mt-additional-xml-shema-support #5
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Alter these variables
#USERNAME= vps_sign_in(probably
#VPS_PASSWORD= vps password
#VPS_USERNAME= user name inside vps(probably name from @lexonomy)
#API_KEY= $(cat path/to/api/token/file)
#VPS_PASSWORD=vps password
#VPS_USERNAME=user name inside vps(probably name from @lexonomy)
#API_KEY=$(cat path/to/api/token/file)
# Exit if no argument is passed on run
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ tar czf - ./config.json ./bundle.js ./local.js ./main.css ./main.html | ssh $USE
# Create a simlink on VPS that will enable specific plugin on
# Routes must be absolute or it doesn't work.
ssh -t $USERNAME -p $VPS_PASSWORD "sudo ln -s /home/$VPS_USERNAME/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME /home/ozbolt/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME"
ssh -t $USERNAME -p $VPS_PASSWORD "sudo -s unlink /home/ozbolt/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME || true && sudo ln -s /home/$VPS_USERNAME/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME /home/ozbolt/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME"
@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
<homonymyFeature name="pronunciation">bolníšnica</homonymyFeature>
<homonymyFeature name="blahblah">xyz</homonymyFeature>
<homonymyFeature name="bluhbluh">abc</homonymyFeature>
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ def export_to_xml(model):
def export_entry(entry):
parser = __new__(DOMParser())
doc = parser.parseFromString("<entry />", "text/xml")
entry_xml = doc.firstChild
# create head
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ def export_entry(entry):
status = doc.createElement("status")
status.textContent = entry.status
headword = doc.createElement("headword")
headword_lemma = doc.createElement("lemma")
headword_lemma.textContent = entry.headword
@ -29,7 +28,18 @@ def export_entry(entry):
headword_lemma.setAttribute("type", entry.headword_type)
homonymy = doc.createElement("homonymy")
for hFeature in entry.homonymy:
feature = doc.createElement("homonymyFeature")
feature.textContent = hFeature.value
# Can't use, because Python has name reserver and so it becomes py_name in JS
feature.setAttribute("name", hFeature["name"])
# if({}) works uncorrectly in transcrypt
if len(entry.lexical_unit) > 0:
lexunit = doc.createElement("lexicalUnit")
@ -38,86 +48,86 @@ def export_entry(entry):
lexeme = doc.createElement("lexeme")
lexeme.setAttribute("lexical_unit_lexeme_id", entry.lexical_unit["id"])
lexeme.textContent = entry.lexical_unit["text"]
grammar = doc.createElement("grammar")
grammar_category = doc.createElement("category")
grammar_category.textContent = entry.grammar
if len(entry.measure) > 0:
measure_list = doc.createElement("measureList")
measure = doc.createElement("measure")
measure.setAttribute("source", entry.measure["source"])
measure.setAttribute("type", entry.measure["type"])
measure.textContent = entry.measure["text"]
variants = doc.createElement("variantList")
for v in entry.variants:
variant = doc.createElement("variant")
variant.textContent = v
relist = doc.createElement("relatedEntryList")
for re in entry.related_entries:
relateEntry = doc.createElement("relatedEntry")
relateEntry.textContent = re
head.appendChild(_export_label_list(doc, entry.labels))
comment = doc.createElement("comment")
comment.textContent = entry.comment
# now lets do body
body = doc.createElement("body")
sense_list = doc.createElement("senseList")
for sense in entry.senses:
sense_list.appendChild(export_sense(doc, sense))
return doc
def export_sense(doc, sense):
sense_xml = doc.createElement("sense")
sense_xml.appendChild(_export_label_list(doc, sense.labels))
definition_list = doc.createElement("definitionList")
for typ, text in sense.definition.items():
definition = doc.createElement("definition")
definition.textContent = text
definition.setAttribute("type", typ)
translation_container_list = doc.createElement("translationContainerList")
export_translation_list(doc, sense, translation_container_list)
example_container_list = doc.createElement("exampleContainerList")
for example in sense.examples:
example_container = example.export(doc)
export_translation_list(doc, example, example_container)
return sense_xml
def export_translation_list(doc, py_parent, xml_parent):
@ -126,32 +136,42 @@ def export_translation_list(doc, py_parent, xml_parent):
translation_container = export_translation(doc, translation)
translation_container.setAttribute("cluster", str(cidx + 1))
def export_translation(doc, translation):
translation_xml = doc.createElement("translationContainer")
translation_xml.appendChild(_export_label_list(doc, translation.tags))
actual_t = doc.createElement("translation")
actual_t.textContent = translation.translation
actual_t.setAttribute("targetLang", translation.targetLang)
if translation.source:
