All the code in one batch

Ozbolt Menegatti 5 years ago
parent 85a10c638f
commit 75755ef3c5

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from browser import document
def export_to_xml(model):
xml_document = export_entry(model.entry)
serializer = __new__(XMLSerializer())
return serializer.serializeToString(xml_document);
def export_entry(entry):
parser = __new__(DOMParser())
doc = parser.parseFromString("<entry />", "text/xml")
entry_xml = doc.firstChild
# create head
head = doc.createElement("head")
status = doc.createElement("status")
status.textContent = entry.status
headword = doc.createElement("headword")
headword_lemma = doc.createElement("lemma")
headword_lemma.textContent = entry.headword
grammar = doc.createElement("grammar")
grammar_category = doc.createElement("category")
grammar_category.textContent = entry.grammar
comment = doc.createElement("comment")
comment.textContent = entry.comment
# now lets do body
body = doc.createElement("body")
sense_list = doc.createElement("sense_list")
for sense in entry.senses:
sense_list.appendChild(export_sense(doc, sense))
return doc
def export_sense(doc, sense):
sense_xml = doc.createElement("sense")
label_list = doc.createElement("labelList")
label = doc.createElement("label")
label.textContent = sense.label
definition_list = doc.createElement("definitionList")
definition = doc.createElement("definition")
definition.textContent = sense.definition
definition.setAttribute("type", "indicator")
translation_container_list = doc.createElement("translationContainerList")
for cidx, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for translation in cluster:
translation_container = export_translation(doc, translation)
translation_container.setAttribute("cluster", str(cidx + 1))
return sense_xml
def export_translation(doc, translation):
translation_xml = doc.createElement("translationContainer")
actual_t = doc.createElement("translation")
actual_t.textContent = translation.translation
tags = doc.createElement("tagsContainer")
for tagname, tagvalue in translation.tags.items():
name_el = doc.createElement("type")
name_el.textContent = tagname
value_el = doc.createElement("value")
value_el.textContent = tagvalue
tag_el = doc.createElement("tag")
return translation_xml

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
from snabbdom import h, patch
from browser import document
from model import Model
from view import View
from update import update
import modals
model = Model()

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
from message.simple_messages import ListItemClick
from message.simple_messages import NoReset, Reset, ModalNotOkClose
from message.translation_edit import EditTranslation, MoveRight, MoveLeft, BinTranslation
from message.show_messages import ShowMenu, ShowEditTranslation, ShowSenseLabelEdit, ShowSenseDefinitionEdit, ShowCommentEdit, ShowAddTranslation
from message.simple_edits import EditSenseLabel, EditSenseDefinition, EditComment
from message.message import msg
def msg(message_class):
from update import update
def callback(arg):
message_instance = message_class(arg)
return callback

@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
from update import update
class Message:
def update_model(self, model):
raise NotImplementedError("This message does not implement update_model method")
raise NotImplementedError("This message does not implement update_model method")
def reset(self):
return True
class ClickMessage(Message):
def __init__(self, event):
def msg(message_class, params):
def callback(event):
message_instance = message_class(event, params)
return callback

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
from message.message import Message, ClickMessage
from message.translation_edit import AddTranslation ,EditTranslation
import modals
class GenericShowModal(ClickMessage):
def __init__(self, event, arg):
self.arg = arg
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
class ShowMenu(ClickMessage):
def __init__(self, event, translation):
self.menu_location = (event.pageX, event.pageY)
self.translation = translation
def update_model(self, model):
model.menu_location = self.menu_location
model.menu_shown = True
model.translation = self.translation
class ShowSenseLabelEdit(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.arg
model.modal = modals.edit_sense_label(self.arg)
class ShowSenseDefinitionEdit(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.sense = self.arg
model.modal = modals.edit_sense_definition(self.arg)
class ShowCommentEdit(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
model.modal = modals.edit_comment(model.entry.comment)
class ShowEditTranslation(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
# I need to get number of all clusters and cluster of self.arg
translation = self.arg
for sense in model.entry.senses:
num_clusters = len(sense.translations)
for cidx, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for t in cluster:
if t == translation:
# fount the one!
model.modal = modals.edit_translation(translation, cidx, num_clusters, EditTranslation, (translation, cidx))
console.log("Should not be here!")
class ShowAddTranslation(GenericShowModal):
def update_model(self, model):
model.modal_shown = True
chosen_sense = self.arg
for sense in model.entry.senses:
if sense == chosen_sense:
model.modal = modals.edit_translation(sense, -1, len(sense.translations), AddTranslation, sense)
console.log("Should not be here!")

