You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

261 lines
8.0 KiB

//package gui;
//import static alg.XML_processing.*;
//import static gui.GUIController.*;
//import java.util.*;
//import javafx.application.HostServices;
//import javafx.scene.control.*;
//import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
//import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
//import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
//import org.controlsfx.control.CheckComboBox;
//import data.*;
//import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
//import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
//import javafx.concurrent.Task;
//import javafx.fxml.FXML;
//import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
//public class WordFormationTab {
// public final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(WordFormationTab.class);
// public AnchorPane wordAnalysisTabPane;
// @FXML
// public Label selectedFiltersLabel;
// @FXML
// public Label solarFilters;
// @FXML
// private CheckComboBox<String> taxonomyCCB;
// private ArrayList<Taxonomy> taxonomy;
// @FXML
// private TextField minimalOccurrencesTF;
// private Integer minimalOccurrences;
// @FXML
// private TextField minimalTaxonomyTF;
// private Integer minimalTaxonomy;
// @FXML
// private Button computeB;
// @FXML
// public ProgressBar ngramProgressBar;
// @FXML
// public Label progressLabel;
// @FXML
// private Hyperlink helpH;
// private Corpus corpus;
// private HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> solarFiltersMap;
// private HostServices hostService;
// // after header scan
// private ObservableList<String> taxonomyCCBValues;
// private CorpusType currentCorpusType;
// private boolean useDb;
// public void init() {
// // taxonomy
// if (Tax.getCorpusTypesWithTaxonomy().contains(corpus.getCorpusType())) {
// taxonomyCCB.getItems().removeAll();
// taxonomyCCB.getItems().setAll(corpus.getObservableListTaxonomy());
// taxonomyCCB.getCheckModel().getCheckedItems().addListener((ListChangeListener<String>) c -> {
// taxonomy = new ArrayList<>();
// ObservableList<String> checkedItems = taxonomyCCB.getCheckModel().getCheckedItems();
// ArrayList<Taxonomy> checkedItemsTaxonomy = Taxonomy.convertStringListToTaxonomyList(checkedItems, corpus);
// taxonomy.addAll(checkedItemsTaxonomy);
//"Selected taxonomy: %s", StringUtils.join(checkedItems, ",")));
// });
// taxonomyCCB.getCheckModel().clearChecks();
// } else {
// taxonomyCCB.setDisable(true);
// }
// // set default values
// minimalOccurrencesTF.setText("1");
// minimalOccurrences = 1;
// minimalTaxonomyTF.setText("1");
// minimalTaxonomy = 1;
// minimalOccurrencesTF.focusedProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
// if (!newValue) {
// // focus lost
// String value = minimalOccurrencesTF.getText();
// if (!ValidationUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
// if (!ValidationUtil.isNumber(value)) {
// logAlert("minimalOccurrencesTF: " + I18N.get("message.WARNING_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED"));
// GUIController.showAlert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, I18N.get("message.WARNING_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED"));
// } else {
// minimalOccurrences = Integer.parseInt(value);
// }
// } else {
// minimalOccurrencesTF.setText("1");
// minimalOccurrences = 1;
// }
// }
// });
// minimalTaxonomyTF.focusedProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
// if (!newValue) {
// // focus lost
// String value = minimalTaxonomyTF.getText();
// if (!ValidationUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
// if (!ValidationUtil.isNumber(value)) {
// logAlert("minimalTaxonomyTF: " + I18N.get("message.WARNING_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED"));
// GUIController.showAlert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, I18N.get("message.WARNING_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED"));
// } else {
// minimalTaxonomy = Integer.parseInt(value);
// }
// } else {
// minimalTaxonomyTF.setText("1");
