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## There are three sets of options that need, may need to, and could be changed.
## (1) deals with input and output. You have to set these (in particular, you need to provide a training corpus)
## (2) deals with the jvm parameters and may need to be changed
## (3) deals with the behaviour of the system
## For further information on switches, see the source code, or run
## java -cp srl.jar --help
## (1) The following needs to be set appropriately
## (2) These ones may need to be changed
JAVA="java" #Edit this i you want to use a specific java binary.
MEM="2g" #Memory for the JVM, might need to be increased for large corpora.
JVM_ARGS="-cp $CP -Xmx$MEM"
## (3) The following changes the behaviour of the system
#RERANKER="-reranker" #Uncomment this if you want to use a reranker too. The model is assumed to contain a reranker. While training, this has to be set appropriately.
NOPI="-nopi" #Uncomment this if you want to skip the predicate identification step. This setting is equivalent to the CoNLL 2009 ST.
echo "Executing: $CMD"