You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from model.example import Example
from model.translation import Translation
from model.editable import Editable
from model.tags import TAGS
class Sense(Editable):
def __init__(self, sense_xml):
definition = sense_xml.querySelector("definitionList definition")
self.labels = []
for tag_xml in sense_xml.querySelectorAll("sense > labelList label"):
t_type = tag_xml.getAttribute("type")
t_value = tag_xml.textContent
if t_type not in TAGS:
# using some default
t_type = TAGS.keys()[0]
self.labels.append((t_type, t_value))
self.definition = definition.textContent if definition else ""
self.examples = [Example(example_xml) for example_xml in
sense_xml.querySelectorAll("exampleContainerList exampleContainer")]
translations = []
max_num_cluster = 0
for translation_xml in sense_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainerList translationContainer"):
num_cluster = int(translation_xml.getAttribute("cluster"))
max_num_cluster = max(max_num_cluster, num_cluster)
translations.append((num_cluster, Translation(translation_xml)))
self.translations = [[] for _ in range(max_num_cluster)]
for clusterNum, translation in translations:
self.translations[clusterNum - 1].append(translation)
def merge_labels(self):
return ", ".join(val for _, val in self.labels)