import message from lib.snabbdom import h from model.tags import TAGS from browser import document def modal_template(content, title, msg, delete_msg=None): reset = message.msg(message.ModalNotOkClose) footer = [] if msg is not None: footer.append(h("a#modal-ok.button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(*msg)}}, "OK")) footer.append(h("label.button.dangerous", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "Cancel")) if delete_msg is not None: footer.append(h("label.button.warning.modal-delete", {"on": {"click": message.msg(*delete_msg)}}, "🗑")) return [ h("header", {}, [ h("h3", {}, title), h("label.close", {"on": {"click": reset}}, "×")]), h("section.content", {}, content ), h("footer", {}, footer)] def _question(question, current_value, input_element): props = {"value": current_value} if input_element == "input": props["type"] = "text" return [ h("span", {}, question), h("label", {}, [ h("{}#modal-question".format(input_element), {"props": props}, "")])] def big_question(question, current_value): return _question(question, current_value, "textarea") def question(question, current_value): return _question(question, current_value, "input") def generic_list_editor(title, element_list_getter): content = [h("p", {}, title)] for slabel in element_list_getter(): content.append(h("label", {}, [ h("input.list-adder-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": slabel}}, "")])) content.append(h("button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(message.AddToGenericList, element_list_getter)}}, "+")) return content def homonymy_editor(title, current_labels): def split_line2(left, right): cls = "flex.two{}".format(".label-list-row") return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [ h("div.half", {}, left), h("div.half", {}, right)]) content = [h("p", {}, title)] for i, feature in enumerate(current_labels()): name = [] value = [] name.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i}}, "Name:")) name.append(h("", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": feature["name"], "id": i}}, "")) value.append(h("label", {"attrs": {"for": i + "-value"}}, "Value:")) value.append(h("input.value-input", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": feature["value"], "id": i + "-value"}}, "")) content.append(split_line2(name, value)) content.append(h("button", {"on": {"click": message.msg(message.AddToGenericList, current_labels)}}, "+")) return content def label_list_editor(current_labels, add_label_message_class): def split_line3(left, center, right, is_llr=True): cls = "flex.three{}".format(".label-list-row" if is_llr else "") return h("div.{}".format(cls), {}, [ h("span.third", {}, left), h("span.third", {}, center), h("span.third", {}, right)]) def dropdown_right(label_type, label): left = h("span.label-type", {}, label_type) options = [h("option", {}, [])] for value in TAGS[label_type]: options.append(h("option", {"props": {"selected": label == value}}, value)) center = h("select.label-value", {}, options) right_value = label if label not in TAGS[label_type] else "" right = h("input.label-value-other", {"props": {"type": "text", "value": right_value, "placeholder": "drugo"}}, []) return split_line3(left, center, right) content = [] kontrastivno = False for key, value in current_labels: # we will show kontrastivno a bit differently if value == "kontrastivno": kontrastivno = True continue content.append(dropdown_right(key, value)) # add a way to get new element to add to tag list def get_new_label_type(): select = document.getElementById("new-tag-select") return (select.options[select.selectedIndex].text, "") add_label_message_class.append(get_new_label_type) content.append(split_line3( h("", {}, []), h("label", {}, [ h("input#kontrastivno-input", {"props": {"type": "checkbox", "checked": kontrastivno}}, []), h("span.checkable", {}, "kontrastivno")]), h("", {}, []))) left = h("span", {}, "Add more!") center = h("select#new-tag-select", {}, [h("option", {}, ltype) for ltype in TAGS.keys()]) right = h("button", {"style": {"float": "right"}, "on": {"click": message.msg(*add_label_message_class)}}, "+") content.append(split_line3(left, center, right, False)) content.append(h("hr", {}, [])) return content