# cjvt-srl-tagging We'll be using mate-tools to perform SRL on Kres. ## workspace The tools require Java. See `./dockerfiles/python-java/README.md` for environment preparation. ## mate-tools Check out `./tools/srl-20131216/README.md`. ## Scripts Check all possible xml tags (that occur after the tag. 'cat F0006347.xml.parsed.xml | grep -A 999999999999 -e '' | grep -o -e '<[^" "]*' | sort | uniq' ## Tools * Parser for reading both `SSJ500k 2.1 TEI xml` and `Kres F....xml.parsed.xml"` files found in `./tools/parser/parser.py`. ## Usage ```bash $ ./dockerfiles/python-java` $ make # you should be inside a container now $ make