You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
1.5 KiB

from pathlib import Path
from parser.parser import Parser
import configparser
# defaults
ORIGPATH = Path("../data/kres_example") # we need the IDs
INPATH = Path("../data/kres_example_srl")
OUTPATH = Path("../data/kres_example_json")
# parse config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"tools.cfg")
ORIGPATH = Path(config["tools"]["kres_orig"])
INPATH = Path(config["tools"]["kres_srl"])
OUTPATH = Path(config["tools"]["kres_json"])
def get_origfile(filename):
for origfile in ORIGPATH.iterdir():
if'.')[0] =='.')[0]:
return origfile
raise FileNotFoundError
def extract_sentences(line_reader):
acc = []
for line in [x.decode("utf-8").split('\t') for x in line_reader]:
if line[0] == '\n':
tmp = acc
acc = []
yield tmp
def match_sentence_id(string, rd):
str1 = " ".join([token[1] for token in sentence_arr])
for k, e in rd.items():
str2 = " ".join(token[2] for token in dict_entry["tokens"])
if str1 == str2:
return k
raise KeyError
5 years ago
if __name__ == "__main__":
par = Parser()
for infile in [x for x in INPATH.iterdir() if x.is_file()]:
origfile = get_origfile(infile)
rd = par.parse_tei(origfile)
fp ="rb")
for sentence_arr in extract_sentences(fp.readlines()):
sid = match_sentence_id(sentence_arr, rd)
# OK, we got the sentence id, now generate the predicate map!
outfile = (OUTPATH /".json")