You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.7 KiB

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autofac;
using CommandLine;
using Gos.Console.CompositionRoot;
using Gos.ServiceModel.Requests.Corpus;
using Gos.Services.Framework;
using MediatR;
namespace Gos.Console
internal class Program
private static IContainer container;
private static async Task<int> HandleDeleteCorpusIndex(IMediator mediator, DeleteCorpusIndexOptions opt)
await mediator.Send(new DeleteCorpusIndex());
return 3;
private static async Task<int> HandleImportCorpus(IMediator mediator, ImportCorpusOptions opt)
await mediator.Send(
new ImportCorpus
SourcePath = opt.SourcePath
return 1;
private static async Task<int> HandleIndexCorpus(IMediator mediator, IndexCorpusOptions opt)
// Warm up cache with part of speeches and msds
await mediator.Send(new IndexCorpus());
return 2;
private static async Task<int> HandleImportCounters(IMediator mediator, ImportCountersOptions opt)
await mediator.Send(
new ImportCounters
SourcePath = opt.SourcePath,
return 3;
private static async Task<int> HandleImportLexicon(IMediator mediator, ImportLexiconOptions opt)
await mediator.Send(
new ImportLexicon()
SourcePath = opt.SourcePath,
return 4;
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
container = new ConsoleBootstrapper().Bootstrap();
var mediator = container.Resolve<IMediator>();
await Parser.Default
.ParseArguments<ImportCorpusOptions, IndexCorpusOptions, DeleteCorpusIndexOptions, ImportCountersOptions, ImportLexiconOptions>(args)
(ImportCorpusOptions opt) => HandleImportCorpus(mediator, opt),
(DeleteCorpusIndexOptions opt) => HandleDeleteCorpusIndex(mediator, opt),
(IndexCorpusOptions opt) => HandleIndexCorpus(mediator, opt),
(ImportCountersOptions opt) => HandleImportCounters(mediator, opt),
(ImportLexiconOptions opt) => HandleImportLexicon(mediator, opt),
errs => Task.FromResult(0));
System.Console.WriteLine("Finished. Press any key to continue...");
[Verb("deleteindex", HelpText = "Delete corpus index")]
private class DeleteCorpusIndexOptions
[Verb("import", HelpText = "Imports corpus to database")]
private class ImportCorpusOptions
[Option("path", HelpText = "Full path to xml file")]
public string SourcePath { get; set; }
[Verb("index", HelpText = "Indexes corpus to ElasticSearch")]
private class IndexCorpusOptions
[Verb("counters", HelpText = "Imports counters and forms/lemmas to database")]
private class ImportCountersOptions
[Option("path", HelpText = "Full path to xml file")]
public string SourcePath { get; set; }
[Verb("lexicon", HelpText = "Imports lexicon forms/lemmas to database")]
private class ImportLexiconOptions
[Option("path", HelpText = "Full path to xml file")]
public string SourcePath { get; set; }