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
from message.message import Message
from browser import document
from model import Sense
class SimpleEditMessage(Message):
def __init__(self, event, prop):
input_element = document.getElementById("modal-input")
self.new_text = input_element.value
self.prop = prop
class EditSenseLabel(SimpleEditMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
sense = self.prop
assert(type(sense) is Sense)
sense.label = self.new_text
class EditSenseDefinition(SimpleEditMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
sense = self.prop
assert(type(sense) is Sense)
sense.definition = self.new_text
class EditComment(SimpleEditMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
model.entry.comment = self.new_text

@ -1,10 +1,29 @@
from message.message import Message
from message.message import Message, ClickMessage, msg
from browser import window
import modals
class ListItemClick(Message):
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
class Reset(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
class NoReset(Reset):
def reset(self):
return False
# a "hack" message for reseting modals #
# everytime a modal closes, run 100ms later model.modal = []
# this is done to achieve nice close animation
# after setting model.modal, do view update to actually update the DOM
class _ModalResetDelayed(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
model.names.splice(self.num, 1)
model.modal = []
class ModalNotOkClose(Reset):
def update_model(self, model):
# msg just creates a callback, need to actually run it!
window.setTimeout(lambda: msg(_ModalResetDelayed)(None), 100)

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
from message.message import Message, ClickMessage
from browser import document, window
from model.translation import TAGS, NewTranslation
class TranslationActionMessage(ClickMessage):
def __init__(self, event, translation):
self.translation = translation
def get_translation_location(entry, translation):
for si, sense in enumerate(entry.senses):
for ci, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for ti, search_translation in enumerate(cluster):
if search_translation == translation:
return (si, ci, ti), (sense, cluster)
class EditTranslation(TranslationActionMessage):
def __init__(self, _, prop):
self.translation, self.old_cluster_idx = prop
def update_model(self, model):
self.translation.translation = document.getElementById("etv").value;
for tag in TAGS.keys():
select = document.getElementById("{}-s".format(tag));
other = document.getElementById("{}-o".format(tag));
if other.value:
self.translation.tags[tag] = other.value
elif select.selectedIndex > 0:
self.translation.tags[tag] = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text
if tag in self.translation.tags:
del self.translation.tags[tag]
new_cluster_idx = int(document.getElementById("cluster-num").value) - 1;
self.handle_cluster_change(new_cluster_idx, model)
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, model):
if self.old_cluster_idx == new_cluster_idx:
# first, find out the correct sense
for sense in model.entry.senses:
for cidx, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for tidx, t in enumerate(cluster):
if t == self.translation:
#found, lets do whatever needs to be done
self.do_cluster_change(sense, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx)
# we are done, lets return
def do_cluster_change(self, sense, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx):
# remove the translation from the old cluster
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
# we maybe are creating a new cluster, handle that
if len(sense.translations) == new_cluster_idx:
elif len(sense.translations) > new_cluster_idx:
# lets append the translation to new cluster
raise ValueError("Bad new cluster idx :(")
# we still hols cluster reference, check if empty and remove if necessary
# we cant do this earlier since indexes change and yeah, fun stuff
if len(cluster) == 0:
sense.translations.splice(cidx, 1)
class MoveRight(TranslationActionMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
(_, _, idx), (_, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, self.translation)
if idx != len(cluster) - 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx + 1] = cluster[idx + 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class MoveLeft(TranslationActionMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
(_, _, idx), (_, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, self.translation)
if idx != 0 and len(cluster) > 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx - 1] = cluster[idx - 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class BinTranslation(TranslationActionMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
(_, cidx, tidx), (sense, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, self.translation)
if len(cluster) == 1:
# remove empty cluster
sense.translations.splice(cidx, 1)
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
model.translation = None
class AddTranslation(EditTranslation):
def __init__(self, _, prop):
self.translation = NewTranslation()
self.old_cluster_idx = -1
self.sense = prop
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, _):
# we need to cheat here
# sense was actually given in constructor
# we make a dummy cluster, cluster_idx and translation_idx
# we give a correct new_cluster_idx
self.do_cluster_change(self.sense, [None, None], None, None, new_cluster_idx)

