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from browser import window, document
from message.message import Message, msg
# click messages stuff
class DataChgClickMessage(Message):
def on_event(self, event):
class ClickMessage(DataChgClickMessage):
def data_change(self):
return False
# reset messages stuff
class Reset(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
class NoReset(Reset):
def reset(self):
return False
class NoAction(NoReset):
def no_action(self):
return True
class KeyboardPress(Message):
def on_event(self, event):
def reset(self):
key = self.get_arg(0, str)
return key == "Escape"
def data_change(self):
return False
def _handle_textarea(self):
event = self.get_arg(1)
if["type"] == "textarea":
def update_model(self, model):
key = self.get_arg(0, str)
# Enter when modal shown -> press ok button
if model.modal_shown and key == "Enter":
# handle textarea as per user wishes
ok_button = document.getElementById("modal-ok")
if ok_button is not None:
# has to be called in separate thread
window.setTimeout(lambda:, 10)
# a "hack" message for reseting modals #
# everytime a modal closes, run 100ms later model.modal = []
# this is done to achieve nice close animation
# after setting model.modal, do view update to actually update the DOM
class _ModalResetDelayed(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
def data_change(self):
return False
class ModalNotOkClose(Reset):
def update_model(self, model):
# msg just creates a callback, need to actually run it!
window.setTimeout(lambda: msg(_ModalResetDelayed)(None), 100)
def data_change(self):
return False