$(document).ready(function() { const visualizations = $(".visualization"); const batchSize = 10; let startIndex = 0; let loading = false; // Flag to prevent multiple simultaneous loads $(".visualization").closest("tr").prev("tr").hide(); $(".visualization").closest("tr").hide(); function loadVisualizations(start, count) { if (loading) return; // Prevent concurrent loads loading = true; const visualizationsToLoad = visualizations.slice(start, start + count); let promises = []; visualizationsToLoad.each(function() { var $this = $(this); // Cache $(this) for better performance var example_id = $this.data("example-id"); var example_positions = $this.data("example-positions"); var window_location = window.location.pathname.split("/"); var subtree_hash = window_location.pop(); // This line overwrites the earlier subtree_hash, is this intended? var dir_name = window_location.pop(); var url = window.location.origin + '/stark/visualization/' + dir_name + '/' + example_id + '/' + example_positions; promises.push($.ajax({ url: url, success: function(result) { var escapedHtml = `
`; $this.html(escapedHtml); $('.conllu', $this).each(function() { Annodoc.embedAnnotation($(this), Annodoc.parseConllU, Config.bratCollData); }); $this.closest("tr").prev("tr").show(); $this.closest("tr").show(); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("AJAX Error:", textStatus, errorThrown); $this.html("

Error loading data.

"); $this.closest("tr").prev("tr").show(); $this.closest("tr").show(); }, complete: function() { // Check if all AJAX calls in the current batch are complete if (promises.every(p => p.state() === 'resolved' || p.state() === 'rejected')) { loading = false; // Allow further loading } } })); }); } function checkScroll() { if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height() - 200 && !loading) { // 200px buffer loadVisualizations(startIndex, batchSize); startIndex += batchSize; } } // Initial load if (typeof head !== 'undefined' && typeof head.ready === 'function') { head.ready(function() { loadVisualizations(startIndex, batchSize); startIndex += batchSize; }); } else { if (typeof Annodoc !== 'undefined') { loadVisualizations(startIndex, batchSize); startIndex += batchSize; } else { console.error("head.js or Annodoc is not available. Ensure they are loaded correctly."); } } $(window).scroll(checkScroll); // Attach scroll event listener });