actual_t.setAttribute("source", translation.source)
explanationList = doc.createElement("explanationList")
for explanation in translation.explanationList:
el = doc.createElement("explanation")
el.textContent = explanation
explanation = doc.createElement("explanation")
explanation.textContent = translation.explanation
return translation_xml
def _export_label_list(doc, lst):
result = doc.createElement("labelList")
for key, value in lst:
key, value = export_tag(key, value)
label_el = doc.createElement("label")
label_el.textContent = value
label_el.setAttribute('type', key)
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
from message.simple_messages import NoReset, Reset, ModalNotOkClose, ClickMessage, DataChgClickMessage, KeyboardPress, NoAction
from message.translation_edit import EditTranslation, MoveRight, MoveLeft, BinTranslation
from message.show_messages import ShowEntryLabelsEdit, ShowEditTranslation, ShowSenseLabelEdit, ShowSenseDefinitionEdit, ShowCommentEdit, ShowAddTranslation, ShowExampleEdit, ShowVariantsEdit, ShowRelatedEntriesEdit
from message.simple_edits import EditSenseLabel, EditSenseDefinition, EditComment, AddSenseLabel, AddSense, AddExampleTranslation, DoChosenExamples, AddToLabelList, AddToGenericList, EditVariants, EditRelatedEntries, EditEntryLabels, ExampleClusterEdit, ExampleClusterAdd
from message.show_messages import ShowEntryLabelsEdit, ShowEditTranslation, ShowSenseLabelEdit, ShowSenseDefinitionEdit, ShowCommentEdit, ShowAddTranslation, ShowExampleEdit, ShowVariantsEdit, ShowHomonymyEdit, ShowRelatedEntriesEdit
from message.simple_edits import EditSenseLabel, EditSenseDefinition, EditComment, AddSenseLabel, AddSense, AddExampleTranslation, DoChosenExamples, AddToLabelList, AddToGenericList, EditVariants, EditHomonymy, EditRelatedEntries, EditEntryLabels, ExampleClusterEdit, ExampleClusterAdd
from message.show_menu import ShowTranslationMenu, ShowSenseMenu, ShowExampleMenu
from message.sense_edit import SenseMoveUp, SenseMoveDown, SenseBin, AddMultiwordExample
from message.example_edit import ExampleMoveUp, ExampleMoveDown, ExampleBin, ExampleRoleChange, ExampleComponentSpace, ExampleComponentAdd, ExampleComponentRemove, EditExampleText, ToggleExamples, ToggleClusters
from message.delete_messages import DeleteComment, DeleteVariants, DeleteRelatedEntries, DeleteEntryLabels
from message.delete_messages import DeleteComment, DeleteVariants, DeleteHomonymy, DeleteRelatedEntries, DeleteEntryLabels
from message.ske_messages import ShowSkeModal, SearchInSkeModal, SkeInsert
from message.message import msg, delayed_msg
@ -8,28 +8,43 @@ def generic_list_getter():
if result_candidate != "":
return result
# Formats data from inputs to name-value objects
def homonymy_list_getter():
result = []
for row in document.getElementsByClassName("label-list-row"):
value = row.querySelector(".value-input").value
name = row.querySelector(".name-input").value
if ("" in [name, value]):
result.append({"name": name, "value": value})
return result
def label_list_getter():
result = []
for row in document.getElementsByClassName("label-list-row"):
ltype = row.querySelector(".label-type")
lvalue = row.querySelector(".label-value")
lother = row.querySelector(".label-value-other")
if lother is None:
value = lother.value
if not value:
value = lvalue.options[lvalue.selectedIndex].text
value = lvalue.options[lvalue.selectedIndex].text
if not value:
result.append((ltype.textContent, value))
kontrastivno = document.getElementById("kontrastivno-input").checked;
if kontrastivno:
result.append(("razmerje", "kontrastivno"))
return result
@ -6,18 +6,26 @@ from message.simple_messages import NoReset
class DeleteComment(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
document.getElementById("modal-question").value = ""
class DeleteVariants(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
for el in document.getElementsByClassName("list-adder-input"):
el.value = ""
class DeleteRelatedEntries(DeleteVariants):
class DeleteHomonymy(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
for el in document.getElementsByClassName("list-adder-input"):
el.value = ""
class DeleteEntryLabels(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
for sel in document.getElementsByClassName("label-value"):
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ from message.simple_messages import ClickMessage
from model import Example, Sense, Translation
from view import modals
class ShowSenseLabelEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.get_arg(0, Sense)
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_sense_label(model.sense))
class ShowSenseDefinitionEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.get_arg(0, Sense)
@ -22,35 +22,41 @@ class ShowSenseDefinitionEdit(ClickMessage):
class ShowCommentEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_comment(model.entry.comment))
class ShowVariantsEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_variants(model.entry))
class ShowHomonymyEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_homonymy(model.entry))
class ShowRelatedEntriesEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_related_entries(model.entry))
class ShowExampleEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
example = self.get_arg(0, Example)
sense = self.get_arg(1, Sense)
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_example(example, sense))
class ShowEditTranslation(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
# Get translation location
(cidx, idx), (parent, cluster) = EditTranslation.get_translation_location(model.entry, translation)
num_clusters = len(parent.translations)
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_translation(
@ -61,10 +67,10 @@ class ShowAddTranslation(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
chosen_sense_or_example = self.get_arg(0)
translation = Translation()
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_translation(
@ -75,4 +81,4 @@ class ShowEntryLabelsEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_set(lambda: modals.edit_entry_labels(model.entry))
@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ class AddToGenericList(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
list_getter = self.get_arg(0)
def data_change(self):
return False
class AddToLabelList(NoReset):
def update_model(self, model):
list_to_add_to = self.get_arg(0, list)
thing_to_add_getter = self.get_arg(1)
thing_to_add = thing_to_add_getter()
# just adding to the copy to show in the modal
def data_change(self):
return False
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ class AddSense(Message):
sense = Sense()
sense.definition = {"indicator": "New Sense"}
class EditSenseDefinition(QuestionMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
sense = self.get_arg(0, Sense)
sense.definition["indicator"] = self.new_text
class EditComment(QuestionMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.entry.comment = self.new_text
@ -61,24 +61,24 @@ class EditComment(QuestionMessage):
class DoChosenExamples(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
chosen_examples = self.get_arg(0, list)
inputs = document.getElementsByClassName("checkable-input")
selected = None
for idx, el in enumerate(inputs):
if el.checked:
selected = idx
# none was selected
if selected is None:
# first, remove the selected examples from wherever they were
for sense in model.entry.senses:
for example in chosen_examples:
if example in sense.examples:
# now, append selected examples to chosen sense
@ -87,8 +87,13 @@ class EditVariants(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
variants = common_accessors.generic_list_getter()
model.entry.variants = variants
class EditHomonymy(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
homonymy = common_accessors.homonymy_list_getter()
model.entry.homonymy = homonymy
class EditRelatedEntries(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
related_entries = common_accessors.generic_list_getter()
@ -99,17 +104,17 @@ class EditEntryLabels(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
labels = common_accessors.label_list_getter()
model.entry.labels = labels
class ExampleClusterEdit(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
example = self.get_arg(0, Example)
cluster = self.get_arg(1, int)
class ExampleClusterAdd(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
example = self.get_arg(0, Example)
@ -6,26 +6,27 @@ from model.translation import Translation
from model.sense import Sense
class EditTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
self.translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
self.old_cluster_idx = self.get_arg(1, int)
self.translation.translation = document.getElementById("etv").value
self.translation.explanation = document.getElementById("ete").value
# This could be dangerous if generic_list_getter is getting data from any other list as well.
self.translation.explanationList = common_accessors.generic_list_getter()
# common_accessors.label_list_getter()
self.translation.tags = common_accessors.label_list_getter()
# check if empty, remove!
if self.translation.is_empty():
new_cluster_idx = int(document.getElementById("cluster-num").value) - 1
self.handle_cluster_change(new_cluster_idx, model)
def get_translation_location(entry, translation):
def find_in_clusters(parent):
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class EditTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
if search_translation == translation:
return (ci, ti), (parent, cluster)
return None
for sense in entry.senses:
res = find_in_clusters(sense)
if res is not None:
@ -43,21 +44,21 @@ class EditTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
res = find_in_clusters(example)
if res is not None:
return res
window.console.log("should not be here...")
