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2019-03-07 08:00:01 +00:00
import os
import pickle
import nltk
import random
from time import time
import string
from polyglot.text import Word
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
sno = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer("english")
def dict_safe_key(dic, key):
# Returns a list, no matter what.
# Transform 1 element into a list.
# Return key not found as empty list.
if (
dic is None or
key not in dic
return []
subdic = dic[key]
if not isinstance(subdic, list):
return [subdic]
return subdic
def pickle_dump(data, path):
with open(path, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(data, file)
log.info("Dumped data to {}.".format(path))
return True
def pickle_load(path):
ret = None
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, "rb") as file:
ret = pickle.load(file)
log.info("Loaded data from {}.".format(path))
return ret # Returns None in case of failure.
# Implemented bucket sort for alphabetically sorting slovenian words.
# Bucket sort >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
def gen_sbs_alphabet():
alphabet = "abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzž"
return {letter: (idx + 1) for idx, letter in enumerate(alphabet)}
slo_bucket_sort_alphabet = gen_sbs_alphabet()
def slo_bucket_sort(words, key=None):
if key is None:
def key(x):
return x
def alph_score(word, idx):
kword = key(word)
if idx >= len(kword):
return 0
return slo_bucket_sort_alphabet.get(kword[idx]) or 0
def list_to_bins(words, idx):
bins = [[] for i in range(len(slo_bucket_sort_alphabet.keys()) + 1)]
for word in words:
bins[alph_score(word, idx)].append(word)
return bins
def bins_to_list(bins):
lst = []
for b in bins:
for el in b:
return lst
maxLen = 0
for w in words:
if len(key(w)) > maxLen:
maxLen = len(key(w))
maxIdx = maxLen - 1
for idx in range(maxIdx, -1, -1):
bins = list_to_bins(words, idx)
words = bins_to_list(bins)
def get_letter(idx, word):
kword = key(word)
if idx < len(kword):
return "#"
print([(word, get_letter(idx, word)) for word in words])
return words
# Bucket sort <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
def stem_slo(x):
# Simplified;
# Remove the last syllable.
w = Word(x, language="sl").morphemes
ret = "".join(w[:-1])
return ret
def stem_eng(x):
return sno.stem(x)
def tokenize(sentence, min_token_len=3, stem=None):
# input: sentence string
# output: list of token strings
if stem is None:
def stem(x):
return x
all_tokens = []
sent_txt = nltk.sent_tokenize(sentence)
for sent in sent_txt:
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sent)
res = []
for x in all_tokens:
if x in string.punctuation:
stemmed = stem(x.lower())
if len(stemmed) >= min_token_len:
return res
def tokenize_multiple(str_list, min_token_len=3, stem=None):
# tstart = time()
res = []
for sentence in str_list:
res.extend(tokenize(sentence, min_token_len, stem))
# log.debug("tokenize_multiple: {:.2f}s".format(time() - tstart))
return res
def t_tokenize():
teststring = "This is a test sentence. I hope it works. .. Asdf. asdf ,,,;"
res = tokenize(teststring, min_token_len=None)
def permute_paths(list2d, x=None, y=None, paths=None, current_path=None):
# python stuff
if x is None:
x = -1
if paths is None:
paths = []
if current_path is None:
current_path = []
if x >= len(list2d) - 1:
return paths
for i in range(len(list2d[x + 1])):
tmp_path = current_path + [(x + 1, i)]
# Computational complexity peoblem (prune long lists)
# len == 12 -> 30%, len == 5 -> 100%
# if random.randint(0, 100) <= (100 - 10 * (len(list2d) - 5)):
if True:
paths = permute_paths(
x + 1,
return paths
def t_permute_paths():
list2d = [
["through", "around"],
["North Korea", "kindergarten"],
["with", "without"],
["bag of", "abundance of"],
["bolts", "janitors"]
paths = permute_paths(list2d=list2d)
for path in paths:
print([list2d[p[0]][p[1]] for p in path])
def find_overlaps(list_a, list_b):
