#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2019 CJVT # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import configparser import copy import csv import hashlib import os import pickle import re import string import time from multiprocessing import Pool from pathlib import Path import gzip import sys import pyconll from Tree import Tree from generic import get_collocabilities, create_output_string_form, create_output_string_deprel, create_output_string_lemma, create_output_string_upos, create_output_string_xpos, create_output_string_feats sys.setrecursionlimit(25000) def save_zipped_pickle(obj, filename, protocol=-1): with gzip.open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol) def load_zipped_pickle(filename): with gzip.open(filename, 'rb') as f: loaded_object = pickle.load(f) return loaded_object def decode_query(orig_query, dependency_type, feats_detailed_list): new_query = False # if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query if orig_query[0] == '(' and orig_query[-1] == ')': new_query = True orig_query = orig_query[1:-1] if dependency_type != '': decoded_query = {'deprel': dependency_type} else: decoded_query = {} if orig_query == '_': return decoded_query # if no spaces in query then this is query node and do this otherwise further split query elif len(orig_query.split(' ')) == 1: orig_query_split_parts = orig_query.split(' ')[0].split('&') for orig_query_split_part in orig_query_split_parts: orig_query_split = orig_query_split_part.split('=', 1) if len(orig_query_split) > 1: if orig_query_split[0] == 'L': decoded_query['lemma'] = orig_query_split[1] elif orig_query_split[0] == 'upos': decoded_query['upos'] = orig_query_split[1] elif orig_query_split[0] == 'xpos': decoded_query['xpos'] = orig_query_split[1] elif orig_query_split[0] == 'form': decoded_query['form'] = orig_query_split[1] elif orig_query_split[0] == 'feats': decoded_query['feats'] = orig_query_split[1] elif orig_query_split[0] in feats_detailed_list: decoded_query['feats_detailed'] = {} decoded_query['feats_detailed'][orig_query_split[0]] = orig_query_split[1] return decoded_query elif not new_query: raise Exception('Not supported yet!') else: print('???') elif not new_query: decoded_query['form'] = orig_query_split_part return decoded_query # split over spaces if not inside braces all_orders = re.split(r"\s+(?=[^()]*(?:\(|$))", orig_query) node_actions = all_orders[::2] priority_actions = all_orders[1::2] priority_actions_beginnings = [a[0] for a in priority_actions] # find root index try: root_index = priority_actions_beginnings.index('>') except ValueError: root_index = len(priority_actions) children = [] root = None for i, node_action in enumerate(node_actions): if i < root_index: children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i][1:], feats_detailed_list)) elif i > root_index: children.append(decode_query(node_action, priority_actions[i - 1][1:], feats_detailed_list)) else: root = decode_query(node_action, dependency_type, feats_detailed_list) if children: root["children"] = children return root def create_trees(input_path, internal_saves, feats_detailed_dict={}, save=True): hash_object = hashlib.sha1(input_path.encode('utf-8')) hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest() trees_read_outputfile = os.path.join(internal_saves, hex_dig) print(Path(input_path).name) if not os.path.exists(trees_read_outputfile) or not save: train = pyconll.load_from_file(input_path) form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, feats_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} all_trees = [] corpus_size = 0 for sentence in train: root = None token_nodes = [] for token in sentence: if not token.id.isdigit(): continue # TODO check if 5th place is always there for feats feats = token._fields[5] token_form = token.form if token.form is not None else '_' node = Tree(int(token.id), token_form, token.lemma, token.upos, token.xpos, token.deprel, feats, token.feats, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, feats_dict, feats_detailed_dict, token.head) token_nodes.append(node) if token.deprel == 'root': root = node corpus_size += 1 for token_id, token in enumerate(token_nodes): if isinstance(token.parent, int) or token.parent == '': root = None print('No parent: ' + sentence.id) break if int(token.parent) == 0: token.set_parent(None) else: parent_id = int(token.parent) - 1 if token_nodes[parent_id].children_split == -1 and token_id > parent_id: token_nodes[parent_id].children_split = len(token_nodes[parent_id].children) token_nodes[parent_id].add_child(token) token.set_parent(token_nodes[parent_id]) for token in token_nodes: if token.children_split == -1: token.children_split = len(token.children) if root == None: print('No root: ' + sentence.id) continue all_trees.append(root) if save: save_zipped_pickle((all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict), trees_read_outputfile, protocol=2) else: print('Reading trees:') print('Completed') all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict = load_zipped_pickle(trees_read_outputfile) return all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_dict def printable_answers(query): # all_orders = re.findall(r"(?:[^ ()]|\([^]*\))+", query) all_orders = re.split(r"\s+(?