You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from message.message import Message, ClickMessage
from message.translation_edit import AddTranslation ,EditTranslation
from model.sense import NewSense
import modals
class GenericShowModal(ClickMessage):
def __init__(self, event, arg):
self.arg = arg
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
class ShowMenu(ClickMessage):
def __init__(self, event, translation):
location_x = event.currentTarget.offsetLeft
location_y = event.currentTarget.offsetTop + event.currentTarget.offsetHeight
self.menu_location = (location_x, location_y)
console.log(self.menu_location, event.currentTarget)
self.translation = translation
def update_model(self, model):
model.menu_location = self.menu_location
model.menu_shown = True
model.translation = self.translation
class ShowSenseLabelEdit(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.arg
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_sense_label(model.sense)
class ShowSenseDefinitionEdit(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.arg
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_sense_definition(self.arg)
class ShowSenseAdd(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal = lambda: modals.add_sense(NewSense())
class ShowCommentEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_comment(model.entry.comment)
class ShowExampleEdit(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_example(self.arg)
class ShowEditTranslation(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
# I need to get number of all clusters and cluster of self.arg
translation = self.arg
for sense in model.entry.senses:
num_clusters = len(sense.translations)
for cidx, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for t in cluster:
if t == translation:
# fount the one!
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_translation(
translation, cidx, num_clusters, EditTranslation, (translation, cidx))
console.log("Should not be here!")
class ShowAddTranslation(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
chosen_sense = self.arg
for sense in model.entry.senses:
if sense == chosen_sense:
model.modal = lambda: modals.edit_translation(
sense, -1, len(sense.translations), AddTranslation, sense)
console.log("Should not be here!")