diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 382546c..ccdc883 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ - Give it 775 permissions (`sudo chmod 775 .`) To deploy new test editor version: +- **Note:** This script builds current plugin version, uploads it to VPS and creates a symlink to location where server can pick them up. - Navigate to /build and create local build_and_upload.sh script (`cp build_and_upload.sh.template build_and_upload.sh`) - Open build_and_upload.sh file and uncomment and configure the top 4 variables - Whenever you want to upload new plugin to lexonomy, simply run `./build_and_upload.sh plugin_name` where you specify plugin_name. If specific plugin already exists, things might go bananas diff --git a/build/build_and_upload.sh.template b/build/build_and_upload.sh.template index 6d8a63d..987e470 100755 --- a/build/build_and_upload.sh.template +++ b/build/build_and_upload.sh.template @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ #!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# NOTE: Update .template if logical changes are made to the script # +############################################################################# -#USERNAME= vps sign in +# Alter these variables +#USERNAME= vps_sign_in(probably name@lexonomy.cjvt.si #VPS_PASSWORD= vps password -#VPS_USERNAME= user name inside vps +#VPS_USERNAME= user name inside vps(probably name from @lexonomy) #API_KEY= $(cat path/to/api/token/file) # Exit if no argument is passed on run @@ -19,4 +23,5 @@ API_KEY=$API_KEY make tar czf - ./config.json ./bundle.js ./local.js ./main.css ./main.html | ssh $USERNAME -p $VPS_PASSWORD "cd plugins && mkdir $PLUGIN_NAME && cd $PLUGIN_NAME && tar xvzf -" # Create a simlink on VPS that will enable specific plugin on https://lexonomy.cjvt.si/ +# Routes must be absolute or it doesn't work. ssh -t $USERNAME -p $VPS_PASSWORD "sudo ln -s /home/$VPS_USERNAME/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME /home/ozbolt/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME"