2022-06-02 09:21:56 +02:00

320 lines
14 KiB

package nogui;
import alg.XML_processing;
import data.*;
import gui.GUIController;
import gui.I18N;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static gui.GUIController.showAlert;
public class Utils {
public final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(GUIController.class);
public static ArrayList<Taxonomy> getTaxonomy(JSONArray taxonomyArray, Corpus corpus) {
// convert JSONArray to ObservableList<String>
ArrayList<String> checkedItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : taxonomyArray) {
checkedItems.add((String) o);
ArrayList<Taxonomy> taxonomy = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Taxonomy> checkedItemsTaxonomy = Taxonomy.modifyingTaxonomy(taxonomy, checkedItems, corpus);
return checkedItemsTaxonomy;
public static ArrayList<Collocability> getCollocability(JSONArray collocabilityArray) {
// convert JSONArray to ObservableList<String>
ArrayList<Collocability> checkedItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : collocabilityArray) {
checkedItems.add(Collocability.factory((String) o));
return checkedItems;
public static ArrayList<String> getArrayList(JSONArray array) {
// convert JSONArray to ObservableList<String>
ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : array) {
arrayList.add((String) o);
return arrayList;
public static ArrayList<String> getAlsoVisualizeList(JSONArray array) {
// convert JSONArray to ObservableList<String>
ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : array) {
arrayList.add(I18N.get((String) o));
return arrayList;
public static ArrayList<Pattern> getMsd(String stringMsd) {
ArrayList<Pattern> msd = new ArrayList<>();
if (stringMsd.equals("")) {
return msd;
ArrayList<String> msdTmp = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(stringMsd.split(" ")));
for (String msdToken : msdTmp) {
return msd;
public static void updateProgress(int i, int size, String format) {
public static void updateProgress(double i, int size, String format) {
public static void prepareTaskForMinRelFre(StatisticsNew statistic, Corpus corpus) {
Filter fi = statistic.getFilter();"Started execution: ", fi);
Filter f2 = (Filter) fi.clone();
StatisticsNew statisticsMinRelFre = new StatisticsNew(corpus, f2, false);
Collection<File> corpusFiles = statisticsMinRelFre.getCorpus().getDetectedCorpusFiles();
final boolean multipleFiles = CorpusType.multipleFilesCorpuses().contains(statisticsMinRelFre.getCorpus().getCorpusType());
Date startTime = new Date();
Date previousTime = new Date();
int remainingSeconds = -1;
int corpusSize;
int i;
if(statistic.getFilter().getCollocability().size() > 0){
i = 0;
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 3;
} else {
i = 0;
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 2;
for (File f : corpusFiles) {
final int iFinal = i;
XML_processing xml_processing = new XML_processing();
if (multipleFiles) {
if ((new Date()).getTime() - previousTime.getTime() > 500 || remainingSeconds == -1){
remainingSeconds = (int) (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()) * (1.0/i) * (corpusSize - i) / 1000);
previousTime = new Date();
} else {}
xml_processing.readXML(f.toString(), statisticsMinRelFre);
// add remaining minRelFre results
if(statisticsMinRelFre.getFilter().getIsMinimalRelFreScraper()) {
long countFor1MWords = statisticsMinRelFre.getUniGramOccurrences().get(statisticsMinRelFre.getCorpus().getTotal()).longValue();
double absToRelFactor = (statisticsMinRelFre.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() / 1000000.0) * countFor1MWords;
statisticsMinRelFre.updateMinimalRelFre(statisticsMinRelFre.getTaxonomyResult().get(statisticsMinRelFre.getCorpus().getTotal()).entrySet(), absToRelFactor);
// reset all values
for(Taxonomy taxonomy : statisticsMinRelFre.getTaxonomyResult().keySet()){
statisticsMinRelFre.getTaxonomyResult().put(taxonomy, new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
for(Taxonomy taxonomy : statisticsMinRelFre.getUniGramOccurrences().keySet()){
statisticsMinRelFre.getUniGramOccurrences().put(taxonomy, new AtomicLong(0));
prepareMainTask(statistic, corpus);
}catch(CloneNotSupportedException c){}
public static void prepareMainTask(StatisticsNew statistic, Corpus corpus) {
Filter f = statistic.getFilter();"Started execution: ", f);
Collection<File> corpusFiles = statistic.getCorpus().getDetectedCorpusFiles();
final boolean multipleFiles = CorpusType.multipleFilesCorpuses().contains(statistic.getCorpus().getCorpusType());
Date startTime = new Date();
Date previousTime = new Date();
int remainingSeconds = -1;
int corpusSize;
int i;
int taskIndex = 0;
if(statistic.getFilter().getCollocability().size() > 0 && statistic.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() > 1){
i = corpusFiles.size();
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 3;
} else if (statistic.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() > 1) {
i = corpusFiles.size();
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 2;
} else if (statistic.getFilter().getCollocability().size() > 0) {
i = 0;
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 2;
} else {
i = 0;
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size();
for (File fi : corpusFiles) {
final int iFinal = i;