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, model):
if self.old_cluster_idx == new_cluster_idx:
(cidx, tidx), (parent, cluster) = EditTranslation.get_translation_location(model.entry, self.translation)
self.do_cluster_change(parent, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx)
def do_cluster_change(self, sense_or_example, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx):
# remove the translation from the old cluster
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
# we maybe are creating a new cluster, handle that
if len(sense_or_example.translations) == new_cluster_idx:
@ -66,12 +67,12 @@ class EditTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
raise ValueError("Bad new cluster idx :(")
# we still hold cluster reference, check if empty and remove if necessary
# we cant do this earlier since indexes change and yeah, fun stuff
if len(cluster) == 0:
sense_or_example.translations.splice(cidx, 1)
class MoveRight(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
@ -80,8 +81,8 @@ class MoveRight(DataChgClickMessage):
if idx != len(cluster) - 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx + 1] = cluster[idx + 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class MoveLeft(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ class MoveLeft(DataChgClickMessage):
if idx != 0 and len(cluster) > 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx - 1] = cluster[idx - 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class BinTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ class BinTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
model.translation = None
class AddTranslation(EditTranslation):
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, _):
@ -110,4 +111,4 @@ class AddTranslation(EditTranslation):
# we make a dummy cluster, cluster_idx and translation_idx
# we give a correct new_cluster_idx
self.do_cluster_change(self.get_arg(2), [None, None], None, None, new_cluster_idx)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class Entry(Data):
def __init__(self):
self.status = ""
self.headword = ""
self.homonymy = []
self.headword_type = None
self.grammar = ""
self.comment = ""
@ -21,26 +22,27 @@ class Entry(Data):
self.measure = {}
self.labels = []
self.senses = []
def import_xml(self, entry_xml):
status = entry_xml.querySelector("head status")
headword = entry_xml.querySelector("head headword lemma")
grammar = entry_xml.querySelector("head grammar category")
comment = entry_xml.querySelector("head comment")
self.status = status.textContent if status else ""
self.headword = headword.textContent if headword else ""
self.headword_type = headword.getAttribute("type") if headword else None
self.grammar = grammar.textContent if grammar else ""
self.comment = comment.textContent if comment else ""
self.variants = [v.textContent for v in entry_xml.querySelectorAll("head variantList variant")]
self.homonymy = [{"value": v.textContent, "name": v.getAttribute("name")} for v in entry_xml.querySelectorAll("head headword homonymy homonymyFeature ")]
self.related_entries = [re.textContent for re in entry_xml.querySelectorAll("head relatedEntryList relatedEntry")]
lex_unit = entry_xml.querySelector("lexical_unit lexeme,lexicalUnit lexeme")
if lex_unit:
self.lexical_unit['id'] = lex_unit.getAttribute("lexical_unit_lexeme_id")
self.lexical_unit['text'] = lex_unit.textContent
measure = entry_xml.querySelector("measureList measure")
if measure:
self.measure["source"] = measure.getAttribute("source")
@ -48,19 +50,19 @@ class Entry(Data):
self.measure["text"] = measure.textContent
self.labels = import_label_list("head labelList label", entry_xml)
for i, sense_xml in enumerate(entry_xml.querySelectorAll("body senseList sense")):
sense = Sense()
sense.import_xml(sense_xml, i)
def view(self, model):
view_sense_list = [sense.view(model, idx) for idx, sense in enumerate(self.senses)]
buttons_left = self._view_button_section(model)
buttons_right = View.view_toggle_buttons(model)
return h("div#entry", {}, [
h("div#entry-status", {}, self.status),
h("div#entry-header", {}, [
@ -72,51 +74,57 @@ class Entry(Data):
h("", {}, buttons_right)]),
h("div#sense-container", {}, view_sense_list),
h("button.add-button", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.AddSense)}}, "+")])
def _view_button_section(self, model):
clk = lambda cls: {"on": {"click": M.msg(cls)}}
buttons = [
h("button.normal", clk(M.ShowVariantsEdit), "Variante"),
h("button.success", clk(M.ShowRelatedEntriesEdit), "Povezano"),
h("button.success", clk(M.ShowEntryLabelsEdit), "Oznake"),
h("button.normal", clk(M.ShowCommentEdit), "Opombe")]
h("button.normal", clk(M.ShowCommentEdit), "Opombe"),
h("button.normal", clk(M.ShowHomonymyEdit), "Homonomije"),]
view_buttons = []
view_table = []
if len(self.variants) == 0:
view_table.append((buttons[0], ", ".join(self.variants)))
if len(self.homonymy) == 0:
view_table.append((buttons[4], ", ".join((h["name"] + ": " + h.value) for h in self.homonymy)))
if len(self.related_entries) == 0:
view_table.append((buttons[1], ", ".join(self.related_entries)))
if len(self.labels) == 0:
labels = ", ".join([clean_label(val) for _, val in self.labels])
view_table.append((buttons[2], labels))
if self.comment == "":
view_table.append((buttons[3], self.comment))
table_rows = [
h("tr", {}, [ h("td", {}, btn), h("td", {}, content)])
h("tr", {}, [ h("td", {}, btn), h("td", {}, content)])
for btn, content in view_table]
view_buttons.append(h("table", {}, table_rows))
return h("div", {}, view_buttons)
def get_measure_text(self):
return self.measure["text"] if "text" in self.measure else ""
def remove_translation(self, translation):
for sense in self.senses:
for cluster in sense.translations:
@ -128,4 +136,4 @@ class Entry(Data):
if translation in cluster:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class ComponentLexeme(Data):
if xml.hasAttribute("space"):
self.no_space = xml.getAttribute("space") == "false"
for oth_attr in ["lexical_unit_lexeme_id", "slolex", "kol"]:
for oth_attr in ["lexical_unit_lexeme_id", "slolex", "kol", "sloleks"]:
if xml.hasAttribute(oth_attr):
self.other_attributes[oth_attr] = xml.getAttribute(oth_attr)
@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ import message as M
def from_container_list(translation_list_container_xml):
translations = []
max_num_cluster = 0
for translation_xml in translation_list_container_xml:
num_cluster = 1 # default cluster
if translation_xml.hasAttribute("cluster"):
num_cluster = int(translation_xml.getAttribute("cluster"))
max_num_cluster = max(max_num_cluster, num_cluster)
t = Translation()
translations.append((num_cluster, t))
result = [[] for _ in range(max_num_cluster)]
for clusterNum, translation in translations:
result[clusterNum - 1].append(translation)
return result
@ -33,40 +33,47 @@ class Translation(Data):
self.source = ""
self.targetLang = ""
self.explanation = ""
self.explanationList = []
self.tags = []
def import_xml(self, translation_xml):
translation = translation_xml.querySelector("translation")
if translation:
self.translation = translation.textContent
self.source = translation.getAttribute("source") if translation.hasAttribute("source") else ""
self.targetLang = translation.getAttribute("targetLang") if translation.hasAttribute("targetLang") else ""
explanationList = translation_xml.querySelectorAll("explanationList explanation")
for explanation in explanationList:
self.explanationList.append(explanation.textContent if explanation else "")
explanation = translation_xml.querySelector("explanation")
self.explanation = explanation.textContent if explanation else ""
self.tags = import_label_list("labelList label", translation_xml)
def view(self, model):
elements = []
if self.tags:
tags = h("div.translation-tags", {}, [
h("span", {"attr": {"title": key}}, clean_label(value))
h("span", {"attr": {"title": key}}, clean_label(value))
for key, value in self.tags])
elements.append(h("span.translation-text", {}, self.translation))
if self.source:
elements.append(h("span.translation-source", {}, self.source))
explanation_class = ".translation-explanation" if self.translation else ""
elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, self.explanation))
# elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, self.explanations))
elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, ", ".join(self.explanationList)))
return h("div.translation-div", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.ShowTranslationMenu, self) }}, elements)
def is_empty(self):
result = True
result = result and self.translation == ""
@ -9,34 +9,34 @@ class Update:
# check if completely no action needed
if msg.no_action():
