You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
5.7 KiB

from lib.snabbdom import h
import message
from view.modal_templates import *
from view.utils import show_toggle_cluster_buttons
def edit_translation(translation, cluster_idx, num_clusters, cls):
def split_line2(left, right):
return h("div.flex.two", {}, [
h("span.third.span-left-of-input", {}, left), h("span.two-third", {}, right)])
# first line: transalation itself
content = [split_line2("Prevedek:",
h("input#etv", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": translation.translation}}, "")),
h("input#ete", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": translation.explanation}}, ""))]
# cluster number
options = [h("option", {"props": {"selected": idx == cluster_idx}}, str(idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_clusters + 1)]
content.append(split_line2("Stevilka gruce:", h("select#cluster-num", {}, options)))
content.append(h("h4", {}, "Tags"))
content.extend(label_list_editor(translation.copy().tags, message.AddToLabelList(translation.copy().tags)))
return modal_template(content, "Translation", cls)
def edit_sense_label(sense):
content = label_list_editor(sense.copy().labels, message.AddToLabelList(sense.copy().labels))
return modal_template(content, "Translation", message.EditSenseLabel(sense))
def edit_example(example, sense):
example_original = example
example = example_original.copy()
def role_msg(idx, role):
return message.msg(message.ExampleRoleChange(example_original, idx, role))
divs = []
buttons_right = lambda idx: [
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "headword")}}, "H"),
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "collocate")}}, "C"),
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "other")}}, "O"),
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "none")}}, "N"),
{"on": {"click": message.msg(message.ExampleComponentAdd(example_original, idx))}}, "+"),
{"on": {"click": message.msg(message.ExampleComponentRemove(example_original, idx))}}, "-")]
for idx, component in enumerate(example.components):
role_txt = component.role if component.role is not None else "none"
color_class = ".example-component-" + role_txt
left = [h("span" + color_class, {}, role_txt)]
middle = [h("input.example-component-text", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": component.text}}, "")]
divs.append(h("div.flex.five.example-component", {}, [
h("", {}, left),
h("div.three-fifth", {}, middle),
h("", {}, buttons_right(idx))]))
cluster = example.get_cluster()
if cluster is not None:
divs.append(h("hr", {}, []))
divs.append(h("div.flex.five.example-component", {}, [
h("", {}, "Cluster"),
h("div.four-fifth", {}, show_toggle_cluster_buttons(sense, example))]))
return modal_template(divs, "Edit Example", message.EditExampleText(example_original))
def edit_variants(entry):
vget = lambda: entry.copy().variants
content = generic_list_editor("Variants", vget)
return modal_template(content, "Add or remove variants", message.EditVariants(), message.DeleteVariants())
def edit_related_entries(entry):
reget = lambda: entry.copy().related_entries
content = generic_list_editor("Related entries", reget)
return modal_template(content, "Add or remove related entries", message.EditRelatedEntries(), message.DeleteRelatedEntries())
def edit_entry_labels(entry):
content = label_list_editor(entry.copy().labels, message.AddToLabelList(entry.copy().labels))
return modal_template(content, "Translation", message.EditEntryLabels(), message.DeleteEntryLabels())
def edit_sense_definition(sense):
return modal_template(question("Edit sense definition", sense.definition["indicator"]), "Sense definition", message.EditSenseDefinition(sense))
def edit_comment(comment):
return modal_template(question("Edit comment", comment), "Comment", message.EditComment(), message.DeleteComment())
def do_chosen_examples(example_list, entry):
example_senses = []
for idx, sense in enumerate(entry.senses):
for ex in sense.examples:
if ex in example_list:
sense_of_first_example = example_senses[0]
# determine if one can choose clusters
# this can happen ef every example from same sense and every example a collocation
can_choose_cluster = len(set(example_senses)) == 1
idx = 0
while can_choose_cluster and idx < len(example_list):
can_choose_cluster = example_list[idx].is_collocation()
idx += 1
options = [h("p", {}, "Choose sense for examples")]
for idx, sense in enumerate(entry.senses):
text = "{}: {}".format(idx + 1, sense.definition["indicator"])
id_ = "choose-example-{}".format(idx)
props = {"type": "radio", "name": "choose-example"}
if idx == sense_of_first_example:
props["checked"] = True
options.append(h("input#{}.checkable-input".format(id_), {"props": props}, []))
options.append(h("label.checkable", {"attrs": {"for": id_}}, text))
options.append(h("br", {}, []))
return modal_template(options, "Examples picker", message.DoChosenExamples(example_list))