General settings

Upload a treebank in CONLL-U format.
Insert a link to treebank in CONLL-U format.

Tree specifications

Specify the number of nodes in the trees to be extracted.

Should extracted trees be differentiated based on the surface word order?

Advanced tree specifications

Should extracted trees be differentiated based on the surface word order?
Should the extracted trees contain names of dependency relations?
Should only full subtrees be extracted (rather than all possible subtrees)?
Specify potential restrictions on the root of the trees to be extracted (e.g. ‘upos=NOUN’ if you are interested in nominal trees only)

Output settings

Include measures of statistical association between nodes of the tree (MI, MI3, Dice, logDice, t-score, simple-LL) in the output?
Map the structure of the trees to the grew-match formalism used by