XML_processing xml_processing = new XML_processing();
xml_processing.isCancelled = false;
// if(xml_processing.progressBarListener != null) {
// xml_processing.progressProperty().removeListener(xml_processing.progressBarListener);
// }
if (multipleFiles) {
if ((new Date()).getTime() - previousTime.getTime() > 500 || remainingSeconds == -1){
remainingSeconds = (int) (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()) * (1.0/taskIndex) * (corpusSize - i) / 1000);
previousTime = new Date();
// this.updateProgress(i, corpusSize);
// this.updateMessage(String.format(I18N.get("message.ONGOING_NOTIFICATION_ANALYZING_FILE_X_OF_Y"), i, corpusSize, f.getName(), remainingSeconds));
} else {
// xml_processing.progressBarListener = new InvalidationListener() {
// int remainingSeconds = -1;
// Date previousTime = new Date();
// @Override
// public void invalidated(Observable observable) {
// if ((new Date()).getTime() - previousTime.getTime() > 500 || remainingSeconds == -1){
// remainingSeconds = (int) (((new Date()).getTime() - xml_processing.startTime.getTime()) *
// (1.0/(iFinal * 100 + ((ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper) observable).get() + 1)) *
// ((corpusSize - iFinal - 1) * 100 + 100 - ((ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper) observable).get()) / 1000);
// previousTime = new Date();
// }
// xml_processing.isCancelled = isCancelled();
// updateProgress((iFinal * 100) + ((ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper) observable).get() + 1, corpusSize * 100);
// updateMessage(String.format(I18N.get("message.ONGOING_NOTIFICATION_ANALYZING_FILE_X_OF_Y"), 1, 1, f.getName(), remainingSeconds));
// }
// };
// xml_processing.progressProperty().addListener(xml_processing.progressBarListener);
xml_processing.readXML(fi.toString(), statistic);
// if getMinimalRelFre > 1 erase all words that have lower occurrences at the end of processing
if (statistic.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() > 1){
long countFor1MWords = statistic.getUniGramOccurrences().get(statistic.getCorpus().getTotal()).longValue();
double absToRelFactor = (statistic.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() / 1000000.0) * countFor1MWords;
for(Map.Entry<MultipleHMKeys, AtomicLong> entry : statistic.getTaxonomyResult().get(statistic.getCorpus().getTotal()).entrySet()){
if(entry.getValue().longValue() < absToRelFactor){
statistic.updateMinimalRelFre(statistic.getTaxonomyResult().get(statistic.getCorpus().getTotal()).entrySet(), absToRelFactor);
if (f.getCollocability().size() > 0) {
Filter f2 = (Filter) f.clone();
StatisticsNew statisticsOneGrams = new StatisticsNew(corpus, f2, false);
prepareTaskForCollocability(statistic, statisticsOneGrams);
}catch(CloneNotSupportedException c){}
} else {
try {
boolean successullySaved = statistic.saveResultToDisk();
if (successullySaved) {"message.NOTIFICATION_ANALYSIS_COMPLETED"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
logger.error("Error while saving", e1);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e1) {
logger.error("Out of memory error", e1);
public static void prepareTaskForCollocability(StatisticsNew statistic, StatisticsNew statisticsOneGrams) {
Collection<File> corpusFiles = statisticsOneGrams.getCorpus().getDetectedCorpusFiles();
final boolean multipleFiles = CorpusType.multipleFilesCorpuses().contains(statistic.getCorpus().getCorpusType());
Date startTime = new Date();
Date previousTime = new Date();
int remainingSeconds = -1;
int corpusSize;
int i;
int taskIndex = 0;
if(statistic.getFilter().getMinimalRelFre() > 1){
i = corpusFiles.size() * 2;
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 3;
} else {
i = corpusFiles.size();
corpusSize = corpusFiles.size() * 2;
for (File f : corpusFiles) {
XML_processing xml_processing = new XML_processing();
if(xml_processing.progressBarListener != null) {
if (multipleFiles) {
if ((new Date()).getTime() - previousTime.getTime() > 500 || remainingSeconds == -1){
remainingSeconds = (int) (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()) * (1.0/taskIndex) * (corpusSize - i) / 1000);
previousTime = new Date();
} else {
// xml_processing.progressBarListener = new InvalidationListener() {
// int remainingSeconds = -1;
// Date previousTime = new Date();
// @Override
// public void invalidated(Observable observable) {
// if ((new Date()).getTime() - previousTime.getTime() > 500 || remainingSeconds == -1){
// remainingSeconds = (int) (((new Date()).getTime() - xml_processing.startTime.getTime()) *
// (1.0/(iFinal * 100 + ((ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper) observable).get() + 1)) *
// ((corpusSize - iFinal - 1) * 100 + 100 - ((ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper) observable).get()) / 1000);
// previousTime = new Date();
// }
// }
// };
xml_processing.isCollocability = true;
xml_processing.readXML(f.toString(), statisticsOneGrams);
xml_processing.isCollocability = false;
try {
boolean successullySaved = statistic.saveResultToDisk();
if (successullySaved) {"message.NOTIFICATION_ANALYSIS_COMPLETED"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
logger.error("Error while saving", e1);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e1) {
logger.error("Out of memory error", e1);