from message.simple_messages import ClickMessage, DataChgClickMessage, NoAction from message.message import msg, Message from view import modals from browser import window, document from lib.snabbdom import h from lib.preferences import get_preference from lib.structure_conversions import convert_structure from model.example.example import Example from model.example.corpus_example import CorpusExample from model.example.multiword_example import MultiwordExample from model.example.component_lexeme import ComponentLexeme from model.example_clusters import ExampleClusters class SkeExample: COLOR_CLASS = { None: "no-gf2-info", True: "goof-gf2-info", False: "bad-gf2-info" } def __init__(self): self.left = "" self.right = "" self.mid = "" self.s_id = "" self.gf2_good = None self.gf2_check = False @staticmethod def fromLine(line): result = SkeExample() for left_el in line.Left: result.left += left_el.str for right_el in line.Right: result.right += right_el.str for mid_el in line.Kwic: result.mid += mid_el.str for ref in line.Refs: if ref.startswith(""): result.s_id = ref.split("=")[1] return result def view(self): return [h("span.{}".format(self.COLOR_CLASS[self.gf2_good]), {}, [ h("span", {}, self.left + " "), h("span", {"style": {"font-weight": "bold"}}, self.mid), h("span", {}, self.right)])] class SkeCollocation: def __init__(self, data): self.word = data.word self.frequency = data.count self.gramrel = data.gramrel self.structure_name, self.structure, self.structure_id = convert_structure(data.gramrel, data.lempos) self.other = {"score": data.score, "cm":} def view(self): return [h("span.example-text", {}, [ h("span.example-text-2", {}, self.word), h("span.example-frequency", {}, self.frequency), h("span.example-logdice", {}, self.other["score"]), h("span", {}, "; "), h("span.grey1", {}, self.other["cm"]), h("span", {}, ","), h("span.grey2", {}, self.structure_name)])] def get_parser(ske_index_type): if ske_index_type == 0: return lambda data: [SkeExample.fromLine(line) for line in data.Lines] elif ske_index_type == 1: return lambda data: [SkeCollocation(item) for item in data.Items] else: raise "unknown ske index type" def match_gf2_examples(data, *args): if type(data) is not list: return url = "" xhr = __new__(XMLHttpRequest())"POST", url, True) request_dict = {} for example in data: request_dict[example.s_id] = example.mid xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); xhr.addEventListener("load", msg(SkeModalGf2Update, *args, data)) to_send = window.JSON.stringify(request_dict) xhr.send(to_send) class SkeModal(ClickMessage): def on_event(self, event): # event could be data if this is the return from external library if type(event) in [list, int]: self.add_arg(event) else: if len(self._args) < 4: self.add_arg(None) super().on_event(event) def update_model(self, model): page_num = self.get_arg(0, int) search_term = self.get_arg(1, str) ske_index = self.get_arg(2, int) ske_lookup = model.ske.url_for_kind_index(ske_index) next_message = msg(SkeModal, page_num, search_term, ske_index) # could be none if empty data = self.get_arg(3) if data is None: params = {"additional_refs": ",", "page_num": page_num, "error_callback": next_message, "data_parser": get_parser(ske_index)} gdex = get_preference("ske_gdex") if gdex: if not len(gdex) == 2: window.console.log("Strange gdex setting, should be a list of length 2: [gdexconf, gdexcnt]") return params["gdex"] = gdex model.ske.request(search_term, next_message, ske_lookup, params) elif type(data) is list: window.console.log(data) # check if gf2 examples are loaded or not if not data[0].gf2_check and type(data[0]) is SkeExample: # we get the data, we have to match it with available data on our gf2 examples API match_gf2_examples(data, page_num, search_term, ske_index) elif type(data[0]) is SkeCollocation: # filtering, grouping and sorting data data.sort(key= lambda x: float(x.other["score"]), reverse=True) _data = [] while len(data) > 0: max_item = data.pop(0) # max(data, key= lambda x: x.other["score"]) _data.append(max_item) for item in data: if "N/A" in item.structure_name: data.remove(item) elif item.structure_name.strip() == max_item.structure_name.strip(): _data.append(item) for delete_item in _data: if delete_item