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# cjvt-valency
Required submodules:
* `https://gitea.cjvt.si/kristjan/cjvt-corpusparser.git`
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
## Components
### Credentials
Copy `env.default` to `env.local` (gitignored).
Modify database credentials in `env.local`.
The file is used by `make`.
### Database (2 containers)
Set db admin, user, pass, etc in 'Makefile'.
Spin up the database service and create users:
Make sure you create a folder for the data on host machine (see `mongodb-stack.yml` `volumes`.
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/mongo_container/data/ # default one
# $ make database-clean # opt, removes docker services, not data
$ make database-service
$ make database-users # only first time; user data persists too
Populate the database with data form files:
* ssj500k.xml
* kres.xml
* kres_SRL.json
Set path to files in `Makefile`.
# spin up a container with python env
$ make python-env
# install our packages
$ make python-env-install
# run the code
# beforehand, set the data files in Makefile
# instead of mounting directories into the container, you can
# create a link inside ./data, that points to the desired location
# I've separated the processes for better memory management
$ make fill-database-ssj
$ make fill-database-kres
# You can detach from the running process using Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q
# this is a long operation
# if running on a remote server, use nohup:
$ nohup $(make fill-database > fill-database.log) &
If all goes well, we should be able to inspect the database, filled with corpora, on ``.
### Flask backend (1 container)
Relies heavily on the database. Set that up first.
# spin up container
$ make python-env
# install our packages
$ make python-env-install
# needs to be ran once to modify a new database
$ make backend-prepare-db
# if you have the file prepared (sskj_senses.json), you can
# fill the database with some senses
$ make sskj-senses
# with debugger
$ make backend-dev
# production
$ make backend-prod
API endpoints:
* GET word list (pre-cached)
* GET reduced frames (pre-cached)
* POST senses
* User auth logic
### Vue frontend (1 container)
Relies on Flask backend.
Before running `make`, you might need to set the correct api address.
Check `./src/frontend_vue/config/config_prod.json`.
# $ make frontend-dev # development
$ make frontend-prod
App available on: ``.
## Production deployment
Prerequisite: machine with free ports 80 and 8084.
### Database
Either build the database from scratch (lenghty process) using above instructions or just migrate the database from the faculty server (recommended).
Build container my-mongo:
# run once and destroy containers
$ make database-service
### Backend
Set database connection details in `/src/backend_flask/db_config.py`.
Change 'valuser' and 'valuserpass' to the database user.
In the above line, replace `valuser` with the username and `valuserpass` with the password that was used to create the database tables (the values were set in the root Makefile).
You can also set the number of workers in `/src/backend_flask/entrypoint.sh`.
In line with `gunicorn -t 4 -b app:app`, edit the `-t` parameter.
Rule of thumb is 2x number of available CPU cores.
Build the backend container:
# From git root
$ make build-backend-flask
### Frontend
Set the server address (where backend will be runnig) in `src/frontend_vue/config/config_prod.json`.
Build the `/dist` folder that contains the static app (we will be using Nginx to serve it).
# From git root
$ make build-frontend-prod
All set, now run the stack.
Stack configuration in `production.yaml`.
# From git root
$ make deploy-prod-stack
## Uploading a mongo dump
There's a 15GB mongo dump containing the fully processed kres and ssj data.
We can use that file to deploy our aplication.
With this database, we will need a minimum of 8GB ram to serve the app.
If the server is struggling, frontend will throw "Network errors".
Check `` and remove (or backup) the current example database `valdb`.
Run the stack with mongo port mapped:
(uncomment the lines in `production.yaml`)
- 27017:27017
Run a separate my-mongo container with the mounted data:
$ mongo run -it --net host -v <local_dump_path>/dumps my-mongo /bin/bash
Inside the container (edit the uesrname, password):
$ mongorestore /dumps/valdb --db valdb --uri=mongodb://valuser:valuserpass@
After uploading, restart the stack with `27017` commented out.
## Script running
### Environment setup
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+https://gitea.cjvt.si/ozbolt/luscenje_struktur.git
### Running on already setup environment
make database-service
### Setting up environment for running on proc1 - ramdisk
# create ramdisk
sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/tmp
sudo mount -o remount,size=120G,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime /mnt/tmp
# change volumes to /mnt/tmp:/data/db
vim dockerfiles/database/mongodb-stack.yml
# change Makefile -runStack to mkdir -p /mnt/tmp
vim dockerfiles/database/mongodb-stack.yml
docker swarm init
make database-service
make database-users
docker exec -it ef0a /bin/bash
# following steps in docker bash:
mongorestore --gzip --archive=dump.gz --db valdb --uri=mongodb://<REGULAR USERNAME>:<REGULAR PASSWORD>@
# check if it worked by
mongo --username <REGULAR USER> --password --authenticationDatabase valdb