# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect from valency.Frame import Frame, Slot, frames_from_db_entry from valency.reduce_functions import reduce_functions """ from valency import k_utils from valency.ssj_struct import * from valency.val_struct import * from valency.reduce_functions import * """ import logging import sys import json import yaml from flask_cors import CORS import hashlib import uuid import datetime import string import random import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from copy import deepcopy as DC from pathlib import Path from pymongo import MongoClient import pymongo import argparse # some db collections USERS_COLL = "users" TOKENS_COLL = "usertokens" SENSES_COLL = "senses" SENSEMAP_COLL = "sensemap" # pre-generated data (gui leftside word index) CORPORA = ["ssj", "kres"] app_index = None sskj_wordlist = None # used by _is_banned(hw) BANNED_HEADWORDS = ["biti"] QUERY_LIMIT = 1000 # Some headwords contain thousands of examples - not practical for the app log = logging.getLogger(__name__) valdb = None app = Flask(__name__) # when running vuejs via webpack # CORS(app) # CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": { # "origins": "*", # }}) CORS(app) # DEV -------------------------------. @app.route("/api/dev") def api_dev(): print("DEV") cur = valdb.kres.find({"headwords": "nagovarjati"}) frames = [] for ent in cur: frames += frames_from_db_entry(ent) return json.dumps([x.to_json() for x in frames]) # DEV -------------------------------^ # INDEX SELECTION -------------------. @app.route("/api/words/") def api_words(corpus): return json.dumps({ "sorted_words": app_index[corpus]["words"], # todo - make corpus as arg }) @app.route("/api/functors/") def api_functors(corpus): return json.dumps(app_index[corpus]["functors"]) # INDEX SELECTION -------------------^ # AUTH ------------------------------. @app.route("/api/register", methods=["POST"]) def api_register(): b = request.get_data() data = json.loads(b.decode()) username = data["username"] password = data["password"] email = data["email"] if ( username == "" or password == "" or email == "" ): return "ERR" email_hash = hashlib.sha256(email.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() existing = list(valdb[USERS_COLL].find({ "$or": [{"username": username}, {"email": email_hash}] })) if len(existing) > 0: return "ERR: Username or email already exists." entry = { "username": username, "hpass": hashlib.sha256( password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), "email": email_hash } valdb[USERS_COLL].insert(entry) return "OK" @app.route("/api/login", methods=["POST"]) def api_login(): b = request.get_data() data = json.loads(b.decode()) username = data["username"] password = data["password"] hpass = hashlib.sha256(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() db_user = list(valdb[USERS_COLL].find({ "username": username, "hpass": hpass })) if len(db_user) == 0: return json.dumps({"token": None}) # update or create token token = uuid.uuid4().hex token_entry = { "username": username, "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "token": token } valdb[TOKENS_COLL].update( {"username": token_entry["username"]}, token_entry, upsert=True ) return json.dumps({"token": token}) def send_new_pass_mail(recipient, new_pass): # dtime = str(datetime.datetime.now()) SENDER = "valencaglagolov@gmail.com" msg = MIMEText( "PoĊĦiljamo vam novo geslo za " "vstop v aplikacijo Vezljivostni vzorci slovenskih glagolov.\n" "Geslo: {}.".format(new_pass) ) msg["Subject"] = "Pozabljeno geslo" msg["From"] = SENDER msg["To"] = recipient try: server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login( SENDER, "rapid limb soapy fermi" ) server.sendmail(SENDER, [recipient], msg.as_string()) server.close() log.info("Sent new password.") except Error as e: log.error("Sending new password failed") log.error(e) @app.route("/api/new_pass", methods=["POST"]) def api_new_pass(): b = request.get_data() data = json.loads(b.decode()) username = data["username"] email = data["email"] hemail = hashlib.sha256(email.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() db_res = list(valdb[USERS_COLL].find({ "username": username, "email": hemail })) # check if user is valid if len(db_res) == 0: return json.dumps({"confirmation": False}) # create a new password new_pass = "".join([random.choice( string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(10)]) # update locally hpass = hashlib.sha256(new_pass.