODO: make this cleaner)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
from glob import glob
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert CoNNL-U to TEI.')
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='CoNNL-U file')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out-file', dest='out', default=None,
help='Write output to file instead of stdout.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--system', dest='system', default='jos', choices=['jos', 'ud'])
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.out:
f_out = open(args.out, 'w')
f_out = sys.stdout
system = args.system
for arg in args.files:
filelist = glob(arg)
for f in filelist:
with open(f, 'r') as conllu_f:
tei_etrees = construct_tei_etrees(conllu_f)
for tei_etree in tei_etrees:
f_out.write(etree.tostring(tei_etree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())

View File

@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ import os
import shutil
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from conllu import TokenList
import conllu
import classla
import copy
from lxml import etree
from src.create_tei import construct_tei_etrees, construct_tei_documents_from_list, construct_sentence_from_list, \
construct_paragraph_from_list, TeiDocument, build_tei_etrees, build_links, build_complete_tei
from src.create_tei import construct_sentence_from_list, \
construct_paragraph_from_list, TeiDocument, build_tei_etrees, build_links, build_complete_tei, convert_bibl
@ -18,17 +22,22 @@ def add_token(svala_i, source_i, target_i, el, source, target, edges, svala_data
source_id = "s" + svala_i
target_id = "t" + svala_i
edge_id = "e-" + source_id + "-" + target_id
source_token_id = sentence_string_id + f'.s{source_i}'
target_token_id = sentence_string_id + f'.t{target_i}'
labels = svala_data['edges'][edge_id]['labels']
sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.')
source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{source_i}'
target_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{source_i}'
token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc'
lemma = el.attrib['lemma'] if token_tag == 'w' else el.text
source.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False})
target.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': target_token_id, 'space_after': False})
edges.append({'source_ids': [source_token_id], 'target_ids': [target_token_id], 'labels': svala_data['edges'][edge_id]['labels']})
edges.append({'source_ids': [source_token_id], 'target_ids': [target_token_id], 'labels': labels})
def add_error_token(el, out_list, sentence_string_id, out_list_i, out_list_ids, is_source):
source_token_id = sentence_string_id + f'.s{out_list_i}' if is_source else sentence_string_id + f'.t{out_list_i}'
sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.')
source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}' if is_source \
else f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}'
token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc'
lemma = el.attrib['lemma'] if token_tag == 'w' else el.text
out_list.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False})
@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el.tag.startswith('c'):
elif el.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el.tag.startswith('p'):
@ -70,7 +79,7 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
target_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif p_el.tag.startswith('c'):
elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0:
target[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el.tag.startswith('u2'):
@ -86,7 +95,7 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l2.tag.startswith('c'):
elif el_l2.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l2.tag.startswith('u3'):
@ -102,7 +111,7 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l3.tag.startswith('c'):
elif el_l3.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l3.tag.startswith('u4'):
@ -117,7 +126,7 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l4.tag.startswith('c'):
elif el_l4.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l4.tag.startswith('u5'):
@ -132,22 +141,23 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l5.tag.startswith('c'):
elif el_l5.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
for p_el in el:
if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
target_id = "t" + ind
add_error_token(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, target_ids, False)
target_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif p_el.tag.startswith('c'):
target[-1]['space_after'] = True
# TODO NOT SURE IF THIS SHOULD BE COMMENTED! IF IT IS NOT THERE ARE ERRORS ON 2ND lvl of errors, where some words are duplicated
# for p_el in el:
# if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
# ind = str(svala_i)
# target_id = "t" + ind
# target_edge_ids.append(target_id)
# add_error_token(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, target_ids, False)
# target_i += 1
# svala_i += 1
# elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0:
# target[-1]['space_after'] = True
edge_ids = sorted(source_edge_ids) + sorted(target_edge_ids)
edge_id = "e-" + "-".join(edge_ids)
@ -156,14 +166,36 @@ def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_
return svala_i, source_i, target_i
def process_file(et, args):
def create_conllu(interest_list, sentence_string_id):
