You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
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from message.message import Message, ClickMessage
from browser import document, window
from model.translation import TAGS, NewTranslation
def get_translation_location(entry, translation):
for si, sense in enumerate(entry.senses):
for ci, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for ti, search_translation in enumerate(cluster):
if search_translation == translation:
return (si, ci, ti), (sense, cluster)
class EditTranslation(TranslationActionMessage):
def __init__(self, _, prop):
self.translation, self.old_cluster_idx = prop
def update_model(self, model):
self.translation.translation = document.getElementById("etv").value
self.translation.explanation = document.getElementById("ete").value
for tag in TAGS.keys():
select = document.getElementById("{}-s".format(tag))
other = document.getElementById("{}-o".format(tag))
if other.value:
self.translation.tags[tag] = other.value
elif select.selectedIndex > 0:
self.translation.tags[tag] = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text
if tag in self.translation.tags:
del self.translation.tags[tag]
new_cluster_idx = int(document.getElementById("cluster-num").value) - 1
self.handle_cluster_change(new_cluster_idx, model)
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, model):
if self.old_cluster_idx == new_cluster_idx:
# first, find out the correct sense
for sense in model.entry.senses:
for cidx, cluster in enumerate(sense.translations):
for tidx, t in enumerate(cluster):
if t == self.translation:
#found, lets do whatever needs to be done
self.do_cluster_change(sense, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx)
# we are done, lets return
def do_cluster_change(self, sense, cluster, cidx, tidx, new_cluster_idx):
# remove the translation from the old cluster
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
# we maybe are creating a new cluster, handle that
if len(sense.translations) == new_cluster_idx:
elif len(sense.translations) > new_cluster_idx:
# lets append the translation to new cluster
raise ValueError("Bad new cluster idx :(")
# we still hols cluster reference, check if empty and remove if necessary
# we cant do this earlier since indexes change and yeah, fun stuff
if len(cluster) == 0:
sense.translations.splice(cidx, 1)
class MoveRight(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
(_, _, idx), (_, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, translation)
if idx != len(cluster) - 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx + 1] = cluster[idx + 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class MoveLeft(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
(_, _, idx), (_, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, translation)
if idx != 0 and len(cluster) > 1:
cluster[idx], cluster[idx - 1] = cluster[idx - 1], cluster[idx]
model.translation = None
class BinTranslation(ClickMessage):
def update_model(self, model):
translation = self.get_arg(0, Translation)
(_, cidx, tidx), (sense, cluster) = get_translation_location(model.entry, translation)
if len(cluster) == 1:
# remove empty cluster
sense.translations.splice(cidx, 1)
cluster.splice(tidx, 1)
model.translation = None
class AddTranslation(EditTranslation):
def __init__(self, _, prop):
self.translation = NewTranslation()
self.old_cluster_idx = -1
self.sense = prop
def handle_cluster_change(self, new_cluster_idx, _):
# we need to cheat here
# sense was actually given in constructor
# we make a dummy cluster, cluster_idx and translation_idx
# we give a correct new_cluster_idx
self.do_cluster_change(self.sense, [None, None], None, None, new_cluster_idx)