Moved a few other views and some bugfixes from this refactoring

Ozbolt Menegatti 4 years ago
parent b6cb2dbce5
commit 46fd628f11

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class ExampleComponentAdd(NoReset):
example = self.get_arg(0, Example)
component_num = self.get_arg(1, int)
new_component = ComponentLexeme.new_empty()
new_component = ComponentLexeme()
example.copy().components.insert(component_num + 1, new_component)

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ class Message:
self._args = []
def msg(message_class, params):
def msg(message_class, *params):
def callback(event):
message = message_class(params)
message = message_class(*params)
if not issubclass(type(message), Message):
window.console.log("Not scheduling a Message type, this will not work!")

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class AddToLabelList(NoReset):
class AddSense(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
sense = Sense.new_empty()
sense = Sense()
sense.definition = {"indicator": "New Sense"}

@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ from import Data
class ComponentLexeme(Data):
def __init__(self, xml):
self.other_attributes = {}
self.text = ""
self.role = ""
def import_xml(self, xml):
if xml.nodeName == "#text":
self.text =
self.role = None

@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
from import Data as Editable
from import Data
from model.translation import from_container_list
from lib.snabbdom import h
import message as M
from view import View
from view.utils import show_toggle_cluster_buttons
from model.example.component_lexeme import ComponentLexeme
from model.example.corpus_example import CorpusExample
from model.example.multiword_example import MultiwordExample
class Example(Editable):
def __init__(self, example_xml):
class Example(Data):
def __init__(self):
self.translations = []
self.inner = None
self.components = []
def import_xml(self, example_xml):
self.translations = from_container_list(example_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainer"))
inner_xml = example_xml.querySelector("corpusExample")
@ -18,9 +27,11 @@ class Example(Editable):
inner_xml = example_xml.querySelector("multiwordExample")
self.inner = MultiwordExample(inner_xml)
all_components = [ComponentLexeme(el) for el in inner_xml.childNodes]
self.components = [comp for comp in all_components if comp.isValid()]
for comp_xml in inner_xml.childNodes:
comp = ComponentLexeme()
if comp.isValid():
def export(self, doc):
result = doc.createElement("exampleContainer")
@ -33,8 +44,43 @@ class Example(Editable):
return result
def view(self):
return self.inner.view(self.components)
def view(self, model, sense):
example_tag = "div.example-rest"
if self in model.chosen_examples:
example_tag += ".example-chosen"
cluster = self.get_cluster()
dot_attr = {"style": { "visibility": "visible" if cluster is None else "hidden"}}
example_content = []
if cluster is not None:
example_content.append(h("span.example-cluster", {}, str(cluster + 1)))
example_text_inner_tag = "span.example-text-{}".format(self.get_view_type())
example_content.append(h(example_text_inner_tag, {}, self.inner.view(self.components)))
other_attributes = self.get_other_attributes()
if "frequency" in other_attributes:
example_content.append(h("span.example-frequency", {}, other_attributes["frequency"]))
if "logDice" in other_attributes:
example_content.append(h("span.example-logdice", {}, other_attributes["logDice"]))
parent_display = "inherit"
if not model.examples_shown and not self.is_multiword():
parent_display = "none"
clusters_display = "inherit"
if not model.clusters_shown:
clusters_display = "none"
return h("div.example", {"style": {"display": parent_display}}, [
h("div.example-dot", dot_attr, ""),
h(example_tag, {}, [
h("span.example-text", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.ShowExampleMenu, self)} }, example_content),
h("div.example-translation-list", {}, [
h("div.example-translation", {}, View.view_translations(self.translations, self, model))]),
{"style": {"display": clusters_display }}, show_toggle_cluster_buttons(sense, self))])])
def get_cluster(self):
return self.inner.get_cluster()

@ -25,16 +25,19 @@ class Sense(Data):
self.labels = import_label_list("sense > labelList label", sense_xml)
self.translations = from_container_list(
sense_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainerList translationContainer"))
self.examples = [Example(example_xml) for example_xml in
sense_xml.querySelectorAll("exampleContainerList exampleContainer")]
for example_xml in sense_xml.querySelectorAll("exampleContainerList exampleContainer"):
example = Example()
def merge_labels(self):
return ", ".join(val for _, val in self.labels)
def view(self, model, sense_num):
examples = [View.view_example(example, self, model) for example in self.examples]
examples = [example.view(model, self) for example in self.examples]
result = h("div.elm-div", {}, [
h("div.sense-num", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.ShowSenseMenu, self)}}, str(sense_num + 1)),

@ -44,45 +44,6 @@ class View:
def view_example(example, sense, model):
example_tag = "div.example-rest"
if example in model.chosen_examples:
example_tag += ".example-chosen"
cluster = example.get_cluster()
dot_attr = {"style": { "visibility": "visible" if cluster is None else "hidden"}}
example_content = []
if cluster is not None:
example_content.append(h("span.example-cluster", {}, str(cluster + 1)))
example_text_inner_tag = "span.example-text-{}".format(example.get_view_type())
example_content.append(h(example_text_inner_tag, {}, example.view()))
other_attributes = example.get_other_attributes()
if "frequency" in other_attributes:
example_content.append(h("span.example-frequency", {}, other_attributes["frequency"]))
if "logDice" in other_attributes:
example_content.append(h("span.example-logdice", {}, other_attributes["logDice"]))
parent_display = "inherit"
if not model.examples_shown and not example.is_multiword():
parent_display = "none"
clusters_display = "inherit"
if not model.clusters_shown:
clusters_display = "none"
return h("div.example", {"style": {"display": parent_display}}, [
h("div.example-dot", dot_attr, ""),
h(example_tag, {}, [
h("span.example-text", {"on": {"click": msg(ShowExampleMenu, example)} }, example_content),
h("div.example-translation-list", {}, [
h("div.example-translation", {}, View.view_translations(example.translations, example, model))]),
{"style": {"display": clusters_display }}, show_toggle_cluster_buttons(sense, example))])])
def view_translations(translations, parent, model):
result = []
