You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Words proccesed: 650250
# Word indeks: 50023
# Word number: 50023
from lxml import etree
word_glob_num = 0
word_limit = 50000
iter_num = 50000
word_index = 0
accented_places = 0
accented_words = 0
enters = 0
for event, element in etree.iterparse('data/new_sloleks/final_sloleks.xml', tag="LexicalEntry", encoding="UTF-8", remove_blank_text=True):
for child in element:
for wf in child:
if wf.tag == 'FormRepresentation':
for form_rep in wf:
if form_rep.attrib['att'] == 'naglasna_mesta_besede':
accented_places += 1
if '\n' in list(form_rep.attrib['val']):
enters += 1
if form_rep.attrib['att'] == 'naglašena_beseda':
accented_words += 1
if '\n' in list(form_rep.attrib['val']):
enters += 1