You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//import static org.junit.Assert.*;
//import org.junit.Test;
//import data.Word;
//public class WordTest {
// @Test
// public void paddingTest() {
// Word w1 = new Word("w1", "l1", "Somei");
// Word w2 = new Word("w2", "l2", "Sometd");
// // w1's msd should get padded
// String msd1 = w1.getMsd();
// String msd2 = w2.getMsd();
// assertEquals(msd1.length(), msd2.length());
// assertEquals(Word.PAD_CHARACTER, msd1.charAt(msd1.length() - 1));
// w1 = new Word("w1", "l1", "Gp-g");
// w2 = new Word("w2", "l2", "Gp-g---d");
// // w1's msd should get padded
// msd1 = w1.getMsd();
// msd2 = w2.getMsd();
// assertEquals(msd1.length(), msd2.length());
// assertEquals(Word.PAD_CHARACTER, msd1.charAt(msd1.length() - 1));
// assertEquals(Word.PAD_CHARACTER, msd2.charAt(2));
// }
// @Test
// public void cvvTest() {
// String siAlphabet = "abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzž";
// Word w1 = new Word(siAlphabet, "l1", null);
// assertEquals(siAlphabetCvv, w1.getCVVWord());
// }