# Input: two lists.
# Output: lists of overlapping elements.
dict_a = {}
dict_b = {}
lists = [list_a, list_b]
dicts = [dict_a, dict_b]
for lidx in range(len(lists)):
for elidx in range(len(lists[lidx])):
el = lists[lidx][elidx]
if el not in dicts[lidx]:
dicts[lidx][el] = []
substrings = []
sda = sorted(dict_a.keys())
sdb = sorted(dict_b.keys())
i_sda = 0
i_sdb = 0
while ((i_sda < len(sda) and i_sdb < len(sdb))):
if sda[i_sda] == sdb[i_sdb]:
lia = dict_a[sda[i_sda]]
lib = dict_b[sdb[i_sdb]]
for llia in lia:
for llib in lib:
tmp_substr = []
ii = 0
while (
(llia + ii < len(list_a)) and
(llib + ii < len(list_b)) and
(list_a[llia + ii] == list_b[llib + ii])
tmp_substr.append(list_a[llia + ii])
ii += 1
ii = 1
while (
(llia - ii >= 0) and
(llib - ii >= 0) and
(list_a[llia - ii] == list_b[llib - ii])
tmp_substr.insert(0, list_a[llia - ii])
ii += 1
if sda[i_sda] < sdb[i_sdb]:
i_sda += 1
i_sdb += 1
uniques = set()
res = []
for ss in substrings:
if str(ss) not in uniques:
return res
def find_overlaps_str(tokens_a, tokens_b):
# Strings only.
overlaps = []
for N in range(1, 5):
ngrams_a = []
for i in range(len(tokens_a)):
if i + N <= len(tokens_a):
ngrams_a.append(tuple(tokens_a[i:i + N]))
ngrams_b = []
for i in range(len(tokens_b)):
if i + N <= len(tokens_b):
ngrams_b.append(tuple(tokens_b[i:i + N]))
res = []
for ovl in sorted(overlaps, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True):
oovl = " ".join(ovl)
for r in res:
if oovl in r:
res[:] = [x.split(" ") for x in res]
return res
def t_find_overlaps():
res = []
input_len = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
for ll in input_len:
alen = ll + int(ll * random.uniform(0.8, 1))
blen = ll + int(ll * random.uniform(0.8, 1))
a = [random.randint(0, 100) for x in range(alen)]
b = [random.randint(0, 100) for x in range(blen)]
tstart = time()
find_overlaps(a, b)
"time": time() - tstart,
"input_size": ll
list_a = [6, 6, 4, 8, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 7, 5]
list_b = [5, 3, 6, 8, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5]
res = find_overlaps(list_a, list_b)
for r in res:
def t1_find_overlaps():
t1 = "This is a test sentence. I hope it works. .. Asdf. asdf ,,,;"
t2 = "this is a seconde sentence. I hope my stuff works."
res = find_overlaps(tokenize(t1), tokenize(t2))
for r in res:
res = find_overlaps_str(tokenize(t1), tokenize(t2))
for r in res:
def t_find_overlaps_str():
t1 = [
'vsa', 'moja', 'možganska', 'beda', 'se', 'združuje',
'v', 'dejstvu', 'da', 'sem', 'si', 'čeprav', 'sem', 'pozabil',
'ulico', 'zapomnil', 'hišno', 'številko'
t2 = [
'narediti', 'doseči', 'da', 'se', 'kaj', 'aktivno', 'ohrani',
'v', 'zavesti', 'zapomniti', 'si', 'imena', 'predstavljenih',
'gostov', 'dobro', 'natančno', 'slabo', 'si', 'kaj', 'zapomniti',
'takega', 'sem', 'si', 'zapomnil', 'zapomnite', 'te', 'prizore'
res = find_overlaps(t1, t2)
def t_slo_bucket_sort():
a1 = []
a2 = []
with open("./tests/m_besede2.txt") as f:
for line in f:
a2.append((line.split("\n")[0], random.randint(0, 9)))
a1 = slo_bucket_sort(a1)
a2 = slo_bucket_sort(a2, key=lambda x: x[0])
check = True
for i in range(len(a1)):
check &= (a1[i] == a2[i][0])
print("{:<10}{:>10}".format(str(a1[i]), str(a2[i])))
def t1_slo_bucket_sort():
words = "_xyz zebra. .bober raca bor borovnica antilopa".split(" ")
words.append("test space")
words.append("test srrrr")
words.append("test saaa")
for w in slo_bucket_sort(words):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# t_find_overlaps()
# t1_find_overlaps()
# t_tokenize()
# t_find_overlaps_str()