in data: data.remove(delete_item) data = _data model.modal_set(lambda: modals.ske_list( search_term, data, page_num, model.entry.senses, model.ske.request_kinds)) def reset(self): return False class SkeModalGf2Update(SkeModal): def on_event(self, event): response_data = window.JSON.parse( data = self.get_arg(3) data_dict = {} for example in data: example.gf_good = False data_dict[example.s_id] = example bad_response = dict(response_data["bad"]) for gf_sid, gf_data in bad_response.items(): data_dict[gf_sid].gf2_good = None data_dict[gf_sid].gf2_check = True good_response = dict(response_data["good"]) for gf_sid, gf_data in good_response.items(): data_dict[gf_sid].left = gf_data.left data_dict[gf_sid].mid = gf_data.mid data_dict[gf_sid].right = gf_data.right data_dict[gf_sid].gf2_good = True data_dict[gf_sid].gf2_check = True # changed data_dict, now we can redraw! # just let it do its thing in update_model class ShowSkeModal(SkeModal): def on_event(self, event): # if just showing first time, than show empty results and let user click search self.add_arg("") super().on_event(event) class SearchInSkeModal(SkeModal): def on_event(self, event): self.add_arg(int(document.getElementById("ske-page-num").value)) self.add_arg(document.getElementById("ske-search").value) self.add_arg(document.getElementById("ske-select").selectedIndex) super().on_event(event) class SkeInsert(DataChgClickMessage): def update_model(self, model): data = self.get_arg(0) if type(data) is not list: return if len(data) == 0: return sense_num = document.getElementById("ske-sense-select").selectedIndex sense = model.entry.senses[sense_num] elements = document.getElementsByClassName("ske-line-check") assert(len(elements) == len(data)) for ex, element in zip(data, elements): if not element.checked: continue elif isinstance(ex, SkeExample): sense.examples.append(self._as_corpus_example(ex)) elif isinstance(ex, SkeCollocation): sense.examples.append(self._as_multiword_example(ex)) else: console.log("You really should not be here, my lady") continue model.reset() def _as_corpus_example(self, example): new_example = Example() new_example.inner = CorpusExample() new_example.inner.other_attributes["example_id"] = example.s_id new_example.inner.cluster = ExampleClusters.first_empty_cluster() lex_left = ComponentLexeme() lex_left.text = example["left"] lex_left.role = None lex_mid = ComponentLexeme() lex_mid.text = example["mid"] lex_mid.role = "headword" lex_right = ComponentLexeme() lex_right.text = example["right"] lex_right.role = None new_example.components.extend([lex_left, lex_mid, lex_right]) return new_example def _as_multiword_example(self, example): new_collocation = Example() new_collocation.inner = MultiwordExample() new_collocation.inner.other_attributes["structure_id"] = example.structure_id new_collocation.inner.other_attributes["structureName"] = example.structure_name new_collocation.inner.other_attributes["logDice"] = example.other["score"] new_collocation.inner.other_attributes["frequency"] = example.frequency new_collocation.inner.type = "collocation" headword = document.getElementById("ske-search").value lexemes = [] structure_name = example.structure_name.split("-") gramrel = example.gramrel.split("_") structure = example.structure.split(" ") structure.append("") # Bad fix: we have to add something for structure l-gg-ggn for i in range(len(structure_name)): lex = ComponentLexeme() structure[i] = structure[i].replace("Inf-", "") # take care of negations "ne" if "Neg-" in structure[i]: structure[i] = structure[i].replace("Neg-", "") negation_flag = True n_lex = ComponentLexeme() n_lex.text = "ne" n_lex.role = "other" lexemes.append(n_lex) if structure[i] is "": continue # skipping bcs of fix elif "Vez-gbz" in structure[i]: lex.text = "je" lex.role = "other" elif structure_name[i] in ["d", "vd", "zp"]: lex.text = gramrel[i] lex.text = lex.text.replace("-d", "").replace("%", "") lex.role = "other" elif structure_name[i] is "vp": lex.text = structure[i] lex.role = "other" elif structure[i][0] in ["S", "G", "P", "R"]: lex.text = headword lex.role = "headword" else: lex.text = example.word lex.role = "collocate" lexemes.append(lex) new_collocation.components.extend(lexemes) return new_collocation