=[^()]*(?:\(|$))", query) # all_orders = orig_query.split() node_actions = all_orders[::2] # priority_actions = all_orders[1::2] if len(node_actions) > 1: res = [] # for node_action in node_actions[:-1]: # res.extend(printable_answers(node_action[1:-1])) # res.extend([node_actions[-1]]) for node_action in node_actions: # if command in bracelets remove them and treat command as new query # TODO FIX BRACELETS IN A BETTER WAY if not node_action: res.extend(['(']) elif node_action[0] == '(' and node_action[-1] == ')': res.extend(printable_answers(node_action[1:-1])) else: res.extend([node_action]) return res else: return [query] def tree_calculations(input_data): tree, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct, filters) return subtrees def get_unigrams(input_data): tree, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data unigrams = tree.get_unigrams(create_output_string_funct, filters) return unigrams def tree_calculations_chunks(input_data): trees, query_tree, create_output_string_funct, filters = input_data result_dict = {} for tree in trees: _, subtrees = tree.get_subtrees(query_tree, [], create_output_string_funct, filters) for query_results in subtrees: for r in query_results: if r in result_dict: result_dict[r] += 1 else: result_dict[r] = 1 return result_dict def add_node(tree): if 'children' in tree: tree['children'].append({}) else: tree['children'] = [{}] # walk over all nodes in tree and add a node to each possible node def tree_grow(orig_tree): new_trees = [] new_tree = copy.deepcopy(orig_tree) add_node(new_tree) new_trees.append(new_tree) if 'children' in orig_tree: children = [] for child_tree in orig_tree['children']: children.append(tree_grow(child_tree)) for i, child in enumerate(children): for child_res in child: new_tree = copy.deepcopy(orig_tree) new_tree['children'][i] = child_res new_trees.append(new_tree) return new_trees def compare_trees(tree1, tree2): if tree1 == {} and tree2 == {}: return True if 'children' not in tree1 or 'children' not in tree2 or len(tree1['children']) != len(tree2['children']): return False children2_connections = [] for child1_i, child1 in enumerate(tree1['children']): child_duplicated = False for child2_i, child2 in enumerate(tree2['children']): if child2_i in children2_connections: pass if compare_trees(child1, child2): children2_connections.append(child2_i) child_duplicated = True break if not child_duplicated: return False return True def create_ngrams_query_trees(n, trees): for i in range(n - 1): new_trees = [] for tree in trees: # append new_tree only if it is not already inside for new_tree in tree_grow(tree): duplicate = False for confirmed_new_tree in new_trees: if compare_trees(new_tree, confirmed_new_tree): duplicate = True break if not duplicate: new_trees.append(new_tree) trees = new_trees return trees def count_trees(cpu_cores, all_trees, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters, unigrams_dict, result_dict): with Pool(cpu_cores) as p: if cpu_cores > 1: all_unigrams = p.map(get_unigrams, [(tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters) for tree in all_trees]) for unigrams in all_unigrams: for unigram in unigrams: if unigram in unigrams_dict: unigrams_dict[unigram] += 1 else: unigrams_dict[unigram] = 1 all_subtrees = p.map(tree_calculations, [(tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters) for tree in all_trees]) for tree_i, subtrees in enumerate(all_subtrees): for query_results in subtrees: for r in query_results: if filters['node_order']: key = r.get_key() + r.order else: key = r.get_key() if key in result_dict: result_dict[key]['number'] += 1 else: result_dict[key] = {'object': r, 'number': 1} # 3.65 s (1 core) else: for tree_i, tree in enumerate(all_trees): input_data = (tree, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters) if filters['association_measures']: unigrams = get_unigrams(input_data) for unigram in unigrams: if unigram in unigrams_dict: unigrams_dict[unigram] += 1 else: unigrams_dict[unigram] = 1 subtrees = tree_calculations(input_data) for query_results in subtrees: for r in query_results: if filters['node_order']: key = r.get_key() + r.order else: key = r.get_key() if key in result_dict: result_dict[key]['number'] += 1 else: result_dict[key] = {'object': r, 'number': 1} def read_filters(config, args, feats_detailed_list): tree_size = config.get('settings', 'tree_size', fallback='0') if not args.tree_size else args.tree_size tree_size_range = tree_size.split('-') tree_size_range = [int(r) for r in tree_size_range] if tree_size_range[0] > 1: if len(tree_size_range) == 1: query_tree = create_ngrams_query_trees(tree_size_range[0], [{}]) elif len(tree_size_range) == 2: query_tree = [] for i in