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() valdb[USERS_COLL].update( { "username": username, "email": hemail }, {"$set": { "hpass": hpass }} ) # send via mail send_new_pass_mail(email, new_pass) return json.dumps({"confirmation": True}) def token_to_username(token): key = { "token": token } res = list(valdb[TOKENS_COLL].find(key)) if len(res) != 1: return None username = res[0]["username"] # update deletion interval valdb[TOKENS_COLL].update( key, {"$set": {"date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}}) return username @app.route("/api/token", methods=["POST"]) def api_token(): # check if token is valid b = request.get_data() data = json.loads(b.decode()) token = data.get("token") # user = data.get("user") user = token_to_username(token) confirm = (user is not None) return json.dumps({ "confirmation": confirm, "username": user }) # AUTH ------------------------------^ # FRAMES ----------------------------. # input: hw, reduct_function @app.route("/api/frames") def api_get_frames(): hw = request.args.get("hw") if hw is None: return json.dumps({"error": "Required argument: hw (headword)."}) rf_name = request.args.get("rf", "reduce_0") RF = reduce_functions[rf_name]["f"] corpus = request.args.get("cor") if corpus not in CORPORA: return json.dumps({"error": "cor={kres,ssj}"}) cur = valdb[corpus].find({"headwords": hw}) frames = [] for ent in cur[:QUERY_LIMIT]: frames += frames_from_db_entry(ent) # pre-process this step for prod TODO # filter by relevant hw frames = [x for x in frames if x.hw == hw] ret_frames = RF(frames, valdb[SENSEMAP_COLL]) json_ret = {"frames": []} for frame in ret_frames: json_ret["frames"].append(frame.to_json()) return json.dumps(json_ret) # return prepare_frames(ret_frames) def _aggregate_by_hw(ret_frames): def _tid_to_lemma(tid, sentence): # slow and hackish for pair in sentence: if pair[0] == tid: return pair[1]["lemma"] return None # append sentences for frame in ret_frames: # unique_sids = {".".join(x.split(".")[:-1]): x for x in frame.tids} frame.aggr_sent = {} # map of headword: [sentence indexes] # sid, tid==hw for i, tid in enumerate(frame.tids): # hwl = vallex.get_token(tid)["lemma"] hwl = _tid_to_lemma(tid, frame.sentences[i]) if hwl not in frame.aggr_sent: frame.aggr_sent[hwl] = [] frame.aggr_sent[hwl].append(i) return ret_frames # input: functor, reduce_function @app.route("/api/functor-frames") def api_get_functor_frames(): functor = request.args.get("functor") if functor is None: return json.dumps({"error": "Missing argument: functor."}) rf_name = request.args.get("rf", "reduce_0") RF = reduce_functions[rf_name]["f"] corpus = request.args.get("cor") if corpus not in CORPORA: return json.dumps({"error": "cor={kres,ssj}"}) cur = valdb[corpus].find({"functors": functor}) frames = [] for ent in cur[:QUERY_LIMIT]: frames += frames_from_db_entry(ent) # pre-process this step for prod TODO # filter by relevant functor frames = [x for x in frames if functor in x.get_functors()] # raw_frames = vallex.functors_index[functor] # TODO ret_frames = RF(frames, valdb[SENSEMAP_COLL]) ret_frames = _aggregate_by_hw(ret_frames) json_ret = {"frames": []} for frame in ret_frames: json_ret["frames"].append(DC(frame.to_json())) return json.dumps(json_ret) # FRAMES ----------------------------^ # SENSES ----------------------------. # ssj_id is legacy notation, read # it as general sentence_id @app.route("/api/senses/get") def api_senses_get(): # returns senses and mapping for hw hw = request.args.get("hw") senses = list(valdb[SENSES_COLL].find({ "hw": hw })) sense_map_query = list(valdb[SENSEMAP_COLL].find({ "hw": hw })) # aggregation by max date possible on DB side # but no simple way of returning full entries # aggregate hw and ssj_id by max date sense_map_aggr = {} for sm in sense_map_query: key = sm["hw"] + sm["ssj_id"] if key in sense_map_aggr: sense_map_aggr[key] = max( [sm, sense_map_aggr[key]], key=lambda x: x["date"]) else: sense_map_aggr[key] = sm sense_map_list = [x[1] for x in sense_map_aggr.items()] sense_map = {} for el in sense_map_list: sense_map[el["ssj_id"]] = el for k, e in sense_map.items(): del(e["_id"]) del(e["date"]) for e in senses: del(e["_id"]) if "date" in e: del(e["date"]) # sort senses: user defined first, sskj second # sskj senses sorted by sskj sense_id user_senses = [s for s in senses if s["author"] != "SSKJ"] sskj_senses = [s for s in senses if s["author"] == "SSKJ"] def