from import read_raw_text, map_svala_tokenized from conllu import TokenList def create_edges_list(target_ids, links_ids_mapper): target_edges = [] target_edges_set = [] for target_sentence in target_ids: target_sentence_edges = [] for target_id in target_sentence: target_sentence_edges.extend(links_ids_mapper[target_id]) target_edges.append(target_sentence_edges) target_edges_set.append(set(target_sentence_edges)) return target_edges, target_edges_set SKIP_IDS = ['solar2284s.1.1.1'] def create_edges(raw_edges, source_par, target_par): source_mapper = {el['svala_id']: el['id'] for source in source_par for el in source} target_mapper = {el['svala_id']: el['id'] for target in target_par for el in target} # actually add edges edges = [] for _, edge in raw_edges.items(): labels = edge['labels'] source_ids = [source_mapper[el] for el in edge['ids'] if el in source_mapper] target_ids = [target_mapper[el] for el in edge['ids'] if el in target_mapper] edges.append({'source_ids': source_ids, 'target_ids': target_ids, 'labels': labels}) return edges def update_ids(pretag, in_list): for el in in_list: el['id'] = f'{pretag}.{el["id"]}' def create_conllu(interest_list, sentence_string_id): conllu_result = TokenList([{"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None, "feats": None, "head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": "SpaceAfter=No"} if not token['space_after'] else {"id": token_i + 1, "form": token['token'], "lemma": None, "upos": None, "xpos": None, "feats": None, "head": None, "deprel": None, "deps": None, "misc": None} for token_i, token in enumerate(interest_list)]) # Delete last SpaceAfter misc = conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] if len(conllu_result) > 0 else None if misc is not None: misc_split = misc.split('|') if misc is not None and misc == 'SpaceAfter=No': conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = None elif misc is not None and 'SpaceAfter=No' in misc_split: conllu_result[len(conllu_result) - 1]['misc'] = '|'.join([el for el in misc_split if el != 'SpaceAfter=No']) conllu_result.metadata = {"sent_id": sentence_string_id} return conllu_result.serialize() def add_error_token_source_target_only(el, out_list, sentence_string_id, out_list_i, is_source, s_t_id): sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.') source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}' if is_source \ else f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{out_list_i}' token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc' out_list.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False, 'svala_id': s_t_id}) def add_errors_source_target_only(svala_i, source_i, target_i, error, source, target, svala_data, sentence_string_id): # solar5.7 for el in error: if el.tag.startswith('w') or el.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) source_id = "s" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(el, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, True, source_id) source_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif el.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True elif el.tag.startswith('p'): for p_el in el: if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) target_id = "t" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, False, target_id) target_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0: target[-1]['space_after'] = True elif el.tag.startswith('u2'): for el_l2 in el: if el_l2.tag.startswith('w') or el_l2.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) source_id = "s" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(el_l2, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, True, source_id) source_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif el_l2.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True elif el_l2.tag.startswith('u3'): for el_l3 in el_l2: if el_l3.tag.startswith('w') or el_l3.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) source_id = "s" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(el_l3, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, True, source_id) source_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif el_l3.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True elif el_l3.tag.startswith('u4'): for el_l4 in el_l3: if el_l4.tag.startswith('w') or el_l4.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) source_id = "s" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(el_l4, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, True, source_id) source_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif el_l4.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True elif el_l4.tag.startswith('u5'): for el_l5 in el_l4: if el_l5.tag.startswith('w') or el_l5.