range(tree_size_range[0], tree_size_range[1] + 1): query_tree.extend(create_ngrams_query_trees(i, [{}])) else: query = config.get('settings', 'query') if not args.query else args.query query_tree = [decode_query('(' + query + ')', '', feats_detailed_list)] # set filters node_type = config.get('settings', 'node_type') if not args.node_type else args.node_type node_types = node_type.split('+') create_output_string_functs = [] for node_type in node_types: assert node_type in ['deprel', 'lemma', 'upos', 'xpos', 'form', 'feats'], '"node_type" is not set up correctly' cpu_cores = config.getint('settings', 'cpu_cores') if not args.cpu_cores else args.cpu_cores if node_type == 'deprel': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_deprel elif node_type == 'lemma': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_lemma elif node_type == 'upos': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_upos elif node_type == 'xpos': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_xpos elif node_type == 'feats': create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_feats else: create_output_string_funct = create_output_string_form create_output_string_functs.append(create_output_string_funct) filters = {} filters['internal_saves'] = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves') if not args.internal_saves else args.internal_saves filters['input'] = config.get('settings', 'input') if not args.input else args.input node_order = config.get('settings', 'node_order') if not args.node_order else args.node_order filters['node_order'] = node_order == 'fixed' # filters['caching'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'caching') dependency_type = config.get('settings', 'dependency_type') if not args.dependency_type else args.dependency_type filters['dependency_type'] = dependency_type == 'labeled' if config.has_option('settings', 'label_whitelist'): label_whitelist = config.get('settings', 'label_whitelist') if not args.label_whitelist else args.label_whitelist filters['label_whitelist'] = label_whitelist.split('|') else: filters['label_whitelist'] = [] root_whitelist = config.get('settings', 'root_whitelist') if not args.root_whitelist else args.root_whitelist if root_whitelist: # test filters['root_whitelist'] = [] for option in root_whitelist.split('|'): attribute_dict = {} for attribute in option.split('&'): value = attribute.split('=') attribute_dict[value[0]] = value[1] filters['root_whitelist'].append(attribute_dict) else: filters['root_whitelist'] = [] tree_type = config.get('settings', 'tree_type') if not args.tree_type else args.tree_type filters['complete_tree_type'] = tree_type == 'complete' filters['association_measures'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'association_measures') if not args.association_measures else args.association_measures filters['nodes_number'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'nodes_number') if not args.nodes_number else args.nodes_number filters['frequency_threshold'] = config.getfloat('settings', 'frequency_threshold', fallback=0) if not args.frequency_threshold else args.frequency_threshold filters['lines_threshold'] = config.getint('settings', 'lines_threshold', fallback=0) if not args.lines_threshold else args.lines_threshold filters['print_root'] = config.getboolean('settings', 'print_root') if not args.print_root else args.print_root return filters, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, cpu_cores, tree_size_range, node_types def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() ## Required parameters parser.add_argument("--config_file", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="The input config file.") parser.add_argument("--input", default=None, type=str, help="The input file/folder.") parser.add_argument("--output", default=None, type=str, help="The output file.") parser.add_argument("--internal_saves", default=None, type=str, help="Location for internal_saves.") parser.add_argument("--cpu_cores", default=None, type=int, help="Number of cores used.") parser.add_argument("--tree_size", default=None, type=int, help="Size of trees.") parser.add_argument("--tree_type", default=None, type=str, help="Tree type.") parser.add_argument("--dependency_type", default=None, type=str, help="Dependency type.") parser.add_argument("--node_order", default=None, type=str, help="Order of node.") parser.add_argument("--node_type", default=None, type=str, help="Type of node.") parser.add_argument("--label_whitelist", default=None, type=str, help="Label whitelist.") parser.add_argument("--root_whitelist", default=None, type=str, help="Root whitelist.") parser.add_argument("--query", default=None, type=str, help="Query.") parser.add_argument("--lines_threshold", default=None, type=str, help="Lines treshold.") parser.add_argument("--frequency_threshold", default=None, type=int, help="Frequency threshold.") parser.add_argument("--association_measures", default=None, type=bool, help="Association