Merge pull request 'mt-additional-xml-shema-support' (#6) from mt-additional-xml-shema-support into master

Reviewed-on: #6
Luka Kavčič 4 years ago
commit 5fe2bb62bb

@ -156,16 +156,7 @@
vertical-align: super;
font-size: 0.7em;
.translation-explanation:not(:empty) {
font-style: italic;
&:before {
content: '[';
&:after {
content: ']';
.translation-add {
@ -175,6 +166,20 @@
.explanations:not(:empty) {
font-style: italic;
&:not(.solo) {
&:before {
content: '[';
&:after {
content: ']';
.example {
clear: left;
margin-left: 1em;

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from model.tags import export_tag
def export_to_xml(model):
xml_document = export_entry(model.entry)
serializer = __new__(XMLSerializer())
return serializer.serializeToString(xml_document);
return serializer.serializeToString(xml_document)
def export_entry(entry):
@ -23,9 +23,14 @@ def export_entry(entry):
headword = doc.createElement("headword")
headword_lemma = doc.createElement("lemma")
# headword_lemma = entry.original_xml.querySelector("head headword lemma")
headword_lemma.textContent = entry.headword
if entry.headword_type is not None:
headword_lemma.setAttribute("type", entry.headword_type)
if entry.headword_audio is not None:
headword_lemma.setAttribute("audio", entry.headword_audio)
@ -52,11 +57,18 @@ def export_entry(entry):
grammar = doc.createElement("grammar")
grammar_category = doc.createElement("category")
# Example of keeping original xml and adding changes to it only
grammar_category = entry.original_xml.querySelector("head grammar category")
if grammar_category is None:
grammar = doc.createElement("grammar")
grammar_category = doc.createElement("category")
grammar_category.textContent = entry.grammar
head.appendChild(entry.original_xml.querySelector("head grammar"))
if len(entry.measure) > 0:
measure_list = doc.createElement("measureList")
@ -125,7 +137,9 @@ def export_sense(doc, sense):
for example in sense.examples:
example_container = example.export(doc)
export_translation_list(doc, example, example_container)
translation_container_list = doc.createElement("translationContainerList")
export_translation_list(doc, example, translation_container_list)
return sense_xml
@ -146,26 +160,27 @@ def export_translation(doc, translation):
actual_t.textContent = translation.translation
actual_t.setAttribute("targetLang", translation.targetLang)
if translation.source:
actual_t.setAttribute("source", translation.source)
explanationList = doc.createElement("explanationList")
for explanation in translation.explanationList:
el = doc.createElement("explanation")
el.textContent = explanation
if len(translation.explanationList) > 0 :
explanationList = _export_explanation_list(doc, translation.explanationList)
explanation = doc.createElement("explanation")
explanation.textContent = translation.explanation
return translation_xml
def _export_explanation_list(doc, lst):
result = doc.createElement('explanationList')
for explanation in lst:
return result
def _export_label_list(doc, lst):
result = doc.createElement("labelList")

@ -10,16 +10,19 @@ def generic_list_getter():
return result
# Formats data from inputs to name-value objects
def homonymy_list_getter():
def double_list_getter(firstParameter, secondParameter, allowEmptyField = False):
result = []
for row in document.getElementsByClassName("label-list-row"):
value = row.querySelector(".value-input").value
name = row.querySelector(".name-input").value
for row in document.getElementsByClassName("double-list-row"):
firstValue = row.querySelector("." + firstParameter + "-input").value
secondValue = row.querySelector("." + secondParameter + "-input").value
if (allowEmptyField is False and '' in [firstValue, secondValue]):
if ("" in [name, value]):
if (allowEmptyField is True and all('' == value or value.isspace() for value in [firstValue, secondValue])):
result.append({"name": name, "value": value})
result.append({firstParameter: firstValue, secondParameter: secondValue})
return result

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class EditVariants(Message):
class EditHomonymy(Message):
def update_model(self, model):
homonymy = common_accessors.homonymy_list_getter()
homonymy = common_accessors.double_list_getter("value", "name")
model.entry.homonymy = homonymy

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import message.common_accessors as common_accessors
from browser import document, window
from model.translation import Translation
from model.sense import Sense
from model.explanation import Explanation
@ -13,9 +14,14 @@ class EditTranslation(DataChgClickMessage):
self.old_cluster_idx = self.get_arg(1, int)
self.translation.translation = document.getElementById("etv").value
# This could be dangerous if generic_list_getter is getting data from any other list as well.
self.translation.explanationList = common_accessors.generic_list_getter()
# This could be dangerous if double_list_getter is getting data from any other list as well.
explanations = common_accessors.double_list_getter('value', 'language', True)
self.translation.explanationList = []
for entry in explanations:
explanation = Explanation()
explanation.value = entry.value
explanation.language = entry.language
# common_accessors.label_list_getter()
self.translation.tags = common_accessors.label_list_getter()

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ from model.model import Model
from model.sense import Sense
from model.translation import Translation
from model.example import Example
from model.explanation import Explanation

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class Entry(Data):
self.headword = ""
self.homonymy = []
self.headword_type = None
self.headword_audio = None
self.grammar = ""
self.comment = ""
self.variants = []
@ -22,16 +23,20 @@ class Entry(Data):
self.measure = {}
self.labels = []
self.senses = []
self.original_xml = None
def import_xml(self, entry_xml):
self.original_xml = entry_xml.cloneNode(True)
status = entry_xml.querySelector("head status")
headword = entry_xml.querySelector("head headword lemma")
grammar = entry_xml.querySelector("head grammar category")
comment = entry_xml.querySelector("head comment")
self.status = status.textContent if status else ""
self.headword = headword.textContent if headword else ""
self.headword_type = headword.getAttribute("type") if headword else None
self.headword_type = headword.getAttribute("type") if headword and headword.hasAttribute("type") else None
self.headword_audio = headword.getAttribute("audio") if headword and headword.hasAttribute("audio") else None
self.grammar = grammar.textContent if grammar else ""
self.comment = comment.textContent if comment else ""
self.variants = [v.textContent for v in entry_xml.querySelectorAll("head variantList variant")]

