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# Environment specific Makefile parameters
# Copy this file and name it makefile_args
# makefile_args gets .gitignored
# SSJ_FILE = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/samples/ssj_xml/ssj500k-sl.body.sample.xml"
SSJ_FILE = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/ssj_file_link"
# KRES_FOLDER = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/samples/kres_xml"
KRES_FOLDER = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/kres_xml_folder_link"
# KRES_SRL_FOLDER = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/samples/kres_srl_json"
KRES_SRL_FOLDER = "$(MAKE_ROOT)/data/kres_json_folder_link"
OUTPUT = "db"
# OUTPUT = "file"
OUTDIR = "/tmp/three" # if you're running this in docker, make sure to mount the volume
DBADDR = "" # don't use localhost
# credentials from .gitignored file
# create it from env.default
include env.local
# insert kres files into database in chunks, for fewer connections
# Backend parameters found in conf file (see make backend)