measures.") parser.add_argument("--print_root", default=None, type=bool, help="Print root.") parser.add_argument("--nodes_number", default=None, type=bool, help="Nodes number.") parser.add_argument("--continuation_processing", default=None, type=bool, help="Nodes number.") args = parser.parse_args() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(args.config_file) internal_saves = config.get('settings', 'internal_saves') if not args.internal_saves else args.internal_saves input_path = config.get('settings', 'input') if not args.input else args.input if os.path.isdir(input_path): checkpoint_path = Path(internal_saves, 'checkpoint.pkl') continuation_processing = config.getboolean('settings', 'continuation_processing', fallback=False) if not args.continuation_processing else args.input if not checkpoint_path.exists() or not continuation_processing: already_processed = set() result_dict = {} unigrams_dict = {} corpus_size = 0 feats_detailed_list = {} if checkpoint_path.exists(): os.remove(checkpoint_path) else: already_processed, result_dict, unigrams_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_list = load_zipped_pickle( checkpoint_path) for path in sorted(os.listdir(input_path)): path_obj = Path(input_path, path) pathlist = path_obj.glob('**/*.conllu') if path_obj.name in already_processed: continue start_exe_time = time.time() for path in sorted(pathlist): # because path is object not string path_str = str(path) (all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, sub_corpus_size, feats_detailed_list) = create_trees(path_str, internal_saves, feats_detailed_dict=feats_detailed_list, save=False) corpus_size += sub_corpus_size filters, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, cpu_cores, tree_size_range, node_types = read_filters( config, args, feats_detailed_list) count_trees(cpu_cores, all_trees, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters, unigrams_dict, result_dict) already_processed.add(path_obj.name) # 15.26 print("Execution time:") print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_exe_time)) save_zipped_pickle( (already_processed, result_dict, unigrams_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_list), checkpoint_path, protocol=2) else: # 261 - 9 grams # 647 - 10 grams # 1622 - 11 grams # 4126 - 12 grams # 10598 - 13 grams (all_trees, form_dict, lemma_dict, upos_dict, xpos_dict, deprel_dict, corpus_size, feats_detailed_list) = create_trees(input_path, internal_saves) result_dict = {} unigrams_dict = {} filters, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, cpu_cores, tree_size_range, node_types = read_filters(config, args, feats_detailed_list) start_exe_time = time.time() count_trees(cpu_cores, all_trees, query_tree, create_output_string_functs, filters, unigrams_dict, result_dict) print("Execution time:") print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_exe_time)) sorted_list = sorted(result_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['number'], reverse=True) output = config.get('settings', 'output') if not args.output else args.output with open(output, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f: # header - use every second space as a split writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') if tree_size_range[-1]: len_words = tree_size_range[-1] else: query = config.get('settings', 'query') if not args.query else args.query len_words = int(len(query.split(" "))/2 + 1) header = ["Structure"] + ["Node " + string.ascii_uppercase[i] + "-" + node_type for i in range(len_words) for node_type in node_types] + ['Absolute frequency'] header += ['Relative frequency'] if filters['node_order']: header += ['Order'] header += ['Free structure'] if filters['nodes_number']: header += ['Number of nodes'] if filters['print_root']: header += ['Root node'] if filters['association_measures']: header += ['MI', 'MI3', 'Dice', 'logDice', 't-score', 'simple-LL'] writer.writerow(header) if filters['lines_threshold']: sorted_list = sorted_list[:filters['lines_threshold']] # body for k, v in sorted_list: v['object'].get_array() relative_frequency = v['number'] * 1000000.0 / corpus_size if filters['frequency_threshold'] and filters['frequency_threshold'] > v['number']: break words_only = [word_att for word in v['object'].array for word_att in word] + ['' for i in range((tree_size_range[-1] - len(v['object'].array)) * len(v['object'].array[0]))] row = [v['object'].get_key()[1:-1]] + words_only + [str(v['number'])] row += ['%.4f' % relative_frequency] if filters['node_order']: row += [v['object'].order] row += [v['object'].get_key_sorted()[1:-1]] if filters['nodes_number']: row += ['%d' % len(v['object'].array)] if filters['print_root']: row += [v['object'].node.name] if filters['association_measures']: row += get_collocabilities(v, unigrams_dict, corpus_size) writer.writerow(row) return "Done" if __name__ == "__main__": start_time = time.time() main() print("Total:") print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))