You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
8.9 KiB

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from time import time
import pickle
import json
from copy import deepcopy as DC
# Match sese ordinals (1., 2., ...)
rord = re.compile(r"^ *[0-9]+\. *$")
# Get rid of accented characters.
intab = "ÁÉÍÓÚàáäçèéêìíîñòóôöùúüčŔŕ"
outtb = "AEIOUaaaceeeiiinoooouuučRr"
transtab = str.maketrans(intab, outtb)
class Seqparser:
def __init__(self):
# main functions
def html_to_raw_pickle(self, sskj_html_filepath, raw_pickle_filepath):
entries = dict(self.parse_file(sskj_html_filepath, self.parse_line))
print("entries len: " + str(len(entries)))
with open(raw_pickle_filepath, "wb") as f:
tmpstr = json.dumps(dict(entries))
pickle.dump(tmpstr, f)
# debugging
def raw_pickle_to_parsed_pickle(
self, raw_pickle_filepath, parsed_pickle_filepath,
data = self.load_raw_pickle(raw_pickle_filepath)
print("raw_pickle data len: " + str(len(data)))
se_list = self.gen_se_list(data)
print("se_list len: " + str(len(se_list)))
with open(se_list_filepath, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(se_list, f)
data1 = self.remove_se(data)
data2 = self.reorganize(data1, se_list)
print("data2 len: " + str(len(data2.keys())))
with open(parsed_pickle_filepath, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(data2, f)
# helper html reading functions
def parse_file(self, path, f_parse_line):
tstart = time()
entries = defaultdict(list)
with open(path, "r") as f:
for line in f:
data = f_parse_line(line)
if data is not None:
print("parse_file({}) in {:.2f}s".format(path, time() - tstart))
return entries
def parse_line(self, line):
def helper_bv_set(g_or_p):
if g_or_p not in ["G", "P"]:
print("Err g_or_p.")
if data.get("bv") is not None:
if data["bv"] != g_or_p:
# exit(1)
data["bv"] = g_or_p
data = {
"izt": "",
"izt_clean": "",
"senses": defaultdict(list)
soup = BS(line, "html.parser")
current_sense_id = "0"
for span in soup.find_all("span"):
# sense id
if span.string is not None:
rmatch = rord.match(span.string)
if rmatch is not None:
current_sense_id =
title = span.attrs.get("title")
if title is not None:
title = title.lower()
# only verbs and adjectives
if "glagol" in title:
data["bv_full"] = title
elif "pridevn" in title:
data["bv_full"] = title
# žšč
if title == "iztočnica":
data["izt"] = span.string
data["izt_clean"] = span.string.translate(transtab).lower()
# sense description
if title == "razlaga" and span.string is not None:
("razl", span.string))
if "pridevnik od" in span.string:
if title == "sopomenka":
subspan = span.find_all("a")[0]
if subspan.string is not None:
("sopo", subspan.string))
# save verbs and adjectives
if (
("bv" not in data) or
(data["bv"] != "P" and data["bv"] != "G")
return None
# sanity check
if data["bv"] == "P" and " se" in data["izt_clean"]:
# append _ to adjective keywords
if data["bv"] == "P":
data["izt_clean"] = data["izt_clean"] + "_"
# cleanup
if "bv" not in data:
print("Should not be here (no bv).")
if "bv_full" in data:
return data
# helper functions
def load_raw_pickle(self, raw_pickle_filepath):
with open(raw_pickle_filepath, "rb") as f:
tmpstr = pickle.load(f)
return json.loads(tmpstr)
def helper_loop(self, data, fnc):
for k, lst in data.items():
for el in lst:
def gen_se_list(self, data):
def fnc1(el):
ic = el["izt_clean"]
if " se" in ic:
def fnc2(el):
ic = el["izt_clean"]
if ic in se_pruned:
# hw entries that only exist with " se"
se_list = []
self.helper_loop(data, fnc1)
se_pruned = set([hw.split(" se")[0] for hw in se_list])
self.helper_loop(data, fnc2)
return sorted(list(se_pruned))
def remove_se(self, data):
def fnc1(el):
nel = DC(el)
ic = nel["izt_clean"]
if " se" in ic:
nic = ic.split(" se")[0]
nel["izt_clean"] = nic
data_new = defaultdict(list)
self.helper_loop(data, fnc1)
return dict(data_new)
def reorganize(self, data, se_list):
# some hw entries have several headwords,
# some senses have subsenses
# index everything, make 1 object per hw
def helper_prune(sense_str):
# remove space padding
sense_str = sense_str.strip()
if len(sense_str) == 1:
return sense_str
# remove banned characters from string ending
banned = ": ; . , - ! ?".split(" ")
if sense_str[-1] in banned:
return sense_str[:-1]
return sense_str
data_new = {}
for k, lst in data.items():
new_el = {
"hw": k,
"has_se": k in se_list,
"senses": []
# if there is a single hw entry, hw_id is 0
if len(lst) == 1:
homonym_id = -1
homonym_id = 0
# loop homonyms
for el in lst:
homonym_id += 1
# loop top lvl sense ids
for sense_id, sens_lst in el["senses"].items():
# loop subsenses
for i, sens in enumerate(sens_lst):
nsid = sense_id.split(".")[0]
if len(sens_lst) == 1:
nsid += "-0"
nsid += ("-" + str(i + 1))
new_sense = {
"homonym_id": homonym_id,
# sense_id: sense_id-subsense_id
"sense_id": nsid,
"sense_type": sens[0],
"sense_desc": helper_prune(sens[1]),
hw = new_el["hw"]
if hw in data_new:
print("Shouldn't be here.")
data_new[hw] = DC(new_el)
# return data_new
# check
for hw, el in data_new.items():
for sens in el["senses"]:
if sens["sense_desc"] is None:
return data_new
def plst(lst):
for el in lst:
if __name__ == "__main__":
datapath = "../../../data"
html_filepath = datapath + "/sskj/sskj2_v1.html"
raw_pickle_filepath = datapath + "/tmp_pickles/raw_sskj.pickle"
parsed_pickle_filepath = datapath + "/no_del_pickles/sskj_senses.pickle"
se_list_filepath = datapath + "/no_del_pickles/se_list.pickle"
p = Seqparser()
if True:
print("html_to_raw_pickle({}, {})".format(
html_filepath, raw_pickle_filepath))
print("Big file, this might take a while (2 min).")
tstart = time()
p.html_to_raw_pickle(html_filepath, raw_pickle_filepath)
print("Finished in {:.2f}.".format(time() - tstart))
if True:
print("raw_pickle_to_parsed_pickle({}, {}, {})".format(
raw_pickle_filepath, parsed_pickle_filepath, se_list_filepath))
tstart = time()
raw_pickle_filepath, parsed_pickle_filepath, se_list_filepath)
print("Finished in {:.2f}.".format(time() - tstart))