You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
1.7 KiB

//package alg.inflectedJOS;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;
//import data.Sentence;
//import data.Statistics;
//public class ForkJoin extends RecursiveAction {
// private static final long serialVersionUID = -1260951004477299634L;
// private static final int ACCEPTABLE_SIZE = 1000;
// private List<Sentence> corpus;
// private Statistics stats;
// private int start;
// private int end;
// /**
// * Constructor for subproblems.
// */
// private ForkJoin(List<Sentence> corpus, int start, int end, Statistics stats) {
// this.corpus = corpus;
// this.start = start;
// this.end = end;
// this.stats = stats;
// }
// /**
// * Default constructor for the initial problem
// */
// public ForkJoin(List<Sentence> corpus, Statistics stats) {
// this.corpus = corpus;
// this.start = 0;
// this.end = corpus.size();
// this.stats = stats;
// }
// private void computeDirectly() {
// List<Sentence> subCorpus = corpus.subList(start, end);
// if (stats.isTaxonomySet()) {
// InflectedJOSCount.calculateForAll(subCorpus, stats, stats.getInflectedJosTaxonomy());
// } else {
// InflectedJOSCount.calculateForAll(subCorpus, stats, null);
// }
// }
// @Override
// protected void compute() {
// int subCorpusSize = end - start;
// if (subCorpusSize < ACCEPTABLE_SIZE) {
// computeDirectly();
// } else {
// int mid = start + subCorpusSize / 2;
// ForkJoin left = new ForkJoin(corpus, start, mid, stats);
// ForkJoin right = new ForkJoin(corpus, mid, end, stats);
// // fork (push to queue)-> compute -> join
// left.fork();
// right.fork();
// left.join();
// right.join();
// }
// }