You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from model.tags import import_label_list
from model.explanation import Explanation
from import Data
from lib.snabbdom import h
from view.utils import clean_label
import message as M
def from_container_list(translation_list_container_xml):
translations = []
max_num_cluster = 0
for translation_xml in translation_list_container_xml:
num_cluster = 1 # default cluster
if translation_xml.hasAttribute("cluster"):
num_cluster = int(translation_xml.getAttribute("cluster"))
max_num_cluster = max(max_num_cluster, num_cluster)
t = Translation()
translations.append((num_cluster, t))
result = [[] for _ in range(max_num_cluster)]
for clusterNum, translation in translations:
result[clusterNum - 1].append(translation)
return result
class Translation(Data):
5 years ago
def __init__(self, translation_xml):
self.translation = ""
self.source = ""
self.targetLang = ""
self.explanation = ""
self.explanationList = []
self.tags = []
def import_xml(self, translation_xml):
5 years ago
translation = translation_xml.querySelector("translation")
if translation:
self.translation = translation.textContent
self.source = translation.getAttribute("source") if translation.hasAttribute("source") else ""
self.targetLang = translation.getAttribute("targetLang") if translation.hasAttribute("targetLang") else ""
explanationList = translation_xml.querySelectorAll("explanationList explanation")
for explanation_dom in explanationList:
explanation = Explanation()
self.tags = import_label_list("labelList label", translation_xml)
def view(self, model):
elements = []
if self.tags:
tags = h("div.translation-tags", {}, [
h("span", {"attr": {"title": key}}, clean_label(value))
for key, value in self.tags])
elements.append(h("span.translation-text", {}, self.translation))
if self.source:
elements.append(h("span.translation-source", {}, self.source))
explanations = [explanation.value for explanation in self.explanationList]
elements.append(h("span.explanations", {}, ", ".join(explanations)))
return h("div.translation-div", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.ShowTranslationMenu, self) }}, elements)
def is_empty(self):
result = True
result = result and self.translation == ""
# next two are not checked as the also can not be deleted via gui
# result = result and self.source == ""
# result = result and self.targetLang == ""
result = result and self.explanation == ""
result = result and len(self.tags) == 0
return result