You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
3.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from keras.models import load_model
import sys
import pickle
import time
from prepare_data import *
data = Data('l', shuffle_all_inputs=False)
content = data._read_content('data/SlovarIJS_BESEDE_utf8.lex')
dictionary, max_word, max_num_vowels, vowels, accented_vowels = data._create_dict(content)
feature_dictionary = data._create_slovene_feature_dictionary()
syllable_dictionary = data._create_syllables_dictionary(content, vowels)
accented_vowels = ['ŕ', 'á', 'à', 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'í', 'ì', 'ó', 'ô', 'ò', 'ú', 'ù']
data = Data('l', shuffle_all_inputs=False)
letter_location_model, syllable_location_model, syllabled_letters_location_model = data.load_location_models(
letter_location_co_model, syllable_location_co_model, syllabled_letters_location_co_model = data.load_location_models(
letter_type_model, syllable_type_model, syllabled_letter_type_model = data.load_type_models(
letter_type_co_model, syllable_type_co_model, syllabled_letter_type_co_model = data.load_type_models(
data = Data('s', shuffle_all_inputs=False)
new_content = data._read_content('data/sloleks-sl_v1.2.tbl')
print('Commencing accentuator!')
rate = 100000
start_timer = time.time()
with open("data/new_sloleks/", "a") as myfile:
for index in range(300000, len(new_content), rate):
if index+rate >= len(new_content):
words = [[el[0], '', el[2], el[0]] for el in new_content][index:len(new_content)]
words = [[el[0], '', el[2], el[0]] for el in new_content][index:index+rate]
data = Data('l', shuffle_all_inputs=False)
location_accented_words, accented_words = data.accentuate_word(words, letter_location_model, syllable_location_model, syllabled_letters_location_model,
letter_location_co_model, syllable_location_co_model, syllabled_letters_location_co_model,
letter_type_model, syllable_type_model, syllabled_letter_type_model,
letter_type_co_model, syllable_type_co_model, syllabled_letter_type_co_model,
dictionary, max_word, max_num_vowels, vowels, accented_vowels, feature_dictionary, syllable_dictionary)
res = ''
for i in range(index, index + len(words)):
res += new_content[i][0] + '\t' + new_content[i][1] + '\t' + new_content[i][2] + '\t' \
+ new_content[i][3][:-1] + '\t' + location_accented_words[i-index] + '\t' + accented_words[i-index] + '\n'
print('Writing data from ' + str(index) + ' onward.')
end_timer = time.time()
print("Elapsed time: " + "{0:.2f}".format((end_timer - start_timer)/60.0) + " minutes")