2019-08-23 19:16:57 +02:00

188 lines
8.5 KiB

import sys
from pyconll.unit import Token
from Value import Value
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, form, lemma, upos, xpos, deprel, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, head):
# form_unicode = str(form).encode("utf-8")
if form not in form_dict:
form_dict[form] = Value(form)
self.form = form_dict[form]
if lemma not in lemma_dict:
lemma_dict[lemma] = Value(lemma)
self.lemma = lemma_dict[lemma]
if upos not in upos_dict:
upos_dict[upos] = Value(upos)
self.upos = upos_dict[upos]
if xpos not in xpos_dict:
xpos_dict[xpos] = Value(xpos)
self.xpos = xpos_dict[xpos]
if deprel not in deprel_dict:
deprel_dict[deprel] = Value(deprel)
self.deprel = deprel_dict[deprel]
# self.position = position
self.parent = head
self.l_children = []
self.r_children = []
def add_l_child(self, child):
def add_r_child(self, child):
def set_parent(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def fits_static_requirements(self, query_tree):
return ('form' not in query_tree or query_tree['form'] == self.form.get_value) and \
('lemma' not in query_tree or query_tree['lemma'] == self.lemma.get_value) and \
('upos' not in query_tree or query_tree['upos'] == self.upos.get_value) and \
('xpos' not in query_tree or query_tree['xpos'] == self.xpos.get_value) and \
('deprel' not in query_tree or query_tree['deprel'] == self.deprel.get_value)
def generate_children_queries(self, all_query_indices):
subtree_outcomes = []
# list of pairs (index of query in group, group of query, is permanent)
child_queries_metadata = []
for child_index, child in enumerate(self.l_children):
new_queries = []
# add continuation queries to children
for (result_part_index, result_index, is_permanent), subtree_outcome in zip(child_queries_metadata, subtree_outcomes):
if subtree_outcome:
if len(all_query_indices[result_index][0]) > result_part_index + 1:
new_queries.append((result_part_index + 1, result_index, is_permanent))
# else:
# completed_subtrees.append((child, result_index))
child_queries_metadata = new_queries
# add new queries to children
for result_index, (group, is_permanent) in enumerate(all_query_indices):
# check if node has enough children for query to be possible
if len(self.l_children) - len(group) >= child_index:
child_queries_metadata.append((0, result_index, is_permanent))
child_queries = []
for result_part_index, result_index, _ in child_queries_metadata:
subtree_outcomes = yield child, child_queries, child_queries_metadata
yield None, None, None
def add_subtrees(self, old_subtree, new_subtree):
def get_results(self, partial_results_dict, result_index, result_part, outcome, last_result_part):
# save results for later usage
# if result index already in and element 0 exists (otherwise error)
if result_index in partial_results_dict and 0 in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
if result_part - 1 in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
if result_part in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part].extend(self.merge_results(partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part - 1], outcome))
partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part] = self.merge_results(partial_results_dict[result_index][result_part - 1], outcome)
# extend one word layer with output
partial_results_dict[result_index] = {0: outcome}
if last_result_part - 1 in partial_results_dict[result_index]:
return partial_results_dict[result_index].pop(last_result_part - 1)
return []
def group_results(self, subtree_outcomes, child_queries_metadata, all_query_indices, completed_subtrees, partial_results_dict, partial_subtrees):
for outcome, (result_part, result_index, is_permanent) in zip(subtree_outcomes, child_queries_metadata):
if outcome:
new_results = self.get_results(partial_results_dict, result_index, result_part, outcome, len(all_query_indices[result_index][0]))
if new_results:
if is_permanent:
# if result_index in completed_subtrees:
# self.add_subtrees(completed_subtrees[result_index], new_results)
# else:
# completed_subtrees[result_index] = new_results
self.add_subtrees(completed_subtrees, new_results)
# if result_index in completed_subtrees:
# self.add_subtrees(partial_subtrees[result_index], new_results)
# else:
# partial_subtrees[result_index] = new_results
self.add_subtrees(partial_subtrees, new_results)
if not is_permanent:
def get_subtrees(self, permanent_query_trees, temporary_query_trees):
:param permanent_query_trees:
:param temporary_query_trees:
# list of all children queries grouped by parent queries
l_all_query_indices = []
r_all_query_indices = []
active_permanent_querry_trees = []
for permanent_query_tree in permanent_query_trees:
if self.fits_static_requirements(permanent_query_tree):
l_all_query_indices.append((permanent_query_tree['l_children'], True))
r_all_query_indices.append((permanent_query_tree['r_children'], True))
active_temporary_query_tree = []
partial_subtrees = list([None] * len(temporary_query_trees))
for i, temporary_query_tree in enumerate(temporary_query_trees):
if self.fits_static_requirements(temporary_query_tree):
if 'l_children' in temporary_query_tree:
l_all_query_indices.append((temporary_query_tree['l_children'], False))
if 'r_children' in temporary_query_tree:
r_all_query_indices.append((temporary_query_tree['r_children'], False))
if 'l_children' not in temporary_query_tree and 'r_children' not in temporary_query_tree:
partial_subtrees[i] = [[self.create_output_string()]]
elif 'l_children' not in temporary_query_tree and 'r_children' not in temporary_query_tree:
partial_subtrees[i] = None
completed_subtrees = []
# list of pairs (index of query in group, group of query)
partial_results_dict = {}
children_queries_generator = self.generate_children_queries(l_all_query_indices)
child_index = 0
child, child_queries, child_queries_metadata = next(children_queries_generator)
while child:
# obtain children results
subtree_outcomes, completed_subtrees = child.get_subtrees(permanent_query_trees, child_queries)
self.group_results(subtree_outcomes, child_queries_metadata, l_all_query_indices, completed_subtrees, partial_results_dict, partial_subtrees)
# TODO: Right children functionality
child, child_query, child_group_mapper = children_queries_generator.send(subtree_outcomes)
child_index += 1
return partial_subtrees, completed_subtrees
def merge_results(old_results, new_results):
merged_results = []
for old_result in old_results:
for new_result in new_results:
merged_results.append(old_result + new_result)
return merged_results
def create_output_string(self):
return self.form.get_value()