from lib.snabbdom import h, patch from message import * import random from view.utils import * from model import Translation, Sense, Example from browser import document from export import export_to_xml class View: def __init__(self, container): self.vdom = h('div', {}, "Loading...") self.entry_vdom = None self.model = None patch(container, self.vdom) # this does not work on parent div, so attaching to document here document.addEventListener("keydown", msg(KeyboardPress)) def view(self, model, data_change): self.model = model if data_change or self.entry_vdom is None: self.model.pre_view() self.entry_vdom = self.model.entry.view(self.model) new_vdom = self._view() patch(self.vdom, new_vdom) self.vdom = new_vdom def _view(self): return h("div", {"on": { "click": msg(Reset) }}, [ self.entry_vdom, # h("button.blk", {"on": { "click": lambda _: check_export(self.model) } }, "CHK"), View.view_menu(self.model.menu_location, self.model.menu_target, self.model.entry), View.view_modal(self.model.modal_shown, self.model.modal)]) @staticmethod def view_toggle_buttons(model): txt_examples = "Hide examples" if model.examples_shown else "Show examples" txt_clusters = "Hide clusters" if model.clusters_shown else "Show clusters" return [h("span.button.toggle", {"on": {"click": msg(ToggleExamples)}}, txt_examples), h("span.button.toggle", {"on": {"click": msg(ToggleClusters)}}, txt_clusters), View.view_ske_button(model)] @staticmethod def view_translations(translations, parent, model): result = [] for cluster in translations: result.append(h("div.translation-div-cluster", {}, [t.view(model) for t in cluster])) result.append(h("button.add-button", {"on": {"click": msg(ShowAddTranslation, parent)}}, "+")) return result @staticmethod def view_ske_button(model): return h( "span#ske-button.button.toggle", { "on": {"click": msg(ShowSkeModal, 1, model.entry.headword, 0, "simple")} }, h("svg#ske-img", { "attrs": { "xmlns": "", "height": "1.4em", "viewBox": "0 0 9.82 9.82" }}, h("path", {"attrs": { "d": "M0 5C0 .1 0 .1 4.9.1s4.9 0 4.9 4.9 0 4.9-4.9 4.9S0 9.9 0 5zm6.05 4.36C9.28 8.518 10.46 4.68 8.3 2c-.432-.54-2.04.978-2.05 1.93-. 1.58.001 1.8 2.17.26 2.42-2.44.396-2.43-3.48.018-5.05.52-.334.53-.296-.125-.602-4.62-2.16-8.77 3.6-5.2 7.24.624.638.99.562 1.6-.328.543-.798.56-1.23.047-1.23-1.12 0-1.77-.88-1.32-1.77.564-1.1 2.2-.863 1.12.006 2.36-1.03 3.36-.61.588-.594.62.38.838.398.09 1.57.048 2.03-.072z", "fill": "#fff"}}))) @staticmethod def view_menu(location, menu_target, entry): style = { "left": "{}px".format(location[0]), "top": "{}px".format(location[1]) } if menu_target is None: style["opacity"] = "0" style["visibility"] = "hidden" elif type(menu_target) is Translation: translation = menu_target return h("span.popup-menu", { "style": style }, [ h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ShowEditTranslation, translation)}}, "✎"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(MoveRight, translation)}}, "→"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(MoveLeft, translation)}}, "←"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(BinTranslation, translation)}}, "🗑")]) elif type(menu_target) is Sense: sense = menu_target return h("span.popup-menu", { "style": style }, [ h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(SenseMoveUp, sense)}}, "↑"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(SenseMoveDown, sense)}}, "↓"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(AddMultiwordExample, sense)}}, "+"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(SenseBin, sense)}}, "🗑")]) elif type(menu_target) is Example: example = menu_target sense = example_sense(example, entry) dom_children = [ h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ShowExampleEdit, example, sense)}}, "✎"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ExampleMoveUp, example)}}, "↑"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ExampleMoveDown, example)}}, "↓"), h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ExampleBin, example)}}, "🗑")] if example.is_multiword(): dom_children.insert(1, h("button.shyButton", { "on": {"click": msg(ExampleAsNewEntry, example, sense)}}, "Izvozi v novo geslo")) return h("span.popup-menu", { "style": style }, dom_children) else: console.log("Should not be heree!!") @staticmethod def view_modal(modal_shown, modal): return h("div.modal", {}, [ h("input", { "props": {"type": "checkbox", "checked": modal_shown} }, ""), h("label.overlay", {}, ""), h("article", {"on": { "click": msg(NoAction) }}, modal())])