You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
9.0 KiB

import argparse
import configparser
import csv
import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import re
import pyconll
from Tree import Tree, create_output_string_form, create_output_string_deprel, create_output_string_lemma, create_output_string_upos, create_output_string_xpos
def decode_query(orig_query, dependency_type):
new_query = False
# if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query
if orig_query[0] == '(' and orig_query[-1] == ')':
new_query = True
orig_query = orig_query[1:-1]
orig_query_split = orig_query.split(' ')[0].split('=')
# if orig_query is '_' return {}
if dependency_type != '':
decoded_query = {'deprel': dependency_type}
decoded_query = {}
if orig_query == '_':
return decoded_query
# if no spaces in query then this is query node and do this otherwise further split query
elif len(orig_query.split(' ')) == 1:
if len(orig_query_split) > 1:
if orig_query_split[0] == 'L':
decoded_query['lemma'] = orig_query_split[1]
return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'upos':
decoded_query['upos'] = orig_query_split[1]
return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'xpos':
decoded_query['xpos'] = orig_query_split[1]
return decoded_query
elif orig_query_split[0] == 'form':
decoded_query['form'] = orig_query_split[1]
return decoded_query
elif not new_query:
raise Exception('Not supported yet!')
elif not new_query:
decoded_query['form'] = orig_query
return decoded_query
# split over spaces if not inside braces
PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^ ()]|\([^(]*\))+)''')
all_orders = PATTERN.split(orig_query)[1::2]
# all_orders = orig_query.split()
node_actions = all_orders[::2]
priority_actions = all_orders[1::2]
priority_actions_beginnings = [a[0] for a in priority_actions]
# find root index
root_index = priority_actions_beginnings.index('>')
except ValueError:
root_index = len(priority_actions)
l_children = []
r_children = []
root = None
for i, node_action in enumerate(node_actions):
if i < root_index:
l_children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i][1:]))
elif i > root_index:
r_children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i - 1][1:]))
root = decode_query(node_action, dependency_type)
if l_children:
root["l_children"] = l_children
if r_children:
root["r_children"] = r_children
return root
def create_trees(config):
internal_saves = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves')
input_path = config.get('settings', 'input')
hash_object = hashlib.sha1(input_path.encode('utf-8'))
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
trees_read_outputfile = os.path.join(internal_saves, hex_dig)
if not os.path.exists(trees_read_outputfile):
train = pyconll.load_from_file(input_path)
form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
all_trees = []
for sentence in train:
root = None
root_id = None
token_nodes = []
for token in sentence:
node = Tree(token.form, token.lemma, token.upos, token.xpos, token.deprel, form_dict,
lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, token.head)
if token.deprel == 'root':
root = node
root_id = int(
for token_id, token in enumerate(token_nodes):
if int(token.parent) == 0:
parent_id = int(token.parent) - 1
if token_id < parent_id:
elif token_id > parent_id:
raise Exception('Root element should not be here!')
if root == None:
raise Exception('No root element in sentence!')
with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'wb') as output:
pickle.dump((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict), output)
print('Reading trees:')
with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'rb') as pkl_file:
(all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = pickle.load(pkl_file)
return all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
## Required parameters
help="The input config file.")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# a = args.config_file
# create queries
ngrams = 0
if config.getint('settings', 'ngrams') == 2:
ngrams = 2
query_tree = [{"l_children": [{}]}, {"r_children": [{}]}]
query_tree = [decode_query('(' + config.get('settings', 'query') + ')', '')]
(all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = create_trees(config)
# set filters
assert config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') in ['deprel', 'lemma', 'upos', 'xpos', 'form'], '"analyze_type" is not set up correctly'
if config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'deprel':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_deprel
elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'lemma':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_lemma
elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'upos':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_upos
elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'xpos':
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_xpos
create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_form
result_dict = {}
# for tree in all_trees[2:]:
# for tree in all_trees[1205:]:
for tree in all_trees:
# original
# r_children = tree.r_children[:1] + tree.r_children[3:4]
# tree.r_children = tree.r_children[:1] + tree.r_children[2:4]
_, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct)
for query_results in subtrees:
for result in query_results:
if ngrams:
result = sorted(result)
r = tuple(result)
if r in result_dict:
result_dict[r] += 1
result_dict[r] = 1
# test 1 layer queries
# tree.r_children = []
# tree.l_children[1].l_children = []
# _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{'q1':'', "l_children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}]}, {'q2':'', "l_children": [{'b1':''}]}, {'q3':'', "l_children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}]}], [])
# # _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{'q1':'', "l_children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}], "r_children": []}, {'q2':'', "l_children": [{'b1':''}], "r_children": []}, {'q3':'', "l_children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}], "r_children": []}], [])
# test 2 layer queries
# tree.r_children = [Tree('je', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None)]
# tree.l_children[1].l_children = []
# new_tree = Tree('bil', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None)
# new_tree.l_children = [tree]
# _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees(
# [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}]}]}], [])
# # _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees(
# # [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}], "r_children": []}], "r_children": []}], [])
sorted_list = sorted(result_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
with open(config.get('settings', 'output'), "w", newline="") as f:
# header - use every second space as a split
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
if ngrams:
writer.writerow(['Word 1', 'Word 2', 'Number of occurences'])
span = 2
words = config.get('settings', 'query').split(" ")
header = [" ".join(words[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(words), span)] + ['Number of occurences']
# body
for k, v in sorted_list:
writer.writerow(list(k) + [str(v)])
if __name__ == "__main__":