# by default, no need to redraw entry
entry_redraw = False
# check if we need to signal the data change
if msg.data_change():
entry_redraw = True
# redraw of view can happen even if no data changed
entry_redraw |= msg.entry_redraw()
# check if we need to reset the model
reset = msg.reset()
if reset:
# actually run the update_model
# post reset comes now
if reset:
self.view.view(self.model, entry_redraw)
def set_model(self, model):
self.model = model
@ -5,37 +5,37 @@ from browser import document
def modal_template(content, title, msg, delete_msg=None):
reset = message.msg(message.ModalNotOkClose)
footer = []
if msg is not None:
footer.append(h("a#modal-ok.button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(*msg)}}, "OK"))
footer.append(h("label.button.dangerous", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "Cancel"))
if delete_msg is not None:
footer.append(h("label.button.warning.modal-delete", {"on": {"click": message.msg(*delete_msg)}}, "🗑"))
return [
h("header", {}, [
h("h3", {}, title),
h("label.close", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "×")]),
h("section.content", {}, content ),
h("footer", {}, footer)]
def _question(question, current_value, input_element):
props = {"value": current_value}
if input_element == "input":
props["type"] = "text"
return [
h("span", {}, question),
h("label", {}, [
h("{}#modal-question".format(input_element), {"props": props}, "")])]
def big_question(question, current_value):
return _question(question, current_value, "textarea")
def question(question, current_value):
return _question(question, current_value, "input")
@ -47,28 +47,47 @@ def generic_list_editor(title, element_list_getter):
content.append(h("button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(message.AddToGenericList, element_list_getter)}}, "+"))
return content
def homonymy_editor(title, current_labels):
def split_line2(left, right):
cls = "flex.two{}".format(".label-list-row")
return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [
h("div.half", {}, left), h("div.half", {}, right)])
content = [h("p", {}, title)]
for i, feature in enumerate(current_labels()):
name = []
value = []
name.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i}}, "Name:"))
name.append(h("", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": feature["name"], "id": i}}, ""))
value.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i + "-value"}}, "Value:"))
value.append(h("input.value-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": feature["value"], "id": i + "-value"}}, ""))
content.append(split_line2(name, value))
content.append(h("button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(message.AddToGenericList, current_labels)}}, "+"))
return content
def label_list_editor(current_labels, add_label_message_class):
def split_line3(left, center, right, is_llr=True):
cls = "flex.three{}".format(".label-list-row" if is_llr else "")
return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [
h("span.third", {}, left), h("span.third", {}, center), h("span.third", {}, right)])
def dropdown_right(label_type, label):
left = h("span.label-type", {}, label_type)
options = [h("option", {}, [])]
for value in TAGS[label_type]:
options.append(h("option", {"props": {"selected": label == value}}, value))
center = h("select.label-value", {}, options)
right_value = label if label not in TAGS[label_type] else ""
right = h("input.label-value-other",
{"props": {"type": "text", "value": right_value, "placeholder": "drugo"}},
right = h("input.label-value-other",
{"props": {"type": "text", "value": right_value, "placeholder": "drugo"}},
return split_line3(left, center, right)
content = []
kontrastivno = False
for key, value in current_labels:
@ -76,27 +95,27 @@ def label_list_editor(current_labels, add_label_message_class):
if value == "kontrastivno":
kontrastivno = True
content.append(dropdown_right(key, value))
# add a way to get new element to add to tag list
def get_new_label_type():
select = document.getElementById("new-tag-select")
return (select.options[select.selectedIndex].text, "")
h("", {}, []),
h("label", {}, [
h("input#kontrastivno-input", {"props": {"type": "checkbox", "checked": kontrastivno}}, []),
h("span.checkable", {}, "kontrastivno")]),
h("", {}, [])))
left = h("span", {}, "Add more!")