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
from lib.snabbdom import h
import message
from browser import document
from model.translation import TAGS
def modal_template(content, title, msg, prop):
reset = message.msg(message.ModalNotOkClose)
return [
h("header", {}, [
h("h3", {}, title),
h("label.close", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "×")]),
h("section.content", {}, content ),
h("footer", {}, [
h("a.button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(msg, prop)}}, "OK"),
h("label.button.dangerous", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "Cancel")])]
def one_question_modal(title, msg, question, current_value, prop):
content = [
h("span", {}, question),
h("label", {}, [
h("input#modal-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": current_value}}, "")])]
return modal_template(content, title, msg, prop)
def edit_translation(translation, cluster_idx, num_clusters, cls, prop):
def split_line2(left, right):
return h("div.flex.two", {}, [
h("span.third.span-left-of-input", {}, left), h("span.two-third", {}, right)])
def split_line3(left, center, right):
return h("div.flex.three", {}, [
h("span.third.span-left-of-input", {}, left), h("span.third", {}, center), h("span.third", {}, right)])
def dropdown_right(tag_name):
left = tag_name + ":"
values = TAGS[tag_name]
selected_value = translation.tags[tag_name] if tag_name in translation.tags else None
options = [h("option", {}, [])]
for value in values:
options.append(h("option", {"props": {"selected": selected_value == value}}, value))
center = h("select#{}-s".format(tag_name), {}, options)
right_value = selected_value if selected_value not in values and selected_value is not None else ""
right = h("input#{}-o".format(tag_name),
{"props": {"type": "text", "value": right_value, "placeholder": "drugo"}},
return split_line3(left, center, right)
# first line: transalation itself
content = [split_line2("Prevedek:",
h("input#etv", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": translation.translation}}, ""))]
# cluster number
options = [h("option", {"props": {"selected": idx == cluster_idx}}, str(idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_clusters + 1)]
content.append(split_line2("Stevilka gruce:", h("select#cluster-num", {}, options)))
# tags
content.append(h("h4", {}, "Tags"))
for tag in TAGS.keys():
return modal_template(content, "Translation", cls, prop)
def edit_sense_label(sense):
return one_question_modal("Sense", message.EditSenseLabel, "Edit sense label", sense.label, sense)
def edit_sense_definition(sense):
return one_question_modal("Sense definition", message.EditSenseDefinition, "Edit sense definition", sense.definition, sense)
def edit_comment(comment):
return one_question_modal("Comment", message.EditComment, "Edit comment", comment, None)

@ -1 +1,3 @@
from model.model import Model
from model.model import Model
from model.sense import Sense
from model.translation import Translation

@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ class Entry:
self.comment = comment.textContent if comment else ""
self.senses = [Sense(sense_xml) for sense_xml in
entry_xml.querySelectorAll("body senseList sense")]
entry_xml.querySelectorAll("body senseList sense")]

@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
from model.entry import Entry
from browser import window
class Model:
def __init__(self, names):
# main data stuff
self.entry = None
# report everything that happens!
self.log = []
self.names = ["Ozbolt", "Katarina"]
#runtime info
self.menu_location = (0, 0)
self.menu_shown = False
self.modal = []
self.modal_shown = False
# currently edited stuff
self.translation = None
self.sense = None
def reset(self):
self.menu_shown = False
self.modal_shown = False
def import_xml(self, xml_text):
parser = __new__(DOMParser())
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xml_text, "text/xml")
self.entry = Entry(xmlDoc.querySelector("entry"))
# type alias Model =
# { shown: Bool
# , editable: Bool
# , entry: Maybe Entry
# , newXml: Bool
# , xml: Maybe String
# , xmlObject: Maybe Xml2.Value
# , log: List LogEntry
# }