// minimalTaxonomy = 1;
// }
// }
// });
// computeB.setOnAction(e -> {
// compute();
//"compute button");
// });
// helpH.setOnAction(e -> openHelpWebsite());
// }
// private void compute() {
// Filter filter = new Filter();
// filter.setNgramValue(1);
// filter.setCalculateFor(CalculateFor.MORPHOSYNTACTIC_PROPERTY);
// filter.setTaxonomy(taxonomy);
// filter.setAl(AnalysisLevel.STRING_LEVEL);
// filter.setSkipValue(0);
// filter.setMsd(new ArrayList<>());
// filter.setIsCvv(false);
// filter.setSolarFilters(solarFiltersMap);
// filter.setMinimalOccurrences(minimalOccurrences);
// filter.setMinimalTaxonomy(minimalTaxonomy);
// String message = Validation.validateForStringLevel(filter);
// if (message == null) {
// // no errors
//"Executing: ", filter.toString());
// StatisticsNew statistic = new StatisticsNew(corpus, filter, useDb);
// execute(statistic);
// } else {
// logAlert(message);
// showAlert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Prosim izpolnite polja:", message);
// }
// }
// private void openHelpWebsite(){
// hostService.showDocument(Messages.HELP_URL);
// }
// private void execute(StatisticsNew statistic) {
//"Started execution: ", statistic.getFilter());
// Collection<File> corpusFiles = statistic.getCorpus().getDetectedCorpusFiles();
// final Task<Void> task = new Task<Void>() {
// @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates")
// @Override
// protected Void call() throws Exception {
// int i = 0;
// Date startTime = new Date();
// Date previousTime = new Date();
// for (File f : corpusFiles) {
// readXML(f.toString(), statistic);
// i++;
// this.updateProgress(i, corpusFiles.size());
// this.updateMessage(String.format(I18N.get("message.ONGOING_NOTIFICATION_ANALYZING_FILE_X_OF_Y"), i, corpusFiles.size(), f.getName()));
// }
// return null;
// }
// };
// ngramProgressBar.progressProperty().bind(task.progressProperty());
// progressLabel.textProperty().bind(task.messageProperty());
// task.setOnSucceeded(e -> {
// try {
// // first, we have to recalculate all occurrences to detailed statistics
// boolean successullySaved = statistic.recalculateAndSaveResultToDisk();
// if (successullySaved) {
// showAlert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION, I18N.get("message.NOTIFICATION_ANALYSIS_COMPLETED"));
// } else {
// }
// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
// showAlert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, I18N.get("message.ERROR_WHILE_SAVING_RESULTS_TO_CSV"));
// logger.error("Error while saving", e1);
// }
// ngramProgressBar.progressProperty().unbind();
// ngramProgressBar.setStyle(Settings.FX_ACCENT_OK);
// progressLabel.textProperty().unbind();
// progressLabel.setText("");
// });
// task.setOnFailed(e -> {
// showAlert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, I18N.get("message.ERROR_WHILE_EXECUTING"));
// logger.error("Error while executing", e);
// ngramProgressBar.progressProperty().unbind();
// ngramProgressBar.setProgress(0.0);
// ngramProgressBar.setStyle(Settings.FX_ACCENT_NOK);
// progressLabel.textProperty().unbind();
// progressLabel.setText("");
// });
// final Thread thread = new Thread(task, "task");
// thread.setDaemon(true);
// thread.start();
// }
// private void logAlert(String alert) {
//"alert: " + alert);
// }
// public void setCorpus(Corpus corpus) {
// this.corpus = corpus;
// if (corpus.getCorpusType() != CorpusType.SOLAR) {
// setSelectedFiltersLabel(null);
// } else {
// setSelectedFiltersLabel("/");
// }
// }
// public void setSelectedFiltersLabel(String content) {
// if (content != null) {
// solarFilters.setVisible(true);
// selectedFiltersLabel.setVisible(true);
// selectedFiltersLabel.setText(content);
// } else {
// solarFilters.setVisible(false);
// selectedFiltersLabel.setVisible(false);
// }
// }
// public void setSolarFiltersMap(HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> solarFiltersMap) {
// this.solarFiltersMap = solarFiltersMap;
// }
// public void setHostServices(HostServices hostServices){
// this.hostService = hostServices;
// }