center = h("select#new-tag-select", {}, [h("option", {}, ltype) for ltype in TAGS.keys()])
right = h("button", {"style": {"float": "right"}, "on": {"click": message.msg(*add_label_message_class)}}, "+")
content.append(split_line3(left, center, right, False))
content.append(h("hr", {}, []))
return content
@ -9,53 +9,52 @@ def edit_translation(translation, parent, cluster_idx, num_clusters, cls):
def split_line2(left, right):
return h("div.flex.two", {}, [
h("span.third.span-left-of-input", {}, left), h("span.two-third", {}, right)])
content = []
if type(parent) is model.Example:
h("span.translation-original-title", {}, "Primer: "),
h("span.translation-original", {}, parent.simple_view()),
h("hr", {}, None)])
# first line: transalation itself
h("textarea#etv", {"props": {"value": translation.translation}}, "")),
h("textarea#ete", {"props": {"value": translation.explanation}}, ""))])
split_line2("Prevedek:", h("textarea#etv", {"props": {"value": translation.translation}}, ""))])
content.extend(generic_list_editor("Razlage:", lambda: translation.explanationList))
# cluster number
options = [h("option", {"props": {"selected": idx == cluster_idx}}, str(idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_clusters + 1)]
content.append(split_line2("Stevilka gruce:", h("select#cluster-num", {}, options)))
content.append(h("h4", {}, "Tags"))
content.extend(label_list_editor(translation.copy().tags, [message.AddToLabelList, translation.copy().tags]))
return modal_template(content, "Translation", cls)
def edit_sense_label(sense):
content = label_list_editor(sense.copy().labels, [message.AddToLabelList, sense.copy().labels])
return modal_template(content, "Translation", (message.EditSenseLabel, sense))
def edit_example(example, sense):
example_original = example
example = example_original.copy()
def role_msg(idx, role):
return message.msg(message.ExampleRoleChange, example_original, idx, role)
divs = []
def list_of_right_buttons(idx, component):
result = [
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "headword")}}, "H"),
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "collocate")}}, "C"),
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "other")}}, "O")]
if example.is_multiword():
additional_class = ".example-component-no-space" if component.no_space else ""
click_message = message.msg(message.ExampleComponentSpace, example_original, idx)
@ -64,32 +63,32 @@ def edit_example(example, sense):
{"on": {"click": role_msg(idx, "none")}}, "N"))
{"on": {"click": message.msg(message.ExampleComponentAdd, example_original, idx)}}, "+"),
{"on": {"click": message.msg(message.ExampleComponentRemove, example_original, idx)}}, "-")])
return result
for idx, component in enumerate(example.components):
role_txt = component.role if component.role is not None else "none"
color_class = ".example-component-" + role_txt
left = [h("span" + color_class, {}, role_txt)]
if component.role is None:
middle = [h("textarea.example-component-text", {"props": {"value": component.text}}, "")]
middle = [h("input.example-component-text", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": component.text}}, "")]
divs.append(h("div.flex.five.example-component", {}, [
h("", {}, left),
h("div.three-fifth", {}, middle),
h("", {}, left),
h("div.three-fifth", {}, middle),
h("", {}, list_of_right_buttons(idx, component))]))
return modal_template(divs, "Edit Example",
return modal_template(divs, "Edit Example",
(message.EditExampleText, example_original, sense))
@ -99,6 +98,12 @@ def edit_variants(entry):
return modal_template(content, "Add or remove variants", (message.EditVariants,), (message.DeleteVariants,))
def edit_homonymy(entry):
hget = lambda: entry.copy().homonymy
content = homonymy_editor("Homonymy", hget)
return modal_template(content, "Add or remove homonymy features", (message.EditHomonymy,), (message.DeleteHomonymy,))
def edit_related_entries(entry):
reget = lambda: entry.copy().related_entries
content = generic_list_editor("Related entries", reget)
@ -125,29 +130,29 @@ def do_chosen_examples(example_list, entry):
if ex in example_list:
sense_of_first_example = example_senses[0]
options = [h("p", {}, "Choose sense for examples")]
for idx, sense in enumerate(entry.senses):
text = "{}: {}".format(idx + 1, sense.definition["indicator"])
id_ = "choose-example-{}".format(idx)
props = {"type": "radio", "name": "choose-example"}
if idx == sense_of_first_example:
if idx == sense_of_first_example:
props["checked"] = True
options.append(h("input#{}.checkable-input".format(id_), {"props": props}, []))
options.append(h("label.checkable", {"attrs": {"for": id_}}, text))
options.append(h("br", {}, []))
return modal_template(options, "Examples picker", (message.DoChosenExamples, example_list))
def ske_list(search_term, data, page_num, senses, ske_kinds):
list_contents = []
ske_list_hidden = False
if data is None:
list_contents.append(h("div.loadingspinner", {}, ""))
elif type(data) is list:
@ -159,7 +164,7 @@ def ske_list(search_term, data, page_num, senses, ske_kinds):
ske_list_hidden = True
list_contents.append(h("span.error", {}, "Something went wrong in SKE: {}".format(data)))
contents = [
h("div.flex.four", {}, [
h("select#ske-select.fourth", {}, [
@ -168,18 +173,18 @@ def ske_list(search_term, data, page_num, senses, ske_kinds):
h("input#ske-search", {"props": {"value": search_term, "type": "text"}}, "")]),
h("label.fourth.ske-mid-input", {}, [
h("input#ske-page-num", {"attrs": {
"value": str(page_num),