You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
550 B

5 years ago
# cjvt-vezljivost
## Components
### Database (2 containers)
* ssj500k.xml
* kres.xml
* kres_SRL.json
* ssj500k.json **HERE HERE**
* kres.json
* DB containing both corpora (1:1 map of the intermediate json formats)
### Flask backend (1 container)
Input: see Database
API endpoints:
* GET word list (pre-cached)
* GET reduced frames (pre-cached)
* POST senses
* User auth logic
### Vue frontend (1 container)
* ngnix server
## Deployment
* get up DB
* fill DB *opt*
* start backend
* start start frontend