You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Convert a TEI file to a XML file of the CJVT standard schema.
This script was developed in the context of a specific task and may not generalise as expected. Use at your own risk.
import argparse
import lxml.etree as lxml
from conversion_utils.utils import xpath_find, TEI_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
def get_parsed_unit_string(parsed_unit):
elements = xpath_find(parsed_unit, 'tei:w|tei:pc')
return ''.join([e.text if e.get('join') == 'right' else e.text + ' ' for e in elements]).strip()
def convert(input_file_name, output_file_name):
output_root = lxml.Element('dictionary')
parser = lxml.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
input_root = lxml.parse(input_file_name, parser).getroot()
parsed_units = xpath_find(input_root, 'tei:text/tei:body/tei:p/tei:s')
for parsed_unit in parsed_units:
entry = lxml.SubElement(output_root, 'entry')
head = lxml.SubElement(entry, 'head')
headword = lxml.SubElement(head, 'headword')
lemma_text = get_parsed_unit_string(parsed_unit)
lemma = lxml.SubElement(headword, 'lemma')
lemma.text = lemma_text
lexical_unit = lxml.SubElement(head, 'lexicalUnit')
tokens = xpath_find(parsed_unit, 'tei:w|tei:pc')
if (len(tokens) == 1):
token = tokens[0]
lexical_unit.set('type', 'single')
lexeme = lxml.SubElement(lexical_unit, 'lexeme')
if (token.tag == TEI_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER + 'w'):
lexeme.set('lemma', token.get('lemma'))
lexeme.set('msd', token.get('ana')[len('mte:'):])
lexeme.text = token.text
lexical_unit.set('type', 'MWE')
for (index, token) in enumerate(tokens, start=1):
component = lxml.SubElement(lexical_unit, 'component')
component.set('num', str(index))
lexeme = lxml.SubElement(component, 'lexeme')
if (token.tag == TEI_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER + 'w'):
lexeme.set('lemma', token.get('lemma'))
lexeme.set('msd', token.get('ana')[len('mte:'):])
lexeme.text = token.text
lexical_unit.set('structure_id', str(parsed_unit.get('structure_id')))
body = lxml.SubElement(entry, 'body')
senseList = lxml.SubElement(body, 'senseList')
output_tree = lxml.ElementTree(output_root)
output_tree.write(output_file_name, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True)
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert TEI to dictionary xml.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-infile', type=str, help='Input TEI xml')
arg_parser.add_argument('-outfile', type=str, help='Output xml in standard cjvt schema')
arguments = arg_parser.parse_args()
input_file_name = arguments.infile
output_file_name = arguments.outfile
convert(input_file_name, output_file_name)