You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
7.7 KiB

from pathlib import Path
import re
import json
from lxml import etree
import logging
# Read input file(.xml, .json; kres or ssj500k).
# Create an iterator that outputs resulting sentences (python dict format).
class Parser():
def __init__(self, corpus, infiles, output=None, outdir=None, dbaddr=None, logger=None):
if corpus == "kres":
self.kres_folder = Path(infiles[0])
self.kres_srl_folder = Path(infiles[1])
elif corpus == "ssj":
self.ssj_file = Path(infiles[0])
raise ValueError("Argument corpus should be 'ssj' or 'kres'.")
self.output = output # None | file | db
if self.output == "file":
self.outdir = Path(outdir)
self.outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
elif self.output == "db":
self.dbaddr = "TODO"
self.corpus = corpus
self.W_TAGS = ['w']
self.C_TAGS = ['c']
self.S_TAGS = ['S', 'pc']
self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.stats = {
"parsed_count": 0,
"missing_srl": []
def parse_jos_links(self, sent_el):
if self.corpus == "kres":
return self.parse_jos_links_kres(sent_el)
# 'syntax' is the linkgroup we're looking for
return self.parse_any_links_ssj(sent_el, "syntax")
def parse_jos_links_kres(self, sent_el):
lgrps = sent_el.findall(".//links")
if len(lgrps) < 1:
raise IOError("Can't find links.")
res_links = []
for link in lgrps[0]:
res_links += [{
"from": int(link.get("from").split(".")[-1]),
"afun": link.get("afun"),
"to": int(link.get("dep").split(".")[-1]),
return res_links
def parse_ssj_target_arg(self, text):
# from: 0, to: 6
# <link ana="syn:modra" target="#ssj1.1.3 #ssj1.1.3.t6"/>
# from: 6, to: 7
# <link ana="syn:dol" target="#ssj1.1.3.t6 #ssj1.1.3.t7"/>
lst = [x.split(".")[-1] for x in text.split(" ")]
return [int(x[1:] if x[0] == "t" else 0) for x in lst]
def parse_any_links_ssj(self, sent_el, links_type):
lgrps = sent_el.findall(".//linkGrp")
links = [x for x in lgrps if x.get("type") == links_type][0]
res_links = []
for link in links:
tar = self.parse_ssj_target_arg(link.get("target"))
res_links += [{
"from": tar[0],
"afun": link.get("ana").split(":")[1],
"to": tar[1],
return res_links
def parse_srl_links(self, sent_el, sent_srl_links=None):
if self.corpus == "kres":
return self.parse_srl_links_kres(sent_el, sent_srl_links)
return self.parse_any_links_ssj(sent_el, "SRL")
def parse_srl_links_kres(self, sent_el, sent_srl_links):
res_links = []
for link in sent_srl_links:
res_links += [{
"from": int(link["from"]),
"afun": link["arg"],
"to": int(link["dep"]),
# find the correspointing json file with srl links
return res_links
def sentence_generator(self):
# Using generators so we don't copy a whole corpu around in memory.
if self.corpus == "kres":
for xml_file in self.kres_folder.iterdir():
# self.parse_xml_file(xml_file)
yield from self.parse_xml_file(xml_file)
yield from self.parse_xml_file(self.ssj_file)
def parse_xml_file(self, xml_file):
srl_from_json = {}
if self.corpus == "kres":
# in case of kres, read the SRL links form a separate json file
file_id =".")[0]
json_file = self.kres_srl_folder / Path(file_id).with_suffix(".srl.json")
with"r") as fp:
srl_from_json = json.loads(
with"rb") as fp:
# remove namespaces
bstr =
utf8str = bstr.decode("utf-8")
utf8str = re.sub('\\sxmlns="[^"]+"', '', utf8str, count=1)
utf8str = re.sub(' xml:', ' ', utf8str)
root = etree.XML(utf8str.encode("utf-8"))
divs = [] # in ssj, there are divs, in Kres, there are separate files
if self.corpus == "kres":
divs = [root]
divs = root.findall(".//div")
res_dict = {}
# parse divs
for div in divs:
f_id = div.get("id")
# parse paragraphs
for p in div.findall(".//p"):
p_id = p.get("id").split(".")[-1]
# parse sentences
for s in p.findall(".//s"):
s_id = s.get("id").split(".")[-1]
sentence_text = ""
sentence_tokens = []
# parse tokens
for el in s.iter():
if el.tag in self.W_TAGS:
el_id = el.get("id").split(".")[-1]
if el_id[0] == 't':
el_id = el_id[1:] # ssj W_TAG ids start with t
sentence_text += el.text
sentence_tokens += [{
"word": True,
"tid": int(el_id),
"text": el.text,
"lemma": el.get("lemma"),
"msd": (el.get("msd") if self.corpus == "kres"
else el.get("ana").split(":")[-1]),
elif el.tag in self.C_TAGS:
# only Kres' C_TAGS have ids
el_id = el.get("id") or "none"
el_id = el_id.split(".")[-1]
sentence_text += el.text
sentence_tokens += [{
"word": False,
"tid": (int(el_id) if self.corpus == "kres" else -1),
"text": el.text,
elif el.tag in self.S_TAGS:
# Kres' <S /> doesn't contain .text
sentence_text += " "
# pass links and linkGroups
sentence_id = "{}.{}.{}".format(f_id, p_id, s_id)
jos_links = self.parse_jos_links(s)
if self.corpus == "kres":
srl_links_raw = srl_from_json.get(sentence_id)
if srl_links_raw is None:
srl_links_parsed = None
self.stats["missing_srl"] += [(sentence_id, sentence_text)]
srl_links_parsed = self.parse_srl_links(s, srl_links_raw)
srl_links_parsed = self.parse_srl_links(s)
if len(srl_links_parsed) == 0:
self.stats["missing_srl"] += [(sentence_id, sentence_text)]
sentence_entry = {
"sid": sentence_id,
"text": sentence_text,
"tokens": sentence_tokens,
"jos_links": jos_links,
"srl_links": srl_links_parsed
self.stats["parsed_count"] += 1
yield (xml_file, sentence_entry)