import configparser import csv import json import os import random import re import shutil import string import time from pathlib import Path import requests from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_file, redirect, url_for from flask_babel import Babel, gettext from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from stark import run UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'conllu'} DAYS_BEFORE_DELETION = 7 DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'en' LANGUAGES = ['en', 'sl'] _translations = { 'en': {}, 'sl': {}, } def get_locale(): lang = request.args.get('lang') if lang in LANGUAGES: return lang return DEFAULT_LANGUAGE def ilog(n, base): """ Find the integer log of n with respect to the base. >>> import math >>> for base in range(2, 16 + 1): ... for n in range(1, 1000): ... assert ilog(n, base) == int(math.log(n, base) + 1e-10), '%s %s' % (n, base) """ count = 0 while n >= base: count += 1 n //= base return count def sci_notation(n, prec=2): """ Represent n in scientific notation, with the specified precision. >>> sci_notation(1234 * 10**1000) '1.234e+1003' >>> sci_notation(10**1000 // 2, prec=1) '5.0e+999' """ if -100000 < n < 100000: return str(n) if n < 0: return "-" + sci_notation(-n, prec=prec) base = 10 exponent = ilog(n, base) mantissa = n / base**exponent return '{0:.{1}f}e{2:+d}'.format(mantissa, prec, exponent) def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/stark/static') babel = Babel(app, locale_selector=get_locale, default_translation_directories='translations') babel.list_translations = ['en', 'sl'] app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER def create_default_configs(): configs = {} # mandatory parameters configs['input_path'] = 'data/sl_ssj-ud_v2.4.conllu' configs['output'] = 'results/out_official.tsv' configs['tree_size'] = '2-4' configs['node_type'] = 'upos' # mandatory parameters with default value configs['internal_saves'] = './internal_saves' configs['cpu_cores'] = 1 configs['complete_tree_type'] = True configs['dependency_type'] = True configs['node_order'] = True configs['association_measures'] = False configs['label_whitelist'] = [] configs['root_whitelist'] = [] configs['query'] = None configs['compare'] = None configs['frequency_threshold'] = 0 configs['lines_threshold'] = None configs['continuation_processing'] = False configs['nodes_number'] = True configs['print_root'] = True if configs['compare'] is not None: configs['other_input_path'] = configs['compare'] return configs def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS @app.route('/stark/about', methods=['GET']) def about(): return render_template('about.html') @app.route('/stark/visualization///', methods=['GET']) def visualization(result_id, sentence_id, subtree_ids): annodoc = '' subtree_ids = subtree_ids.split('+') for subtree_id in subtree_ids: annodoc += f'# visual-style {subtree_id} bgColor:lightgreen\n' with open(os.path.join('media', result_id, 'annodoc', sentence_id), 'r') as rf: # annodoc += '\n'.join(rf.readlines()) annodoc += + '\n\n' return {'annodoc': annodoc} # return '
' + annodoc + '
' @app.route('/stark/result/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def result(result_id): if request.method == 'POST': for filename in os.listdir('media'): path = os.path.join('media', filename) if os.path.isdir(path): file_path = os.path.join('media', filename, 'result.tsv') else: file_path = path f_t = os.path.getmtime(file_path) c_t = time.time() file_age_seconds = c_t - f_t if file_age_seconds > DAYS_BEFORE_DELETION * 86400: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join('media', filename), ignore_errors=True) else: os.remove(path) return send_file(os.path.join('media', result_id, 'result.tsv'), as_attachment=True, download_name='results.tsv') with open(os.path.join('media', result_id, 'result.tsv'), 'r') as rf: content = list(csv.reader(rf, delimiter='\t')) head = content[0] content_dict = {h: [] for h in head} table_columns2displayed_table_columns = { 'Tree': gettext('Tree'), 'Absolute frequency': gettext('Frequency'), 'Absolute frequency in second treebank': gettext('Frequency in B'), 'Order': gettext('Order'), 'Number of nodes': gettext('Number of nodes'), 'Head node': gettext('Head node'), 'Grew-match