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Example(Data):
return example
def import_xml(self, example_xml):
self.translations = from_container_list(example_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainer"))
self.translations = from_container_list(example_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainerList translationContainer"))
if example_xml.hasAttribute("modified"):
self.edited = example_xml.getAttribute("modified") == "true"

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from import Data
from lib.snabbdom import h
class Explanation(Data):
def __init__(self):
self.value = ""
self.language = ""
def import_dom(self, explanation_dom):
self.value = explanation_dom.textContent if explanation_dom else ""
self.language = explanation_dom.getAttribute("language") if explanation_dom.hasAttribute("language") else ""
def export(self, doc):
result = doc.createElement("explanation")
result.textContent = self.value
if self.language != "": result.setAttribute('language', self.language)
return result

@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ class Sense(Data):
def import_xml(self, sense_xml, idx):
self.original_idx = idx
for definition in sense_xml.querySelectorAll("definitionList definition"):
key = definition.getAttribute("type")
self.definition[key] = definition.textContent
self.labels = import_label_list("sense > labelList label", sense_xml)
self.translations = from_container_list(
sense_xml.querySelectorAll("translationContainerList translationContainer"))
sense_xml.querySelectorAll('sense > translationContainerList translationContainer'))
for example_xml in sense_xml.querySelectorAll("exampleContainerList exampleContainer"):
example = Example()

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from model.tags import import_label_list
from model.explanation import Explanation
from import Data
from lib.snabbdom import h
@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ class Translation(Data):
self.translation = ""
self.source = ""
self.targetLang = ""
self.explanation = ""
self.explanationList = [] = ""
self.explanationList = set()
self.tags = []
def import_xml(self, translation_xml):
@ -43,14 +44,14 @@ class Translation(Data):
self.translation = translation.textContent
self.source = translation.getAttribute("source") if translation.hasAttribute("source") else ""
self.targetLang = translation.getAttribute("targetLang") if translation.hasAttribute("targetLang") else "" = translation.getAttribute("audio") if translation.hasAttribute("audio") else ""
explanationList = translation_xml.querySelectorAll("explanationList explanation")
for explanation_dom in explanationList:
explanation = Explanation()
for explanation in explanationList:
self.explanationList.append(explanation.textContent if explanation else "")
explanation = translation_xml.querySelector("explanation")
self.explanation = explanation.textContent if explanation else ""
self.tags = import_label_list("labelList label", translation_xml)
def view(self, model):
@ -66,10 +67,10 @@ class Translation(Data):
if self.source:
elements.append(h("span.translation-source", {}, self.source))
explanation_class = ".translation-explanation" if self.translation else ""
# elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, self.explanations))
elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, ", ".join(self.explanationList)))
if (self.explanationList):
explanation_class = ".explanations" if self.translation else ".explanations.solo"
explanations = [explanation.value for explanation in self.explanationList]
elements.append(h("span{}".format(explanation_class), {}, ", ".join(explanations)))
return h("div.translation-div", {"on": {"click": M.msg(M.ShowTranslationMenu, self) }}, elements)
@ -80,6 +81,6 @@ class Translation(Data):
# next two are not checked as the also can not be deleted via gui
# result = result and self.source == ""
# result = result and self.targetLang == ""
result = result and self.explanation == ""
result = result and len(self.explanationList) == 0
result = result and len(self.tags) == 0
return result

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def generic_list_editor(title, element_list_getter):
def homonymy_editor(title, current_labels):
def split_line2(left, right):
cls = "flex.two{}".format(".label-list-row")
cls = "flex.two{}".format(".double-list-row")
return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [
h("div.half", {}, left), h("div.half", {}, right)])
@ -67,6 +67,28 @@ def homonymy_editor(title, current_labels):
return content
def explanation_editor(title, current_labels):
def split_line2(left, right):
cls = "flex.two{}".format(".double-list-row")
return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [
h("div.four-fifth", {}, left), h("div.fifth", {}, right)])
content = [h("p", {}, title)]
for i, explanation in enumerate(current_labels()):
language = []
value = []
language.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i}}, "Language:"))
language.append(h("input.language-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": explanation["language"], "id": i}}, ""))
value.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i + "-value"}}, "Value:"))
value.append(h("input.value-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": explanation["value"], "id": i + "-value"}}, ""))
content.append(split_line2(value, language))
content.append(h("button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(message.AddToGenericList, current_labels)}}, "+"))
return content
def label_list_editor(current_labels, add_label_message_class):
def split_line3(left, center, right, is_llr=True):
cls = "flex.three{}".format(".label-list-row" if is_llr else "")

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def edit_translation(translation, parent, cluster_idx, num_clusters, cls):
split_line2("Prevedek:", h("textarea#etv", {"props": {"value": translation.translation}}, ""))])
content.extend(generic_list_editor("Razlage:", lambda: translation.explanationList))
content.extend(explanation_editor("Razlage:", lambda: translation.explanationList))
# cluster number
options = [h("option", {"props": {"selected": idx == cluster_idx}}, str(idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_clusters + 1)]
