import configparser import csv import hashlib import os import pickle import re import pyconll from Tree import Tree, create_output_string_form, create_output_string_deprel, create_output_string_lemma, create_output_string_upos, create_output_string_xpos def decode_query(orig_query): new_query = False # if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query if orig_query[0] == '(' and orig_query[-1] == ')': new_query = True orig_query = orig_query[1:-1] # if orig_query is '_' return {} if orig_query == '_': return {} elif not new_query: raise Exception('Not supported yet!') # split over spaces if not inside braces PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^ ()]|\([^(]*\))+)''') all_orders = PATTERN.split(orig_query)[1::2] # all_orders = orig_query.split() node_actions = all_orders[::2] priority_actions = all_orders[1::2] priority_actions_beginnings = [a[0] for a in priority_actions] # find root index try: root_index = priority_actions_beginnings.index('>') except ValueError: root_index = len(priority_actions) l_children = [] r_children = [] root = None for i, node_action in enumerate(node_actions): if i < root_index: l_children.append(decode_query(node_action)) elif i > root_index: r_children.append(decode_query(node_action)) else: root = decode_query(node_action) if l_children: root["l_children"] = l_children if r_children: root["r_children"] = r_children return root def create_trees(config): internal_saves = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves') input_path = config.get('settings', 'input') hash_object = hashlib.sha1(input_path.encode('utf-8')) hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest() trees_read_outputfile = os.path.join(internal_saves, hex_dig) if not os.path.exists(trees_read_outputfile): train = pyconll.load_from_file(input_path) form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} all_trees = [] for sentence in train: root = None root_id = None token_nodes = [] for token in sentence: node = Tree(token.form, token.lemma, token.upos, token.xpos, token.deprel, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, token.head) token_nodes.append(node) if token.deprel == 'root': root = node root_id = int( for token_id, token in enumerate(token_nodes): if int(token.parent) == 0: token.set_parent(None) else: parent_id = int(token.parent) - 1 if token_id < parent_id: token_nodes[parent_id].add_l_child(token) elif token_id > parent_id: token_nodes[parent_id].add_r_child(token) else: raise Exception('Root element should not be here!') token.set_parent(token_nodes[parent_id]) if root == None: raise Exception('No root element in sentence!') all_trees.append(root) with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict), output) else: print('Reading trees:') print('Completed') with open(trees_read_outputfile, 'rb') as pkl_file: (all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = pickle.load(pkl_file) return all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict def main(): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') # create queries ngrams = 0 if config.getint('settings', 'ngrams') == 2: ngrams = 2 query_tree = [{"l_children": [{}]}, {"r_children": [{}]}] else: query_tree = [decode_query('(' + config.get('settings', 'query') + ')')] (all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict) = create_trees(config) # set filters assert config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') in ['deprel', 'lemma', 'upos', 'upos', 'xpos'], '"analyze_type" is not set up correctly' if config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'deprel': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_deprel elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'lemma': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_lemma elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'upos': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_upos elif config.get('settings', 'analyze_type') == 'xpos': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_xpos else: create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_form result_dict = {} # for tree in all_trees[2:]: for tree in all_trees: # original # r_children = tree.r_children[:1] + tree.r_children[3:4] # tree.r_children = tree.r_children[:1] + tree.r_children[2:4] _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct) for query_results in subtrees: for result in query_results: if ngrams: result = sorted(result) r = tuple(result) if r in result_dict: result_dict[r] += 1 else: result_dict[r] = 1 # test 1 layer queries # tree.r_children = [] # tree.l_children[1].l_children = [] # _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{'q1':'', "l_children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}]}, {'q2':'', "l_children": [{'b1':''}]}, {'q3':'', "l_children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}]}], []) # # _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees([{'q1':'', "l_children": [{'a1':''}, {'a2':''}], "r_children": []}, {'q2':'', "l_children": [{'b1':''}], "r_children": []}, {'q3':'', "l_children": [{'c1':''}, {'c2':''}, {'c3':''}], "r_children": []}], []) # test 2 layer queries # tree.r_children = [Tree('je', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None)] # tree.l_children[1].l_children = [] # new_tree = Tree('bil', '', '', '', '', form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, None) # new_tree.l_children = [tree] # _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees( # [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}]}]}], []) # # _, subtrees = new_tree.get_subtrees( # # [{"l_children":[{"l_children": [{'a1': ''}, {'a2': ''}, {'a3': ''}, {'a4': ''}], "r_children": []}], "r_children": []}], []) sorted_list = sorted(result_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) with open(config.get('settings', 'output'), "w", newline="") as f: # header - use every second space as a split writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') if ngrams: writer.writerow(['Word 1', 'Word 2', 'Number of occurences']) else: span = 2 words = config.get('settings', 'query').split(" ") header = [" ".join(words[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(words), span)] + ['Number of occurences'] writer.writerow(header) # body for k, v in sorted_list: writer.writerow(list(k) + [str(v)]) return if __name__ == "__main__": main()