sorting_helper(sense): arr = sense["sense_id"].split("-") return "{:03d}-{:03d}-{:03d}".format( int(arr[1]), int(arr[2]), int(arr[3])) sskj_senses = sorted(sskj_senses, key=sorting_helper) senses = user_senses + sskj_senses return json.dumps({ "senses": senses, "sense_map": sense_map, }) @app.route("/api/senses/update", methods=["POST"]) def api_senses_update(): b = request.get_data() data = json.loads(b.decode()) token = data.get("token") hw = data.get("hw") sense_map = data.get("sense_map") new_senses = data.get("new_senses") username = token_to_username(token) if username is None: log.debug("Not a user.") return "Not a user." # store new senses, # create new sense_ids id_map = {} for ns in new_senses: tmp_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() new_sense_id = "{}-{}".format( username, hashlib.sha256("{}{}{}".format( username, ns["desc"], str(tmp_dt) ).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:10] ) frontend_sense_id = ns["sense_id"] ns["sense_id"] = new_sense_id ns["date"] = tmp_dt id_map[frontend_sense_id] = new_sense_id print(ns) # insert into db valdb[SENSES_COLL].insert(ns) # replace tmp_id with mongo's _id for ssj_id, el in sense_map.items(): sense_id = el["sense_id"] if sense_id in id_map.keys(): sense_id = id_map[sense_id] data = { "user": username, "hw": hw, "ssj_id": ssj_id, "sense_id": sense_id, "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow() } # vallex.db["v2_sense_map"].update(key, data, upsert=True) valdb[SENSEMAP_COLL].insert(data) return "OK" # SENSES ----------------------------^ # APP PREFLIGHT ---------------------. def _is_banned(hw): banned = True if hw in BANNED_HEADWORDS: banned = True elif hw in sskj_wordlist["wordlist"]: banned = False elif (hw + " se") in sskj_wordlist["wordlist"]: banned = False return banned def prepare_app_index(appindex_json): log.info("[*] preparing app_index") # create app_index (used in frontend, left side word index) tmp_app_index = {c: {} for c in CORPORA} for corpus in CORPORA: res_hws = {} res_fns = {} nentries = valdb[corpus].count() idx = 0 for e in valdb[corpus].find({}): if "headwords" not in e: continue for hw in e["headwords"]: if hw in res_hws: res_hws[hw] += 1 else: res_hws[hw] = 1 if "functors" not in e: continue for fn in e["functors"]: if fn in res_fns: res_fns[fn] += 1 else: res_fns[fn] = 1 idx += 1 if idx % 10000 == 0: log.debug("indexing {}: {}/{}".format( corpus, idx, nentries)) alphabetical = {} for k, e in res_hws.items(): fst = k[0].lower() if fst in alphabetical: alphabetical[fst].append((k, e)) else: alphabetical[fst] = [(k, e)] for letter, words in alphabetical.items(): filtered_words = [x for x in words if not _is_banned(x[0])] alphabetical[letter] = sorted(filtered_words, key=lambda x: x[0]) tmp_app_index[corpus]["words"] = alphabetical functors = [(k, e) for (k, e) in res_fns.items()] functors = sorted(functors, key=lambda x: x[0]) tmp_app_index[corpus]["functors"] = functors with Path(appindex_json).open("w") as fp: json.dump(tmp_app_index, fp) # APP PREFLIGHT ---------------------^ if __name__ == "__main__": print("Starting app.py main()") aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments for app.py") aparser.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, help="check ./conf_files/") aparser.add_argument('--prepare-db', action="store_true", default=False) aparser.add_argument("--dbuser", type=str) aparser.add_argument("--dbpass", type=str) aparser.add_argument("--dbaddr", type=str) aparser.add_argument("--sskj-wordlist", type=str) aparser.add_argument("--appindex-json", type=str) args = aparser.parse_args() config = None with Path(args.config_file).open("r") as fp: config = list(yaml.safe_load_all(fp))[0] app.debug = bool(config["debug"]) logfile = config["logfile"] if app.debug: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.INFO) # db login client = MongoClient( "mongodb://{}".format(args.dbaddr), username=args.dbuser, password=args.dbpass, authSource="valdb", authMechanism='SCRAM-SHA-1' ) valdb = client.valdb if args.prepare_db: with Path(args.sskj_wordlist).open("r") as fp: sskj_wordlist = json.load(fp) prepare_app_index(args.appindex_json) sys.exit() # app index from db with Path(args.appindex_json).open("r") as fp: app_index = json.load(fp) # log.info("[*] Starting app.py with config:\n%s".format(config)) log.info("[*] Starting app.py with config:\n{}".format(config)) app.run(host=str(config["host"]), port=int(config["port"]))