URL': gettext('Grew-match URL'), 'Ratio': gettext('Ratio'), '%DIFF': gettext('%DIFF'), 'OR': gettext('OR'), 'BIC': gettext('BIC'), 'MI': gettext('MI'), 'logDice': gettext('logDice'), 't-score': gettext('t-score') } if 'Absolute frequency in second treebank' in head: table_columns2displayed_table_columns['Absolute frequency'] = gettext('Frequency in A') else: del table_columns2displayed_table_columns['Absolute frequency in second treebank'] displayed_table_columns2table_columns = {v: k for k, v in table_columns2displayed_table_columns.items()} order_by_display = request.args.get('order_by') order_by = displayed_table_columns2table_columns[ order_by_display[:-1]] if order_by_display is not None else None order_type = request.args.get('order_type') if order_by is not None and order_by in head: sort_id = head.index(order_by) if order_type == 'asc': # check if a number can be converted to float or int ordered_content = sorted(content[1:], key=lambda x: -1 * float(x[sort_id]) if x[sort_id].isnumeric() or re.match(r'^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)$', x[sort_id]) is not None and order_by != 'Ratio' else x[sort_id], reverse=True) else: ordered_content = sorted(content[1:], key=lambda x: -1 * float(x[sort_id]) if x[sort_id].isnumeric() or re.match(r'^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)$', x[sort_id]) is not None and order_by != 'Ratio' else x[sort_id]) else: ordered_content = content[1:] for i, row in enumerate(ordered_content): for j, v in enumerate(row): content_dict[head[j]].append(v) head = [(k, v) for k, v in table_columns2displayed_table_columns.items() if k in head] displayed_content_dict = {} for f_h, h in head: if f_h == '%DIFF' or f_h == 'OR': # for num_str in content_dict[displayed_table_columns2table_columns[h]]: # if n < 0: # return "-" + sci_notation(-n, prec=prec) # sci_notation(eval(num)) displayed_content_dict[f_h] = [sci_notation(eval(n)) for n in content_dict[displayed_table_columns2table_columns[h]]] else: displayed_content_dict[f_h] = content_dict[displayed_table_columns2table_columns[h]] # add visualization parts to dict annodoc_data = [json.loads(el) for el in content_dict['Annodoc']] displayed_content_dict['example_id'] = [el['id'] for el in annodoc_data] displayed_content_dict['example_positions'] = ['+'.join([str(p) for p in el['positions']]) for el in annodoc_data] return render_template('result.html', head=head, content=displayed_content_dict) @app.route('/stark/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) # @headers({'Cache-Control': 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'}) def index(): translations = _translations[get_locale()] if request.method == 'POST': form = request.form configs = { 'greedy_counter': 'yes', 'input_path': '', 'tree_size': '1-1000000', 'display_size': '1-1000000', 'complete_tree_type': True, 'ignored_labels': [] } # mandatory parameters validation = {} # handling input if 'file' in request.files and request.files['file']: # store file f = request.files['file'] input_path = os.path.join('media', secure_filename(f.filename)) configs['input_path'] = input_path if 'input_url' in form and form['input_url']: validation['file'] = gettext('Please insert either input url or file, not both of them.') validation['input_url'] = gettext('Please insert either input url or file, not both of them.') # TODO OPTIONALLY ADD conllu FILE CHECK elif 'input_url' in form and form['input_url']: try: name = form['input_url'].split('/')[-1] input_path = os.path.join('media', name) response = requests.get(form['input_url']) open(input_path, "wb").write(response.content) configs['input_path'] = input_path except: validation['input_url'] = gettext('Incorrect URL!') else: validation['file'] = gettext('Please insert either input url or provide a file.') validation['input_url'] = gettext('Please insert either input url or provide a file.') if 'display_size' in form and form['display_size']: configs['display_size'] = form['display_size'] def validate_node_type(node_type): node_type_options = {'upos', 'form', 'lemma', 'upos', 'xpos', 'feats', 'deprel'} if len(node_type) == 0: validation['node_type'] = gettext('Please select at least one node type.') return False for el in node_type: if el not in node_type_options: validation['node_type'] = gettext('Node option') + f' {el} ' + gettext('is not supported. Please enter valid options.') return False return True node_type = [] if 'node_type_upos' in form: node_type.append('upos') if 'node_type_form' in form: node_type.append('form') if 'node_type_lemma' in form: node_type.append('lemma') if 'node_type_none' in form: configs['node_type'] = None elif validate_node_type(node_type): configs['node_type'] = '+'.join(node_type) # mandatory parameters with default value configs['internal_saves'] = None # TODO depends on computer configs['cpu_cores'] = 12 configs['dependency_type'] = 'labeled_trees' in form and form['labeled_trees'] == 'on' configs['node_order'] = 'fixed_order' in form and form['fixed_order'] == 'on' configs['association_measures'] = 'association_measures' in form and form['association_measures'] == 'on' configs['label_whitelist'] = [] configs['root_whitelist'] = [] if 'root_restriction' in form and form['root_restriction']: configs['root_whitelist'] = form['root_restriction'].split('|') if 'ignored_labels' in form and form['ignored_labels']: configs['ignored_labels'] = form['ignored_labels'].split('|') if 'query' in form and form['query']: configs['query'] = form['query'] configs['tree_size'] = '0' configs['display_size'] = '0' else: configs['query'] = None # handling input if 'compare_file' in request.files and request.files['compare_file']: # store file f = request.files['compare_file'] input_path = os.path.join('media', secure_filename(f.filename)) configs['compare'] = input_path if 'compare_url' in form and form['compare_url']: validation['compare_file'] = gettext('Please insert either compare url or file, not both of them.') validation['compare_url'] = gettext('Please insert either compare url or file, not both of them.') elif 'compare_url' in form and form['compare_url']: try: name = form['compare_url'].split('/')[-1] input_path = os.path.join('media', name) response = requests.get(form['compare_url']) open(input_path, "wb").write(response.content) configs['compare'] = input_path except: configs['compare'] = None validation['compare_url'] = gettext('Incorrect URL!') else: configs['compare'] = None configs['sentence_count_file'] = None configs['detailed_results_file'] = None configs['frequency_threshold'] = 0 if 'frequency_threshold' in form and form['frequency_threshold']: try: int(form['frequency_threshold']) except ValueError: validation['frequency_threshold'] = gettext('Please insert an Integer.') else: configs['frequency_threshold'] = int(form['frequency_threshold']) configs['lines_threshold'] = None configs['node_info'] = None configs['continuation_processing'] = False configs['label_subtypes'] = True configs['nodes_number'] = True configs['print_root'] = True if configs['compare'] is not None: configs['other_input_path'] = configs['compare'] configs['grew_match'] = True configs['depsearch'] = False configs['example'] = True name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=60)) output_path = Path(os.path.join('media', name)) if output_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(output_path, ignore_errors=True) output_path.mkdir() configs['output'] = os.path.join(output_path, 'result.tsv') configs['annodoc_example_dir'] = os.path.join(output_path, 'annodoc') if len(validation) > 0: return render_template('index.html', validation=validation, translations=translations) try: run(configs) except Exception as e: validation['general'] = gettext('Processing failed! Please recheck your settings, e.g. input format or head node description.') if len(validation) > 0: return render_template('index.html', validation=validation, translations=translations) # check if there are no results with open(os.path.join('media', name, 'result.tsv'), 'r') as rf: content = list(csv.reader(rf, delimiter='\t')) if len(content) == 1: validation['results'] = False return render_template('index.html', validation=validation, translations=translations) order_by = gettext('Frequency ') if not configs['compare'] else gettext('Frequency in A ') return redirect(url_for('result', result_id=name, order_by=order_by, order_type='desc', lang=gettext('code'))) return render_template('index.html', translations=translations) return app if __name__ == '__main__': app = create_app()