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) source_id = "s" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(el_l5, source, sentence_string_id, source_i, True, source_id) source_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif el_l5.tag.startswith('c') and len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True for p_el in el: if p_el.tag.startswith('w') or p_el.tag.startswith('pc'): ind = str(svala_i) target_id = "t" + ind add_error_token_source_target_only(p_el, target, sentence_string_id, target_i, False, target_id) target_i += 1 svala_i += 1 elif p_el.tag.startswith('c') and len(target) > 0: target[-1]['space_after'] = True return svala_i, source_i, target_i def add_source(svala_i, source_i, sentence_string_id_split, source, el): source_id = "s" + svala_i source_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{source_i}' token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc' source.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'id': source_token_id, 'space_after': False, 'svala_id': source_id}) def add_target(svala_i, target_i, sentence_string_id_split, target, el): target_id = "t" + svala_i target_token_id = f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}.{target_i}' token_tag = 'w' if el.tag.startswith('w') else 'pc' target.append({'token': el.text, 'tag': token_tag, 'ana': el.attrib['ana'], 'id': target_token_id, 'space_after': False, 'svala_id': target_id}) def merge(sentences, paragraph, svala_i, svala_data, add_errors_func, source_raw_text, target_raw_text, nlp_tokenize): if source_raw_text is not None: text = read_raw_text(source_raw_text) raw_text, source_tokenized, metadocument = nlp_tokenize.processors['tokenize']._tokenizer.tokenize(text) if text else ([], [], []) source_res = map_svala_tokenized(svala_data['source'], source_tokenized) if target_raw_text is not None: text = read_raw_text(target_raw_text) raw_text, target_tokenized, metadocument = nlp_tokenize.processors['tokenize']._tokenizer.tokenize(text) if text else ([], [], []) target_res = map_svala_tokenized(svala_data['target'], target_tokenized) par_source = [] par_target = [] sentences_len = len(sentences) source_conllus = [] target_conllus = [] if source_raw_text is not None: sentences_len = max(sentences_len, len(source_res)) if target_raw_text is not None: sentences_len = max(sentences_len, len(target_res)) for sentence_id in range(sentences_len): source = [] target = [] sentence_id += 1 source_i = 1 target_i = 1 sentence_string_id = paragraph.attrib['{}id'] + f'.{sentence_id}' sentence_string_id_split = sentence_string_id.split('.') if sentence_id - 1 < len(sentences): sentence = sentences[sentence_id - 1] for el in sentence: if el.tag.startswith('w'): if source_raw_text is None: add_source(str(svala_i), source_i, sentence_string_id_split, source, el) if target_raw_text is None: add_target(str(svala_i), target_i, sentence_string_id_split, target, el) svala_i += 1 source_i += 1 target_i += 1 elif el.tag.startswith('pc'): if source_raw_text is None: add_source(str(svala_i), source_i, sentence_string_id_split, source, el) if target_raw_text is None: add_target(str(svala_i), target_i, sentence_string_id_split, target, el) svala_i += 1 source_i += 1 target_i += 1 elif el.tag.startswith('u'): if source_raw_text is None or target_raw_text is None: svala_i, source_i, target_i = add_errors_source_target_only(svala_i, source_i, target_i, el, source, target, svala_data, sentence_string_id) else: svala_i, source_i, target_i = add_errors_func(svala_i, source_i, target_i, el, source, target, svala_data, sentence_string_id) elif el.tag.startswith('c'): if len(source) > 0: source[-1]['space_after'] = True if len(target) > 0: target[-1]['space_after'] = True if source_raw_text is not None and sentence_id - 1 < len(source_res): source = source_res[sentence_id - 1] update_ids(f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}s.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}', source) par_source.append(source) source_conllu = '' if len(source) > 0: source_conllu = create_conllu(source, sentence_string_id) if target_raw_text is not None and sentence_id - 1 < len(target_res): target = target_res[sentence_id - 1] update_ids(f'{sentence_string_id_split[0]}t.{".".join(sentence_string_id_split[1:])}', target) par_target.append(target) if source_raw_text is None: par_source.append(source) if target_raw_text is None: par_target.append(target) target_conllu = '' if len(target) > 0: target_conllu = create_conllu(target, sentence_string_id) if source_raw_text is None or len(source_conllus) < len(par_source): source_conllus.append(source_conllu) if target_raw_text is None or len(target_conllus) < len(par_target): target_conllus.append(target_conllu) sentence_edges = create_edges(svala_data, par_source, par_target) return sentence_edges, source_conllus, target_conllus