Added N-gram implementaion with punctuation'

This commit is contained in:
Luka 2018-07-23 13:26:12 +02:00
parent bebc0abbb3
commit 681eb4f949
2 changed files with 74 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -542,16 +542,36 @@ public class XML_processing {
sentence.add(new Word(word, lemma, msd, currentFiletaxonomyLong));
inWord = false;
// if (stats.getFilter().getNgramValue() > 1 && stats.getFilter().getNotePunctuations() && inPunctuation && sentence.size() > 0) {
//// String punctuation = characters.getData();
// String punctuation = ",";
// sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).setWord(sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).getWord() + punctuation);
// sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).setLemma(sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).getLemma() + punctuation);
// sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).setMsd(sentence.get(sentence.size()-1).getMsd() + punctuation);
// inPunctuation = false;
// }
if (stats.getFilter().getNgramValue() > 1 && stats.getFilter().getNotePunctuations() && inPunctuation && sentence.size() > 0) {
// String punctuation = characters.getData();
String punctuation = ",";
sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).setWord(sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).getWord() + punctuation);
sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).setLemma(sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).getLemma() + punctuation);
sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).setMsd(sentence.get(sentence.size() - 1).getMsd() + punctuation);
inPunctuation = false;
// if (stats.getFilter().getNgramValue() > 1 && stats.getFilter().getNotePunctuations() && inPunctuation && sentence.size() > 0) {
// String actualPunctuation = characters.getData();
// if (actualPunctuation.equals(".") || actualPunctuation.equals("!") || actualPunctuation.equals("?") || actualPunctuation.equals("..."))
// break;
// String punctuation = ",";
// int skip_number = 0;
// if (!ValidationUtil.isEmpty(stats.getFilter().getSkipValue())){
// skip_number = stats.getFilter().getSkipValue();
// }
// for(int i = 1; i < skip_number + 2; i ++){
// if (i < sentence.size() && !sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).equals(punctuation)) {
// sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).setWord(sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).getWord() + punctuation);
// sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).setLemma(sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).getLemma() + punctuation);
// sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).setMsd(sentence.get(sentence.size() - i).getMsd() + punctuation);
// }
// }
// inPunctuation = false;
// }
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
EndElement endElement = event.asEndElement();

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@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public class Ngrams {
// generate proper MultipleHMKeys depending on filter data
String key = wordToString(ngramCandidate, stats.getFilter().getCalculateFor());
// if last letter is ',' erase it
key = (key.charAt(key.length()-1) == ',') ? key.substring(0, key.length() - 1) : key;
// String key = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
@ -161,6 +163,33 @@ public class Ngrams {
* Checks skipped words and if necessary adds punctuations.
* @return List of candidates represented as a list<candidates(String)>
private static Word checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(List<Word> sentence, int i, int j, StatisticsNew stats){
// if punctuation checkbox selected and there words at indexes i and j are not next to each other
if(stats.getFilter().getNotePunctuations() && j - i > 1 && sentence.get(i).getWord().charAt(sentence.get(i).getWord().length() - 1) != ','){
boolean middleWordsHavePunctuation = false;
for (int n = i + 1; n < j; n++){
if (sentence.get(n).getWord().charAt(sentence.get(n).getWord().length() - 1) == ','){
middleWordsHavePunctuation = true;
if (middleWordsHavePunctuation){
String punctuation = ",";
return new Word(sentence.get(i).getWord() + punctuation,
sentence.get(i).getLemma() + punctuation,
sentence.get(i).getMsd() + punctuation,
return sentence.get(i);
* Extracts skipgram candidates.
@ -179,7 +208,8 @@ public class Ngrams {
for (int j = i + 1; j <= i + skip + 1; j++) { // 2gram
if (ngram == 2 && j < sentence.size()) {
currentLoop = new ArrayList<>();
// currentLoop.add(sentence.get(i));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, i, j, stats));
validateAndCountSkipgramCandidate(currentLoop, stats);
@ -187,29 +217,29 @@ public class Ngrams {
for (int k = j + 1; k <= j + 1 + skip; k++) { // 3gram
if (ngram == 3 && k < sentence.size()) {
currentLoop = new ArrayList<>();
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, i, j, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, j, k, stats));
validateAndCountSkipgramCandidate(currentLoop, stats);
} else {
for (int l = k + 1; l <= k + 1 + skip; l++) { // 4gram
if (ngram == 4 && k < sentence.size()) {
if (ngram == 4 && l < sentence.size()) {
currentLoop = new ArrayList<>();
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, i, j, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, j, k, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, k, l, stats));
validateAndCountSkipgramCandidate(currentLoop, stats);
} else {
for (int m = k + 1; m <= k + 1 + skip; m++) { // 5gram
if (ngram == 5 && k < sentence.size()) {
for (int m = l + 1; m <= l + 1 + skip; m++) { // 5gram
if (ngram == 5 && m < sentence.size()) {
currentLoop = new ArrayList<>();
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, i, j, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, j, k, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, k, l, stats));
currentLoop.add(checkAndModifySkipgramPunctuation(sentence, l, m, stats));
validateAndCountSkipgramCandidate(currentLoop, stats);
@ -228,7 +258,9 @@ public class Ngrams {
private static void validateAndCountSkipgramCandidate(ArrayList<Word> skipgramCandidate, StatisticsNew stats) {
// count if no regex is set or if it is & candidate passes it
if (!stats.getFilter().hasMsd() || passesRegex(skipgramCandidate, stats.getFilter().getMsd())) {
stats.updateTaxonomyResults(new MultipleHMKeys(wordToString(skipgramCandidate, stats.getFilter().getCalculateFor()), "", "", ""),
String key = wordToString(skipgramCandidate, stats.getFilter().getCalculateFor());
key = (key.charAt(key.length()-1) == ',') ? key.substring(0, key.length() - 1) : key;
stats.updateTaxonomyResults(new MultipleHMKeys(key, "", "", ""),