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from model.example import Example
from model.translation import Translation
class Sense:
def __init__(self, sense_xml):
label = sense_xml.querySelector("labelList label")

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
TAGS = {
"podrocje": ["administracija", "antropologija", "arheologija", "arhitektura", "astrologija", "astronomija", "avtomobilizem", "biblično", "bibliotekarstvo", "biologija", "-- anatomija", "-- biokemija", "-- botanika", "-- paleontologija", "-- zoologija", "ekonomija", "-- industrija", "-- ribištvo", "-- rudarstvo", "-- šolstvo", "-- trgovina", "-- turizem", "-- zdravstvo", "-- metalurgija", "-- živilska industrija", "elektrika", "elektronika", "filozofija", "finance", "fizika", "fotografija", "geografija", "-- ekologija", "-- geologija", "-- geodezija", "-- meteorologija", "-- mineralogija", "-- petrografija", "glasba", "gradbeništvo", "heraldika", "jezikoslovje", "kemija", "kmetijstvo", "-- čebelarstvo", "-- gozdarstvo", "-- poljedelstvo", "-- sadjarstvo", "-- vinogradništvo", "-- vrtnarstvo", "konjeništvo", "kulinarika", "letalstvo", "literarna teorija", "-- književnost", "-- pesništvo", "lovstvo", "matematika", "-- geometrija", "-- statistika", "medicina", "mehanika", "mitologija", "moda", "obrtništvo", "-- čevljarstvo", "-- dimnikarstvo", "-- kamnoseštvo", "-- mizarstvo", "-- optika", "oglaševanje", "politika", "pomorstvo", "pošta", "pravo", "psihologija", "računalništvo", "religija", "sociologija", "šport", "tekstil", "telekomunikacije", "-- radiotelevizija", "-- radio", "-- telefonija", "-- televizija", "tiskarstvo", "transport", "-- cestni promet", "-- tovorni promet", "-- zračni promet", "-- železnica", "umetnost", "uprizoritvene umetnosti", "-- film", "-- gledališče", "-- ples", "-- balet", "veterina", "vojska", "zavarovalništvo", "zgodovina"],
"stilne": ["registrske", "-- narečno", "-- sleng", "-- v otroškem govoru", "-- neformalno", "-- formalno", "-- v jeziku mladih", "-- v govoru", "-- v pogovoru", "-- nenevtralno", "konotacijske", "-- šaljivo", "-- ironično", "-- vulgarno", "-- slabšalno", "-- žaljivo", "-- grobo", "-- ljubkovalno", "pragmatične", "-- pregovor", "-- kot pozdrav", "-- kot kletvica", "-- kot žaljivka", "-- kot gesta", "-- kot grožnja", "-- kot nagovor", "-- kot nasvet", "-- kot navodilo", "-- kot opozorilo", "časovne", "-- starinsko"],
"slovnične": ["v pridevniški rabi", "v primerniku", "v presežniku", "v samostalniški rabi", "v ednini", "v dvojini", "v množini", "števno", "neštevno", "v 3. osebi", "v velelniku", "z veliko začetnico"],
"skupne": ["tudi", "predvsem", "običajno", "včasih", "redko"]
class Translation:
def __init__(self, translation_xml):
translation = translation_xml.querySelector("translation")
@ -8,3 +16,10 @@ class Translation:
t_type = tag_xml.querySelector("type").textContent
t_value = tag_xml.querySelector("value").textContent
self.tags[t_type] = t_value
class NewTranslation(Translation):
def __init__(self):
self.translation = ""
self.tags = {}

@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ class Update:
self.view = None
def update_model(self):
# any update resets menu_location, except if it explicitly defines it
for msg in self.message_queue:
if msg.reset():
for msg in self.message_queue:

