(function(factory) {
  if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
    define([], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
    // Node/CommonJS
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    // Browser globals
    window.wNumb = factory();
})(function() {
  "use strict";

  var FormatOptions = [

  // General

  // Reverse a string
  function strReverse(a) {
    return a

  // Check if a string starts with a specified prefix.
  function strStartsWith(input, match) {
    return input.substring(0, match.length) === match;

  // Check is a string ends in a specified suffix.
  function strEndsWith(input, match) {
    return input.slice(-1 * match.length) === match;

  // Throw an error if formatting options are incompatible.
  function throwEqualError(F, a, b) {
    if ((F[a] || F[b]) && F[a] === F[b]) {
      throw new Error(a);

  // Check if a number is finite and not NaN
  function isValidNumber(input) {
    return typeof input === "number" && isFinite(input);

  // Provide rounding-accurate toFixed method.
  // Borrowed: http://stackoverflow.com/a/21323330/775265
  function toFixed(value, exp) {
    value = value.toString().split("e");
    value = Math.round(+(value[0] + "e" + (value[1] ? +value[1] + exp : exp)));
    value = value.toString().split("e");
    return (+(value[0] + "e" + (value[1] ? +value[1] - exp : -exp))).toFixed(exp);

  // Formatting

  // Accept a number as input, output formatted string.
  function formatTo(
  ) {
    var originalInput = input,
      inputDecimals = "",
      output = "";

    // Apply user encoder to the input.
    // Expected outcome: number.
    if (encoder) {
      input = encoder(input);

    // Stop if no valid number was provided, the number is infinite or NaN.
    if (!isValidNumber(input)) {
      return false;

    // Rounding away decimals might cause a value of -0
    // when using very small ranges. Remove those cases.
    if (decimals !== false && parseFloat(input.toFixed(decimals)) === 0) {
      input = 0;

    // Formatting is done on absolute numbers,
    // decorated by an optional negative symbol.
    if (input < 0) {
      inputIsNegative = true;
      input = Math.abs(input);

    // Reduce the number of decimals to the specified option.
    if (decimals !== false) {
      input = toFixed(input, decimals);

    // Transform the number into a string, so it can be split.
    input = input.toString();

    // Break the number on the decimal separator.
    if (input.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
      inputPieces = input.split(".");

      inputBase = inputPieces[0];

      if (mark) {
        inputDecimals = mark + inputPieces[1];
    } else {
      // If it isn't split, the entire number will do.
      inputBase = input;

    // Group numbers in sets of three.
    if (thousand) {
      inputBase = strReverse(inputBase).match(/.{1,3}/g);
      inputBase = strReverse(inputBase.join(strReverse(thousand)));

    // If the number is negative, prefix with negation symbol.
    if (inputIsNegative && negativeBefore) {
      output += negativeBefore;

    // Prefix the number
    if (prefix) {
      output += prefix;

    // Normal negative option comes after the prefix. Defaults to '-'.
    if (inputIsNegative && negative) {
      output += negative;

    // Append the actual number.
    output += inputBase;
    output += inputDecimals;

    // Apply the suffix.
    if (suffix) {
      output += suffix;

    // Run the output through a user-specified post-formatter.
    if (edit) {
      output = edit(output, originalInput);

    // All done.
    return output;

  // Accept a sting as input, output decoded number.
  function formatFrom(
  ) {
    var originalInput = input,
      output = "";

    // User defined pre-decoder. Result must be a non empty string.
    if (undo) {
      input = undo(input);

    // Test the input. Can't be empty.
    if (!input || typeof input !== "string") {
      return false;

    // If the string starts with the negativeBefore value: remove it.
    // Remember is was there, the number is negative.
    if (negativeBefore && strStartsWith(input, negativeBefore)) {
      input = input.replace(negativeBefore, "");
      inputIsNegative = true;

    // Repeat the same procedure for the prefix.
    if (prefix && strStartsWith(input, prefix)) {
      input = input.replace(prefix, "");

    // And again for negative.
    if (negative && strStartsWith(input, negative)) {
      input = input.replace(negative, "");
      inputIsNegative = true;

    // Remove the suffix.
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice
    if (suffix && strEndsWith(input, suffix)) {
      input = input.slice(0, -1 * suffix.length);

    // Remove the thousand grouping.
    if (thousand) {
      input = input.split(thousand).join("");

    // Set the decimal separator back to period.
    if (mark) {
      input = input.replace(mark, ".");

    // Prepend the negative symbol.
    if (inputIsNegative) {
      output += "-";

    // Add the number
    output += input;

    // Trim all non-numeric characters (allow '.' and '-');
    output = output.replace(/[^0-9\.\-.]/g, "");

    // The value contains no parse-able number.
    if (output === "") {
      return false;

    // Covert to number.
    output = Number(output);

    // Run the user-specified post-decoder.
    if (decoder) {
      output = decoder(output);

    // Check is the output is valid, otherwise: return false.
    if (!isValidNumber(output)) {
      return false;

    return output;

  // Framework

  // Validate formatting options
  function validate(inputOptions) {
    var i,
      filteredOptions = {};

    if (inputOptions["suffix"] === undefined) {
      inputOptions["suffix"] = inputOptions["postfix"];

    for (i = 0; i < FormatOptions.length; i += 1) {
      optionName = FormatOptions[i];
      optionValue = inputOptions[optionName];

      if (optionValue === undefined) {
        // Only default if negativeBefore isn't set.
        if (optionName === "negative" && !filteredOptions.negativeBefore) {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = "-";
          // Don't set a default for mark when 'thousand' is set.
        } else if (optionName === "mark" && filteredOptions.thousand !== ".") {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = ".";
        } else {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = false;

        // Floating points in JS are stable up to 7 decimals.
      } else if (optionName === "decimals") {
        if (optionValue >= 0 && optionValue < 8) {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
        } else {
          throw new Error(optionName);

        // These options, when provided, must be functions.
      } else if (
        optionName === "encoder" ||
        optionName === "decoder" ||
        optionName === "edit" ||
        optionName === "undo"
      ) {
        if (typeof optionValue === "function") {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
        } else {
          throw new Error(optionName);

        // Other options are strings.
      } else {
        if (typeof optionValue === "string") {
          filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
        } else {
          throw new Error(optionName);

    // Some values can't be extracted from a
    // string if certain combinations are present.
    throwEqualError(filteredOptions, "mark", "thousand");
    throwEqualError(filteredOptions, "prefix", "negative");
    throwEqualError(filteredOptions, "prefix", "negativeBefore");

    return filteredOptions;

  // Pass all options as function arguments
  function passAll(options, method, input) {
    var i,
      args = [];

    // Add all options in order of FormatOptions
    for (i = 0; i < FormatOptions.length; i += 1) {

    // Append the input, then call the method, presenting all
    // options as arguments.
    return method.apply("", args);

  function wNumb(options) {
    if (!(this instanceof wNumb)) {
      return new wNumb(options);

    if (typeof options !== "object") {

    options = validate(options);

    // Call 'formatTo' with proper arguments.
    this.to = function(input) {
      return passAll(options, formatTo, input);

    // Call 'formatFrom' with proper arguments.
    this.from = function(input) {
      return passAll(options, formatFrom, input);

  return wNumb;