# Words proccesed: 650250 # Word indeks: 50023 # Word number: 50023 from lxml import etree import time from prepare_data import * from text2SAMPA import * # def xml_words_generator(xml_path): # for event, element in etree.iterparse(xml_path, tag="LexicalEntry", encoding="UTF-8"): # words = [] # for child in element: # if child.tag == 'WordForm': # msd = None # word = None # for wf in child: # if 'att' in wf.attrib and wf.attrib['att'] == 'msd': # msd = wf.attrib['val'] # elif wf.tag == 'FormRepresentation': # for form_rep in wf: # if form_rep.attrib['att'] == 'zapis_oblike': # word = form_rep.attrib['val'] # #if msd is not None and word is not None: # # pass # #else: # # print('NOOOOO') # words.append([word, '', msd, word]) # yield words # # # gen = xml_words_generator('data/Sloleks_v1.2_p2.xml') word_glob_num = 0 word_limit = 50000 iter_num = 50000 word_index = 0 # iter_index = 0 # words = [] # # lexical_entries_load_number = 0 # lexical_entries_save_number = 0 # # # INSIDE # # word_glob_num = 1500686 # word_glob_num = 1550705 # # # word_limit = 1500686 # word_limit = 1550705 # # iter_index = 31 # done_lexical_entries = 33522 data = Data('s', shuffle_all_inputs=False) accentuated_content = data._read_content('data/new_sloleks/new_sloleks.tab') start_timer = time.time() print('Copy initialization complete') with open("data/new_sloleks/final_sloleks.xml", "ab") as myfile: # myfile2 = open('data/new_sloleks/p' + str(iter_index) + '.xml', 'ab') for event, element in etree.iterparse('data/new_sloleks/final_sloleks_read.xml', tag="LexicalEntry", encoding="UTF-8", remove_blank_text=True): # for event, element in etree.iterparse('data/Sloleks_v1.2.xml', tag="LexicalEntry", encoding="UTF-8", remove_blank_text=True): # if word_glob_num >= word_limit: # myfile2.close() # myfile2 = open('data/new_sloleks/p' + str(iter_index) + '.xml', 'ab') # iter_index += 1 # print("Words proccesed: " + str(word_glob_num)) # # print("Word indeks: " + str(word_index)) # print("Word number: " + str(len(words))) # # # print("lexical_entries_load_number: " + str(lexical_entries_load_number)) # # print("lexical_entries_save_number: " + str(lexical_entries_save_number)) # # end_timer = time.time() # print("Elapsed time: " + "{0:.2f}".format((end_timer - start_timer) / 60.0) + " minutes") lemma = '' accentuated_word_location = '' accentuated_word = '' for child in element: if child.tag == 'Lemma': for wf in child: if 'att' in wf.attrib and wf.attrib['att'] == 'zapis_oblike': lemma = wf.attrib['val'] if child.tag == 'WordForm': msd = None word = None for wf in child: if 'att' in wf.attrib and wf.attrib['att'] == 'msd': msd = wf.attrib['val'] elif wf.tag == 'FormRepresentation': for form_rep in wf: if form_rep.attrib['att'] == 'zapis_oblike': word = form_rep.attrib['val'] # if msd is not None and word is not None: # pass # else: # print('NOOOOO') word_index = (word_index - 500) % len(accentuated_content) word_index_sp = (word_index - 1) % len(accentuated_content) while word_index != word_index_sp: if word == accentuated_content[word_index][0] and msd == accentuated_content[word_index][2] and \ lemma == accentuated_content[word_index][1]: accentuated_word_location = accentuated_content[word_index][4] accentuated_word = accentuated_content[word_index][5][:-1] del(accentuated_content[word_index]) break word_index = (word_index + 1) % len(accentuated_content) error = word_index == word_index_sp if word_index == word_index_sp and word == accentuated_content[word_index][0] and msd == accentuated_content[word_index][2] \ and lemma == accentuated_content[word_index][1]: accentuated_word_location = accentuated_content[word_index][4] accentuated_word = accentuated_content[word_index][5][:-1] error = False del(accentuated_content[word_index]) if error: print('ERROR IN ' + word + ' : ' + lemma + ' : ' + msd) # print('ERROR IN ' + word + ' : ' + accentuated_content[word_index][0] + ' OR ' + msd + ' : ' # + accentuated_content[word_index][2]) # words.append([word, '', msd, word]) new_element = etree.Element('feat') new_element.attrib['att'] = 'naglasna_mesta_besede' new_element.attrib['val'] = accentuated_word_location wf.append(new_element) new_element = etree.Element('feat') new_element.attrib['att'] = 'naglaĊĦena_beseda' new_element.attrib['val'] = accentuated_word wf.append(new_element) new_element = etree.Element('feat') new_element.attrib['att'] = 'SAMPA' new_element.attrib['val'] = convert_to_SAMPA(accentuated_word) wf.append(new_element) word_glob_num += 1 # word_index += 1 # print(etree.tostring(element, encoding="UTF-8")) # myfile2.write(etree.tostring(element, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True)) if word_glob_num > word_limit: # print('Proccessed ' + str(word_glob_num) + ' words') end_timer = time.time() # print("Elapsed time: " + "{0:.2f}".format((end_timer - start_timer) / 60.0) + " minutes") word_limit += iter_num myfile.write(etree.tostring(element, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True)) element.clear()