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
from snabbdom import h, patch
from message import ListItemClick, msg
from lib.snabbdom import h, patch
from message import *
import random
from export import export_to_xml
class View:
@ -15,17 +18,11 @@ class View:
self.vdom = new_vdom
def _view(self):
return View.view_entry(self.model.entry)
def view_list_elements(self):
def callback(num):
return msg(lambda: ListItemClick(num))
list_elements = [
h('li', {"on": {"click": callback(idx)}}, name)
for idx, name in enumerate(self.model.names)
return h('ol', {}, list_elements)
return h("div", {"on": { "click": msg(Reset) }}, [
h("button.blk", {"on": { "click": lambda _: console.log(export_to_xml(self.model)) } }, "XML2Console"),
View.view_menu(self.model.menu_location, self.model.menu_shown, self.model.translation),
View.view_modal(self.model.modal_shown, self.model.modal)])
def view_entry(entry):
@ -34,25 +31,22 @@ class View:
return h("div#entry", {}, [
h("div#entry-status", {}, entry.status),
h("div#entry-header", {}, [
h("span#headword", {}, entry.headWord),
h("span#headword", {}, entry.headword),
h("span#grammar", {}, entry.grammar),
h("span#comment", {}, entry.comment)]),
h("button#comment.warning", {"on": {"click": msg(ShowCommentEdit)}}, entry.comment)]),
h("div#sense-container", {}, view_sense_list)])
def view_sense(sense, senseNum):
examples = [View.view_example(example) for example in sense.examples]
return h("div.elm-div", {}, [
h("div.sense-num", {}, str(senseNum + 1)),
h("div.sense", {}, [
h("span.sense-label", {}, sense.label),
h("span.sense-definition", {}, sense.definition),
h("div", {}, View.view_translations(sense.translations)),
h("div", {}, examples),
{"attr": {"type": "button", "value": "+", "title": "Dodaj prevedek / HUN"}},
h("span.sense-label", { "on": { "click": msg(ShowSenseLabelEdit, sense) }}, sense.label),
h("span.sense-definition", { "on": { "click": msg(ShowSenseDefinitionEdit, sense) }}, sense.definition),
h("div", {}, View.view_translations(sense.translations, sense)),
h("div", {}, examples)])])
def view_example(example):
@ -65,7 +59,7 @@ class View:
h("span", {}, example.translation)])])])
def view_translations(translations):
def view_translations(translations, sense):
joiner = lambda: h("span.translation-semicolon", {}, ";")
result = []
@ -73,7 +67,8 @@ class View:
result.extend([View.view_one_translation(t) for t in cluster])
# remove last ';' and add + button; [-1] does not work in transcrypt
result[len(result) - 1] = h("button", {"on": {"click": msg(ShowAddTranslation, sense)}}, "+")
return result
@ -87,12 +82,30 @@ class View:
elements.append(h("span.translation-text", {}, translation.translation))
#elements.append(h("select.translation-select", {}, [
# h("option", {"style": {"color": "black"}, {"attr": {"value": "edit", "title": "Spremeni"}}}, "✎"),
# h("option", {"style": {"color": "black"}, {"attr": {"value": "right", "title": "Desno"}}}, "→"),
# h("option", {"style": {"color": "black"}, {"attr": {"value": "left", "title": "Levo"}}}, "←"),
# h("option", {"style": {"color": "black"}, {"attr": {"value": "bin", "title": "Odstrani"}}}, "🗑")]))
return h("div.translation-div", {}, elements)
return h("div.translation-div", {"on": {"click": msg(ShowMenu, translation) }}, elements)
def view_menu(location, menu_shown, translation):
style = {
"left": str(location[0]),
"top": str(location[1])
if menu_shown:
style["opacity"] = "1"
style["visibility"] = "visible"
return h("span.popup-menu", { "style": style }, [
h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ShowEditTranslation, translation)}}, ""),
h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(MoveRight, translation)}}, ""),
h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(MoveLeft, translation)}}, ""),
h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(BinTranslation, translation)}}, "🗑")])
def view_modal(modal_shown, modal):
return h("div.modal", {}, [
h("input", { "props": {"type": "checkbox", "checked": modal_shown} }, ""),
h("label.overlay", {}, ""),
h("article", {"on": { "click": NoReset }}, modal)])
