You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

351 lines
16 KiB

import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from conllu import TokenList
import conllu
import classla
import copy
from lxml import etree
from src.create_tei import construct_sentence_from_list, \
construct_paragraph_from_list, TeiDocument, build_tei_etrees, build_links, build_complete_tei, convert_bibl
def add_token(svala_i, source_i, target_i, el, source, target, edges, svala_data, sentence_string_id):
source_id = "s" + svala_i
target_id = "t" + svala_i
edge_id = "e-" + source_id + "-" + target_id
labels = svala_data['edges'][edge_id]['labels']
sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.')
source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{source_i}'
target_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{source_i}'
token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc'
lemma = el.attrib['lemma'] if token_tag == 'w' else el.text
source.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False})
target.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': target_token_id, 'space_after': False})
edges.append({'source_ids': [source_token_id], 'target_ids': [target_token_id], 'labels': labels})
def add_error_token(el, out_list, sentence_string_id, out_list_i, out_list_ids, is_source):
sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.')
source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}' if is_source \
else f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}'
token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc'
lemma = el.attrib['lemma'] if token_tag == 'w' else el.text
out_list.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'lemma': lemma, 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False})
def add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, edges, svala_data, sentence_string_id):
source_edge_ids = []
target_edge_ids = []
source_ids = []
target_ids = []
# solar5.7
for el in error:
if el.tag.startswith('w') or el.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
source_id = "s" + ind
add_error_token(el, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, source_ids, True)
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el.tag.startswith('p'):
for p_el in el:
if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
target_id = "t" + ind
add_error_token(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, target_ids, False)
target_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0:
target[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el.tag.startswith('u2'):
for el_l2 in el:
if el_l2.tag.startswith('w') or el_l2.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
source_id = "s" + ind
add_error_token(el_l2, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, source_ids, True)
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l2.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l2.tag.startswith('u3'):
for el_l3 in el_l2:
if el_l3.tag.startswith('w') or el_l3.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
source_id = "s" + ind
add_error_token(el_l3, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, source_ids, True)
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l3.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l3.tag.startswith('u4'):
for el_l4 in el_l3:
if el_l4.tag.startswith('w') or el_l4.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
source_id = "s" + ind
add_error_token(el_l4, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, source_ids, True)
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l4.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
elif el_l4.tag.startswith('u5'):
for el_l5 in el_l4:
if el_l5.tag.startswith('w') or el_l5.tag.startswith('pc'):
ind = str(svala_i)
source_id = "s" + ind
add_error_token(el_l5, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, source_ids, True)
source_i += 1
svala_i += 1
elif el_l5.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
# TODO NOT SURE IF THIS SHOULD BE COMMENTED! IF IT IS NOT THERE ARE ERRORS ON 2ND lvl of errors, where some words are duplicated
# for p_el in el:
# if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'):
# ind = str(svala_i)
# target_id = "t" + ind
# target_edge_ids.append(target_id)
# add_error_token(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, target_ids, False)
# target_i += 1
# svala_i += 1
# elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0:
# target[-1]['space_after'] = True
edge_ids = sorted(source_edge_ids) + sorted(target_edge_ids)
edge_id = "e-" + "-".join(edge_ids)
edges.append({'source_ids': source_ids, 'target_ids': target_ids, 'labels': svala_data['edges'][edge_id]['labels']})
return svala_i, source_i, target_i
def create_conllu(interest_list, sentence_string_id):
conllu_result = TokenList([{"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None, "feats": None,
"head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": "SpaceAfter=No"} if not token['space_after']
else {"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None,
"feats": None, "head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": None} for token_i, token in
# Delete last SpaceAfter
misc = conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] if len(conllu_result) > 0 else None
if misc is not None:
misc_split = misc.split('|')
if misc is not None and misc == 'SpaceAfter=No':
conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = None
elif misc is not None and 'SpaceAfter=No' in misc_split:
conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = '|'.join([el for el in misc_split if el != 'SpaceAfter=No'])
conllu_result.metadata = {"sent_id": sentence_string_id}