conllu_result = TokenList([{"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None, "feats": None,
"head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": "SpaceAfter=No"} if not token['space_after']
else {"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None,
"feats": None, "head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": None} for token_i, token in
# Delete last SpaceAfter
misc = conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] if len(conllu_result) > 0 else None
if misc is not None:
misc_split = misc.split('|')
if misc is not None and misc == 'SpaceAfter=No':
conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = None
elif misc is not None and 'SpaceAfter=No' in misc_split:
conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = '|'.join([el for el in misc_split if el != 'SpaceAfter=No'])
conllu_result.metadata = {"sent_id": sentence_string_id}
return conllu_result.serialize()
def process_file(et, args, nlp):
if os.path.exists(args.results_folder):
etree_source_documents = []
etree_target_documents = []
etree_source_paragraphs = []
etree_target_paragraphs = []
etree_source_divs = []
etree_target_divs = []
complete_source_conllu = ''
complete_target_conllu = ''
document_edges = []
for div in et.iter('div'):
@ -179,6 +211,8 @@ def process_file(et, args):
svala_list = [[fname[:-13], fname] if 'problem' in fname else [fname[:-5], fname] for fname in os.listdir(svala_path)]
svala_dict = {e[0]: e[1] for e in svala_list}
etree_source_paragraphs = []
etree_target_paragraphs = []
paragraph_edges = []
paragraphs = div.findall('p')
@ -226,26 +260,55 @@ def process_file(et, args):
target[-1]['space_after'] = True
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu = create_conllu(source, sentence_string_id)
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu = create_conllu(target, sentence_string_id)
etree_source_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), source))
etree_target_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), target))
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu_annotated = nlp(source_conllu).to_conll()
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu_annotated = nlp(target_conllu).to_conll()
etree_source_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_source_sentences))
etree_target_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_target_sentences))
if len(source) > 0:
complete_source_conllu += source_conllu_annotated
complete_target_conllu += target_conllu_annotated
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu_parsed = conllu.parse(source_conllu_annotated)[0]
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu_parsed = conllu.parse(target_conllu_annotated)[0]
if len(source) > 0:
etree_source_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), source_conllu_parsed, True))
if len(target) > 0:
etree_target_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), target_conllu_parsed, False))
etree_source_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_source_sentences, True))
etree_target_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_target_sentences, False))
etree_bibl = convert_bibl(bibl)
etree_source_divs.append((etree_source_paragraphs, copy.deepcopy(etree_bibl)))
etree_target_divs.append((etree_target_paragraphs, copy.deepcopy(etree_bibl)))
etree_source_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], etree_source_paragraphs))
etree_target_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], etree_target_paragraphs))
etree_source_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0] + 's', etree_source_divs))
etree_target_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0] + 't', etree_target_divs))
etree_source = build_tei_etrees(etree_source_documents)
etree_target = build_tei_etrees(etree_target_documents)
etree_links = build_links(document_edges)
complete_etree = build_complete_tei(etree_source, etree_target, etree_links)
complete_etree = build_complete_tei(copy.deepcopy(etree_source), copy.deepcopy(etree_target), etree_links)
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"source.conllu"), 'w') as sf:
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"target.conllu"), 'w') as sf:
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"source.xml"), 'w') as sf:
sf.write(etree.tostring(etree_source[0], pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())
@ -266,8 +329,9 @@ def process_file(et, args):
def main(args):
with open(args.solar_file, 'r') as fp:
nlp = classla.Pipeline('sl', pos_use_lexicon=True, pos_lemma_pretag=False, tokenize_pretokenized="conllu", type='standard_jos')
et = ElementTree.XML(
process_file(et, args)
process_file(et, args, nlp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -275,8 +339,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
description='Read already processed xmls, erase entries without examples and limit gigafida examples to 1 per entry.')
parser.add_argument('--solar_file', default='data/Solar2.0/solar2.xml',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
parser.add_argument('--txt_file', default='data/txt/input',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
parser.add_argument('--svala_folder', default='data/solar.svala.error.small',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
parser.add_argument('--results_folder', default='data/results/solar3.0',

View File