return conllu_result.serialize()
def process_file(et, args, nlp):
if os.path.exists(args.results_folder):
etree_source_documents = []
etree_target_documents = []
etree_source_divs = []
etree_target_divs = []
complete_source_conllu = ''
complete_target_conllu = ''
document_edges = []
for div in et.iter('div'):
bibl = div.find('bibl')
file_name = bibl.get('n')
file_name = file_name.replace('/', '_')
svala_path = os.path.join(args.svala_folder, file_name)
# skip files that are not svala annotated (to enable short examples)
if not os.path.isdir(svala_path):
svala_list = [[fname[:-13], fname] if 'problem' in fname else [fname[:-5], fname] for fname in os.listdir(svala_path)]
svala_dict = {e[0]: e[1] for e in svala_list}
etree_source_paragraphs = []
etree_target_paragraphs = []
paragraph_edges = []
paragraphs = div.findall('p')
for paragraph in paragraphs:
sentences = paragraph.findall('s')
svala_i = 1
# read json
svala_file = os.path.join(svala_path, svala_dict[paragraph.attrib['{}id']])
jf = open(svala_file)
svala_data = json.load(jf)
etree_source_sentences = []
etree_target_sentences = []
sentence_edges = []
for sentence_id, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
source = []
target = []
edges = []
sentence_id += 1
source_i = 1
target_i = 1
sentence_string_id = paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + f'.{sentence_id}'
for el in sentence:
if el.tag.startswith('w'):
add_token(str(svala_i), source_i, target_i, el, source, target, edges, svala_data, sentence_string_id)
svala_i += 1
source_i += 1
target_i += 1
elif el.tag.startswith('pc'):
add_token(str(svala_i), source_i, target_i, el, source, target, edges, svala_data, sentence_string_id)
svala_i += 1
source_i += 1
target_i += 1
elif el.tag.startswith('u'):
svala_i, source_i, target_i = add_errors(svala_i, source_i, target_i, el, source, target, edges, svala_data, sentence_string_id)
elif el.tag.startswith('c'):
if len(source) > 0:
source[-1]['space_after'] = True
if len(target) > 0:
target[-1]['space_after'] = True
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu = create_conllu(source, sentence_string_id)
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu = create_conllu(target, sentence_string_id)
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu_annotated = nlp(source_conllu).to_conll()
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu_annotated = nlp(target_conllu).to_conll()
if len(source) > 0:
complete_source_conllu += source_conllu_annotated
complete_target_conllu += target_conllu_annotated
if len(source) > 0:
source_conllu_parsed = conllu.parse(source_conllu_annotated)[0]
if len(target) > 0:
target_conllu_parsed = conllu.parse(target_conllu_annotated)[0]
if len(source) > 0:
etree_source_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), source_conllu_parsed, True))
if len(target) > 0:
etree_target_sentences.append(construct_sentence_from_list(str(sentence_id), target_conllu_parsed, False))
etree_source_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_source_sentences, True))
etree_target_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph_from_list(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0], paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[1], etree_target_sentences, False))
etree_bibl = convert_bibl(bibl)
etree_source_divs.append((etree_source_paragraphs, copy.deepcopy(etree_bibl)))
etree_target_divs.append((etree_target_paragraphs, copy.deepcopy(etree_bibl)))
etree_source_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0] + 's', etree_source_divs))
etree_target_documents.append(TeiDocument(paragraph.attrib['{}id'].split('.')[0] + 't', etree_target_divs))
etree_source = build_tei_etrees(etree_source_documents)
etree_target = build_tei_etrees(etree_target_documents)
etree_links = build_links(document_edges)
complete_etree = build_complete_tei(copy.deepcopy(etree_source), copy.deepcopy(etree_target), etree_links)
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"source.conllu"), 'w') as sf:
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"target.conllu"), 'w') as sf:
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"source.xml"), 'w') as sf:
sf.write(etree.tostring(etree_source[0], pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"target.xml"), 'w') as tf:
tf.write(etree.tostring(etree_target[0], pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"links.xml"), 'w') as tf:
tf.write(etree.tostring(etree_links, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"complete.xml"), 'w') as tf:
tf.write(etree.tostring(complete_etree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode())
with open(os.path.join(args.results_folder, f"links.json"), 'w') as jf:
json.dump(document_edges, jf, ensure_ascii=False, indent=" ")
def main(args):
with open(args.solar_file, 'r') as fp:
nlp = classla.Pipeline('sl', pos_use_lexicon=True, pos_lemma_pretag=False, tokenize_pretokenized="conllu", type='standard_jos')
et = ElementTree.XML(
process_file(et, args, nlp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Read already processed xmls, erase entries without examples and limit gigafida examples to 1 per entry.')
parser.add_argument('--solar_file', default='data/Solar2.0/solar2.xml',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
parser.add_argument('--svala_folder', default='data/solar.svala.error.small',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
parser.add_argument('--results_folder', default='data/results/solar3.0',
help='input file in (gz or xml currently). If none, then just database is loaded')
args = parser.parse_args()
start = time.time()
main(args)"TIME: {}".format(time.time() - start))